Before I die I want to go to China town
and before I die ill grow beans and hide in the clouds where there a goose that lays golden eggs and a harp that sing you a lullaby so you can fall asleep and last but lets not forget my jack that after eating too many black-beard pie grow as mountain high. i betcha you cant out run me now lol
jacqueline wrote: Before I die I want to bake a croquembouche:

this looks constipated I mean complicated lol
Before I die I will have my fairy godmother magic me a carriage out of a pumpkin which will be pulled my horses which were once mice! I will be given a dress where my smell will change causing Betty Boop to lose my trail. I will then go to the ball and marry a prince and live happily ever after!
I like China Town it's pretty fun, though you can get lost if you're not paying attention. lol! yeah making one of those is no joke. x,x Before I die I want to become a cat for a day.
Before I die I want to tell Jacqueline 'Hwaiting' so she can make that French cake! (Im not attempting to spell it!)
Oh No no no.. the yellow brick road is just around the corner you might be surprised what will come out of it they might be an ant bully biting your toe that will look like gigantic peach then scarecrow will scares all your guest and my evil queen will put your prince to sleep and before you know it Rumpelstiltskin will got you and put you under his spell. and for that my Dearie i will take a bow and read manga for the time being lol OBW I know Chinatown like its the back of my hands lol bye ladies ttyl
Bye...ttyl!! Before I die I need an oxygen mask after reading all that!!
lol that's what i thought:D and before i die I need to eat I'm hungry.. later Shambles & Jacqueline
See you later Betty!! Before I die I think I should have some breakfast too!!
bye betty~ Before I die I would like to milk a cow.
Before I die; I want to visit the place, where the sound of music originally from, then do a video of me singing the sound of music lol
Before I die I want to visit Neverland and meet the boy who never grew up
Before I die I want to travel around the world with a backpack.
Before I die, I want to travel around the world and meet awesome people and probably a monkey boy heading to the west ;)