Frivolous - not having any serious purpose or value.

GALLUS - noun; a suspender for trousers


one who shows or reveals sacred things

Indecorous: violating generally accepted standards of good taste or propriety; unseemly

Juliette Balcony - Providing a 'guard' or security barrier to sliding doors or inward opening full-height French Doors on a first-floor room or above, a Juliet balcony lets in more natural light, and fresh air when the doors are open 

Kawaii - the quality of being cute, or items that are cute.  

Macerate: [ mas-uh-reyt ] 

cause to grow thinner or waste away, especially by fasting.

"these men lodged in tombs and macerated themselves with fasting"

Null: [ nəl ]

1. having no legal or binding force; invalid. 

2. having or associated with the value zero.

 3. a zero.  

Orwellian - characteristic of the writings of George Orwell, especially with reference to his dystopian account of a future totalitarian state in 1984

Quintuple - fivefold; consisting of five parts. 

Rubious - being of the color of a ruby; ruby-colored.

Strandlooper- Refers to members of the khoisan/bushmen tribes who lived on the coastal areas of South Africa. (In modern times could refer to beachcombers.)

Transpiration- is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers ✿