Me too


I'm the type that showers before going to bed

Sure. There are umpteen variations to Kraft Dinner! 

I am the type who likes to jump right in the pool.

Not me.

I'm the type who would prefer not going into swimming pools at all.

Not me


I'm the type that checks my written text  a couple of times before posting it on the feeds 

Not me

Im the type who likes to relax

me too

i'm the type to overthink

me too

Im the type that remembers dates but not phone numbers 

Neither, really.  Also both - depends on the importance.

I'm the type who should probably see the dentist more often.

Not me

Im the type who is afraid of heights

Me too.

I'm the type who likes to stay in bed all day, rather than going out.

not me

I'm the type who often has trouble deciding what to make for dinner.

not me

i’m the type that takes hours searching if i should buy certain products before deciding to buy it when i online shop

me too

I'm the type who often hides my sadness in front of other people. 

me too

I'm the type who starts imagining things very far and think that's what's gonna happen

Not me - I have no faith in my ability to predict the future.

I'm the type who never buys lottery tickets.