villain redemption, although I find fallen hero more interesting (and depressing)

"Fish out of water drama" where poor FL starts living in wealthy setting , or wealthy FL starts living in poor setting.

FL starts living in poor setting 

Contract relationship OR Insta-love

contract relationship 

drama set during winter or summer


drama with leads trying to be successful singers, or successful actors

successful singers 

antihero ML or Nice ML

Antihero ML

MC is too intelligent (Like the one who 'Knows' everything) OR MC is a little dumb

It would be refreshing to find an MC - particular male - who is a little dumb.

Modern day: The marriage of the main couple is arranged by others and they barely know each other, or main couple have been friends since childhood.

Main couple have been friends since childhood. 

Average looking girl gets into a relationship with an extremely handsome guy or pretty girl gets into a relationship with an average guy?

average looking girl and handsome guy (Five Children had a pairing like this with two supporting characters, very enjoyable)

Reasons for a fake relationship between two people who seem well suited but aren't interested in each other: (1) Both are already in relationships that they want to keep private, (2) Both want to avoid blind dates, (3) one is in a secret relationship and the other doesn't want to be matched up with anyone.

both want to avoid blind dates!

only one bed trope or falling-and-kissing trope

only one bed - I don't believe that "fall and kiss" can actually happen; noses would collide before lips.

Normally quiet woman decides that she will try partying while away on holiday (alcohol helps). There is a brief romance with a stranger. At home, she finds out that (1) he is her new boss, or (2) he has just been transferred to her company and she is his boss.

Option 2

King is a puppet at the hand of corrupt and evil officers and genuinely wants to help his people but can't or king is  scheming and manipulating events behind a good person facade but is corrupt

King is a puppet at the hand of corrupt and evil officers and genuinely wants to help his people but can't

Nightmares that are real OR Summoning the evil

nightmares that are real

police detective is action-oriented, or genius type who is almost never in action/fight situations

is action oriented

love triangle: two best friends or two siblings are in love with the same person