I don't have the money.
I wish I had something to eat but...
its too late
I wish i could eat cake but...
no one sell it
i want to eat the most expensive steak but...
its too pricey.
I want to go on holiday but...
I have no leave days.
I am happy at my age but
I would be happier elsewhere
I wish I could travel but...
I'm too lazy to do
I want to learn a new language but
Its too hard
I want to move out but...
you don't have money
I want to sing but...
you dont have the good voice
I want to die but...
you don't want to leave people that love you
I want to have more money but...
you have to work
I want to dissapear but...
you found it impossible
I want to be happy but...
its impossible
I want to kiss someone but...
no one around you
I want to stop crying but