hyacint: a deep purplish blue to vivid violet

Imbroglio - A confused or complicated situation

jellygraph -  old device for copying that used a plate of jelly

Kink - A flaw, peculiar characteristic, an eccentric idea, difficulty or flaw in a plan or operation

lexicon- a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words

macromania - delusion that objects are larger than natural size

NapEarth - flying , very low-altitude flight course used by military aircraft to avoid enemy detection and attack in a high-threat environment. During NOE flight, geographical features are used as cover, exploiting valleys and folds in the terrain by flying in, rather than over, them.

Obdurate - Stubborn, hardhearted

Pluviophile - One who loves rain; the sound of rain, feels joy & peace of mind in rain or during rainy days.

REIVE:  verb (used with or without object), reived, reiv·ing. Chiefly Scot.

to rob; plunder.

Tautology - The saying of the same thing over again in different words, needless repetition of an idea

Unctuous - Excessively polite or flattering, too suave or oily, characterized by smooth pretense of earnestness

Valiant : Brave and noble