when will the badges work again? i am still missing like 4 badges i use to have and i cant seem to get them back?


when will the badges work again? i am still missing like 4 badges i use to have and i cant seem to get them back?

I wish they would tells us but I have no idea when we will get our badges. 


when will the badges work again? i am still missing like 4 badges i use to have and i cant seem to get them back?

maybe they change the criteria. i missed my "first time poster" badge, and after some time, after i post more reviews, i got it back.

just got a notification for a badge and it took me to a page i can't access from my profile. But if you add this:


to the end of your profile url so it's profile/[username]/badges

it will hopefully take you to a page with them.

This is the same format as /Feeds /Reviews and all that, so it looks like they either forgot to add the link to that list or broke it in an update.


just got a notification for a badge and it took me to a page i can't access from my profile. But if you add this:


to the end of your profile url so it's profile/[username]/badges

it will hopefully take you to a page with them.

This is the same format as /Feeds /Reviews and all that, so it looks like they either forgot to add the link to that list or broke it in an update.

Ooh I know that but I had a few batches and they haven’t return mine and a few others had that problem. I had around 10 now I have 2. Some said they had way more than that. 

Ooh I know that but I had a few batches and they haven’t return mine and a few others had that problem. I had around 10 now I have 2. Some said they had way more than that.

ok, sorry. thought i had a fix.


ok, sorry. thought i had a fix.

No, Thank you for trying to help us 

I do not understand, why they did not implement a new sheet (recs, articles, games) with these. And the user has to find it in such a complicated way... They should think about it before even launching such a feature. 


I do not understand, why they did not implement a new sheet (recs, articles, games) with these. And the user has to find it in such a complicated way... They should think about it before even launching such a feature. 

Yeah or like on our profile in the sections like articles, feed, stats. 

Hi, haven't been doing much here the last two years so... what are those badges even?


Hi, haven't been doing much here the last two years so... what are those badges even?

I was wondering the same. Been here since 2020 and  got a badge four days ago. (First Time Watcher). No idea what it means. 😅


Hi, haven't been doing much here the last two years so... what are those badges even?

What I know is that depending of certain achievements you get an award but you don’t win nothing like point is like a recognition. Like let’s say you comment a lot you get an award for that. 


I was wondering the same. Been here since 2020 and  got a badge four days ago. (First Time Watcher). No idea what it means. ?

I don’t know what certain awards mean or what you need to do to receive them but is simply a recognition the site is giving you for doing certain thing in the site. I have 4 but some said at one point they had like 100 don’t know if it’s true or not because there’s so much you can do here in the site and I don’t think there’s 100 + things to do.