Endear - cause to be loved or liked 


Endear - cause to be loved or liked 

It's supposed to be alphabeticaly


Unflappable - having or showing calmness in a crisis. 

victuals :food; provisions

rundlet  a barrel of no certain size but may carry from 6 -20 gallons of liquid, usually wine. 

I can’t believe we drank an entire rundlet of your dad’s home-made wine  just at dinner! 




whining beggar who pretends to be a sailor



  1. (in bridge or whist) a hand with no card above a nine.

Addle - ad·dle
/ˈadl/  make unable to think clearly; confuse.

commensurate equal in extent; of the same size
"salary will be commensurate with experience"

Dearth. scarcity  or lack of  something. 

Come March 18th, there will be a dearth of green beer! 

effete: having lost one’s original power; barren; worn out; exhausted