TOP 10 most watched drama
by chelsea93
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C-Drama Recommendations
by loveserendipity1
7 |
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drama recommendation
by Esther
5 |
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Need help identifying a drama!
by velmaandsmokey
2 |
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Chinese drama without SML syndrome
by yong
8 |
0 |
Unique Lady, Thoughts?
by Naiwen
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Ainda sem discussões
Chinese Historical Dramas without gods/powers
by KeenCat
11 |
0 |
9 |
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what chinese dramas are trending??
by Redha hussain
12 |
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Whats your fav school/uni c-drama?
by Aria18
13 |
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A Quote left me wondering.....
by Aria18
0 |
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Ainda sem discussões
Bromance/bl novels turned to dramas
by ConstanceAmei
6 |
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Under-rated c-drama
by Esther
6 |
0 |
Anyone know this drama?
by KnottyPine
4 |
0 |
FL that are good at their job
by YashKnight
6 |
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