Nescient -  Being Ignorant  or lacking knowledge /skill in a particular area.

Opulence - great wealth or luxuriousness


disorder characterized by rapid repetition of words

Querulous - Complaining in a petulant or whining manner. 'she became querulous and demanding'

Retiform - having the form of or resembling a net.

Supercilious - coolly and patronizingly haughty

Turbid - (of a liquid) cloudy, opaque, or thick with suspended matter;

                  -confused or obscure in meaning or effect

Unflappable - having or showing calmness in a crisis.

victuals :food; provisions

Xylem - the vascular tissue in plants that conducts water and dissolved nutrients upward from the root and also helps to form the woody element in the stem

Yare - (of a ship) responding promptly to the helm; easily manageable

Zymurgy - the study or practice of fermentation in brewing, winemaking, or distilling.

Addle - ad·dle
/ˈadl/  make unable to think clearly; confuse.

Botched - unsuccessful because of being poorly done spoiled by mistakes   (botched recipe, botched medical procedure)