me too

I'm the type to keep a good episode of a drama at night so I can think about it while trying to sleep

me too, well sometimes

I am the type to be new to almost all foods

not me

I'm the type who doesn't have any pets

Not Me

I'm the type who has never tried to cut my own hair

not me 

I'm the type who doesn't know their blood type

Not me

I'm the type who doesnt like Rollercoasters


Not me

I'm the type who doesnt like Rollercoasters 

not me

I'm the type who always has the same hairstyle 

Not Me

I'm the type who loves egg a lot

not me

I'm the type who loves to listen to music

Me too

I'm the type who dislikes loud music sometimes. 

Not Me

I'm the type to make my voice heard over others