
cheese-like matter

Ulotrichous-Woolly or curly hair

Ultracrepidarian: A person who talks beyond the scope of his knowledge

Velleity: a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action

 Saygo :

Ulotrichous-Woolly or curly hair

Venerate - regard with great respect; revere

Wan - (of a person's complexion or appearance) pale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion.

she was looking wan and bleary-eyed

Xeriscaping - the process of landscaping, or gardening, that reduces or eliminates the need for irrigation.

Yare - (of a ship) responding promptly to the helm; easily manageable

Zealous -  filled with or showing a strong and energetic desire to get something done or see something succeed; marked by passionate support for a person, cause, or ideal

Addle - ad·dle
/ˈadl/  make unable to think clearly; confuse.

Beget- to cause or bring about something

Contrite - feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt.

"a broken and a contrite heart"

Dregs- a useless /worthless part of something.  can also refer to something leftover


study of church affairs

Folio - an individual leaf of paper or parchment, numbered on the recto or front side only, occurring either loose as one of a series or forming part of a bound volume, also...

  • the page number in a printed book.
  • a sheet of paper folded once to form two leaves (four pages) of a book.