Stringent- When something is strict, rigid or precise.

Tablespoonful:  the amount that a tablespoon can hold  

Undulate - move or go with a smooth up-and-down motion

Umbrage- To take offense or be angered by something


Undulate - move or go with a smooth up-and-down motion 

Vaporish:  suggestive of or resembling vapor;

Affected by the vapors; given to spells of hysteria or low spirits

Whirr - The low,  soft and  continuous sound made by something in motion (usually used to refer to machines)

Xenophile- Someone who loves, appreciates  or is  attracted to foreign people, cultures or customs.

Yawp- To make a loud noise  or intensely cry /shout.

Zoophobia- The intense  irrational or abnormal fear of animals

Bombastic - high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated.

Connate - (especially of ideas or principles) existing in a person or thing from birth; innate.

"are our ethical values connate?"

Directorate:  the office or position of a director;

a board of directors, as of a corporation;

 The entire staff of a bureau or department.

Epaulet- an ornamental cloth pad worn on the shoulder.

Fate - the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power