Sail in my ass            o.o


忘れて花束 in my ass 

Indigo la end -忘れて花束


Talk to Daddy in my ass


忘れて花束 in my ass 

Indigo la end -忘れて花束

Eye in the Sky in my ass - The Alan Parsons Project

ice cream cake in my ass

Red velvet - Ice cream cake

hare hare in my ass

Hare Hare - Twice

caffeine in my ass

秋山黄色 - caffeine

Wake in my ass

Saucy dog - wake

Full house in my ass

(full house - MOBB)

A step in the morning glow in my ass

A step in the morning glow - Envy

Number Nine in my ass  -  T  ARA, first Kpop girl group stan!!!

今日くらいは in my ass 

Tetora -今日くらいは