Abigail  A lady’s maid! 

Braggadocious- Boastful or arrogant.

Caliginous - misty, dim; obscure, dark.

"the caliginous sky"

Denouement - the final part of a play, movie, or narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved

-the climax of a chain of events, usually when something is decided or made clear.

Egregious- Used to describe something that is obviously very bad or shocking.  

Feckless - lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

"a feckless mama's boy"  

Grok - understand (something) intuitively or by empathy

Hellacious (slang) - very great, bad, or overwhelming.

"there was this hellacious hailstorm"

Impetus - the force that makes something happen or happen more quickly

Jumboree:  a noisy celebration; 

Kawaii - the quality of being cute, or items that are cute ♥     

Lambaste - criticize (someone or something) harshly

"they lambasted the report as a gross distortion of the truth"

Maladroitness - marked by a lack of adroitness; inept

Nicety - a fine detail or distinction, especially one regarded as intricate and fussy

Ostensible - stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so