Calix - a cuplike organ or cavity. 

Emulate - match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation

factotum -handyman; person who does all kinds of work 

You could say the ML in Witch's Romance is a factotum equipped to excel at any odd-job you ask of him.

Humdrum  -  tediously repetitious or lacking in variety

Imp -a mischievous child.

Kalopsia--the delusion that things are more beautiful than they really are.

(But isn't 'beauty' subjective?)

I suddenly took an interest in this word and googled it to find this blog; quite interesting reading if you're a logophile. (next word, lol)

Laconic- using very few words

Mellifluous: sweet sounding

obeliscolychny - lighthouse (I've never heard this OoO)

Penury: an oppressive lack of resources (as money) severe poverty

Han Ji Pyung after growing too old to live in an orphanage found himself in penury and depression as the orphanage only gave him 2 million won to start a new life.

quintessence - the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.