
A deciduous tree of the genus Pterocarya native to Asia.
Alternative form of wing nut


a person who fears or hates foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers.

Yonder - the far distance.

"attempting to fly off into the wild blue yonder"

Zeitgeist – The general mood of a period of history based on the prevailing beliefs at the time. 

During the Joseon era, the current zeitgeist was all for multiple wives,

Atemporal - existing or considered without relation to time

Bruxism: The medical term for grinding your teeth while asleep.

Cryptomnesia: the phenomenon of not recognizing the return of an old memory as a product of memory, but instead regarding it as a new or original thought or idea

Drama - 1. a play for theater, radio, or television 2. an exciting, emotional, or unexpected series of events or set of circumstances

Entreat - ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something

Fingerboard: a strip of wood on the neck of a stringed musical instrument against which the strings are pressed in playing.

Genteel - polite, refined, or respectable, often in an affected or ostentatious way

Haberdasher: someone whose job is selling cloth, pins, thread, etc. used for sewing, or a shop where these things are sold

Impeccable - (of behavior, performance, or appearance) in accordance with the highest standards of propriety; faultless.

"a man of impeccable character

Jumboree:  a noisy celebration;

Kawaii - the quality of being cute, or items that are cute ♥