nihilist: one who considers traditional beliefs to be groundless and existence meaningless

Ostentatious - characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others

qabalistic - 

having a secret or hidden meaning; "cabalistic symbol

sinecure: a well-paying job or office that requires little or no work

Ubiquitous: existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent:

victuals :food; provisions


A German word meaning world view, used to mean someone’s philosophy of life.

xerophilic - the trait/attribute of organisms that prefer really dry habitats 

Just in time for Valentine's Day 

amorettoa cherub or spirit of love

beatitude: blessedness; state of great happiness

commensurate equal in extent; of the same size
"salary will be commensurate with experience"