I would knock,




( Read like, penny, penny, penny by sheldon),

You would come to the door, i meanwhile putting Usain Bolt to the shame n run back side of the house n climb  through the window , n steal........

Me rofl .


Me LMAO @ baby powder.

Why baby powder but???? Lol

Any powder would have done the job......Why poor baby's??

Easy to find and safe. :P

I will tell you you got an ink mark on your face and when you leave to check a mirror, I'll steal your cookie.


I would knock,




( Read like, penny, penny, penny by sheldon),

You would come to the door, i meanwhile putting Usain Bolt to the shame n run backsudebof the house n climb  through the window , n steal........

Me rofl .

LOL. Nice one.

I will say, Purple,  you got purple hickeys on your neck, u wondering , how come i got one, when no-one....... n u go to have a look in the mirror,
n then ....m gonna steal.

Remember, u had given me ink- stain, i gave you purple - hickey  stain.   Hahaha.....we r even now in mirror episode.

I will prepare a buffet for that you will more interested in different variety of foods then i will steal your cookie 

Free food????? Who wants cookie then.....u can have it.

I would approve the grant of  millions of dollars to carry out the secret mission , personally under the control of The Farm, jointly carried out by 007, operation, "Steal the Cookie",

N guess what ????  Mission accomplished. 

I will ask you to hold something for me and steal the cookie

You think I am your 5 yrs old niece, to fall for this childish tactics

I will note down the combination of your locker through cctv, where u have kept your cookie, n steal 


I will say, Purple,  you got purple hickeys on your neck, u wondering , how come i got one, when no-one....... n u go to have a look in the mirror,
n then ....m gonna steal.

Remember, u had given me ink- stain, i gave you purple - hickey  stain.   Hahaha.....we r even now in mirror episode.

lmao, I guess so. :P

I'll tap on your shoulder and while you are turning around, I'll steal the cookie and run. :D

Haha, u got me at shoulder tapping.

I would come as delivery guy, ( as in drama coffee prince),

While u r wondering about this cute looking guy, i wud steal.


You think I am your 5 yrs old niece, to fall for this childish tactics

I will note down the combination of your locker through cctv, where u have kept your cookie, n steal 

well you just wanna help. And did I say I keep the cookie in locker?? Haha...

I just grab my motor and snatch your cookie & ride very fast until you can't catch me

Haha.....as if u have batman's mobile....N as if u drive like McQueen.....still I will give u for this wild interesting imagination 

 If nt in locker, (coming very close to u, whispering in your ear, where do u keep your cookies??),... naive u.....u standstill, when m  this close to u, i catch u offgaurd, as soon as u reveal, about the safe place for the cookies.          ( somebody, pls switch on the AC)

I'll pretend to throw a waterballoon at you, when you close your eyes as reflex, I'll steal the cookie. :P


I'll pretend to throw a waterballoon at you, when you close your eyes as reflex, I'll steal the cookie. :P

I don’t think , u wud be in the mood to eat that stolen cookie, as I wud be dead by that time, your smashing me with the watermalon caused fracture in the vertebrae of my spinal cord.

While u r mourning my death, I wud be getting resurrected by some last life’s good karma, they (heaven) brings me back to earth, u looking at me with shocked eyes , me alive again, ……. I wud steal from u.

it is waterballon not watermelon. you are crazy