Jurassic World (the latest one)

The last song you listened to?

Flying on Paper - CORSAK

If you had unlimited money, what is the first thing you would buy in bulk?

I don't watch anime... le sigh (person deleted post.... again)

How do you feel about current pop music compared to "older" pop music?

I dont listen to pop music ;)

If you afford anything in the world, what would you buy/do? 

buy my mom a house 

what’s your first Asian drama?


What is your favourite food? 

Seafood ^-^

What's your favorite book?

Kono sekai no katasumi ni

How are you doing these days?


Kono sekai no katasumi ni

How are you doing these days? 

Im good thanks for asking

Whats the time? 


Who is your favourite actor?



Who is your favourite actor? 

ji chang wook

Would you rather:
1. "Watch all your Asian dramas with English-dubbed, so you only listen to the English voiceover", or
2. "Watch all your Asian dramas with the original language, but they sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks" ^-^"

I just watch the original shows in Japanese as Im japanese and i understand the language :)

whats your favourite season? 


how often do you use the heating?

Not often. I like to keep the house cool. I hate feeling hot.

What's your favorite song?


How often do you shop for clothes?