Qiviut - the wool of the undercoat of the musk ox

Saccade - a rapid movement of the eye between fixation points.

Timorous - showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence

                          "a timorous voice"

vaniloquence - (uncountable) Idle or vain talk.


A German word meaning world view, used to mean someone’s philosophy of life.

xanthous - yellow or red-haired

YOGIBOGEYBOX - coined by James Joyce in Ulysses (1922), a yogibogeybox is all the paraphernalia carried by a spiritualist.

 Zeal (ˈzēl)

Words that begin with the letter “z” are always interesting. This one is also unique because, as Merriam-Webster tells us, it comes from Latin and Greek and was first used in the 14th century.

Zeal (noun) refers to a strong interest or eagerness in pursuing something.

Her zeal for handmade designer shoes and handbags has made her the talk of the town.

Ablaction  - weaning of a child from its mother's milk

BACKSPANG - derived from spang, an old Scots word for a sudden jolt or kick, a backspang is essentially a sting in the tail—a bad turn of events or a sudden detrimental change of mind at the very last minute. It’s used in relation to someone going back on their word, after a deal has been struck.

celliferous - bearing cells

Deride - express contempt for; ridicule.