12.43 PM

Who/what's in your profile picture?


What's your favorite noodle soup lately?

Kimchi soup

What's the last movie you watched in theaters?  

Missions Impossible 

What is one song that is on repeat?

Monsters - Funeral for a friend

Any plans for this autumn?

Go to more bakeries/cafes

What is your favorite breakfast food?


what is the one you wish you can excel in?

to get what i want rn lol

How often do you get a haircut?

Whenever I get split ends

What is your all time favorite movie/series

Cherry Magic Japan

What's your least favorite school subject?


Who is your favorite actor?

all-time Tanaka Kei

what food did you eat recently?

Korean bbq

 How long will it take you to complete everything on your PTW list?  

technically if i put my mind into it, less than a year

realistically going at the pace i'm watching dramas right now, i'd say 2-3 years

what was your first drama and when?

Waterboys - 2016

what drama would you recommend to someone who is new?