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Jun 16, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

I Really Wanted to Like This

This is 8 episode which I would binge watch in a day. This took me 3 days to complete. It could not grab my attention. The story was okay because I can see high school kids acting like this. My opinion for so many years pass before reconnecting is because the writer wanted to show two teenagers who fell in love and did not understand it. The parted, have successful careers but still is missing a big part of their lives, each other. Their history being told in sporadic flashback was confusing and boring. This particular story should have been told, yes showing them as adults in their careers but the flashbacks should have been done as it's own complete section and then goes into them as adult and their path to reconciliation. What I watched felt disjointed and the second and third couple needed some more storyline.
The acting I honestly can't seem to find the words to explain it not being bad but not being good either. The actors' smiles appear more as placement ads than anything else. There dont seem to be the level of vibes to show the viewer I am crazy in love but I dont want that person to know until their feelings can be verified.
Yes, I needed that stimulant flashing light to capture my attention and this didn't have it. I even forgot what the story was about a I write this review and this was immediately after watching the last episode.

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12 dias atrás
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Not bad, just average

I think prolonging all of the backstory kind of killed it because I spent up to episode 7 thinking Ji was exaggerating a lot, especially those first episodes with the punches and being very rude, and since we basically did not know what really happened it seemed off putting.

After seeing why they fought it makes a little more sense I guess, but with only 8 episodes I spent basically the entire show frustrated with the male lead. Especially since Achi has that puppy smile that makes you think he can do no wrong lmao.

I would have dropped this but I was looking for something mild to watch because I'm bored and I didn't want to get too invested in a show.

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Kenneth Carl Vega
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 13, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


I can't believe I finished this this fast, I just started watching this yesterday and now I am done, somehow I'm gonna miss the leads here. I am impressed that the makers of this drama did not made this one too long but idle, I mean not all but most of the Thai BL I watch there was too long but nothing is really happening and here I think this is one of the most precised I have seen, I got a little bit bored in the middle coz it was like I did not know where was the anger of Ji coming from until they have shown what really happened on their past, It was beautiful for me because maybe their past was not the right time for their love story, thankfully they are able to get back to each other after 10 years. It was all just a misunderstanding haha.
All in all good acting, not really good script , very light drama and heartfelt, watching this was not heavy in the heart, I think I would rewatch this again after some time and I hope I will see the boys to have another drama in the future.

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Jun 20, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 2.5

It’s kinda forgettable…?

I’m going to keep this pretty short since I don’t have a whole lot to say about this drama.
Was it bad? No. Was it lacking? Yes.
I’m not sure what it is about this drama that made it so forgettable to me. Like the amount of times I looked at my watchlist and wondered what this show was isn’t even funny (at this point I had already watched most of it too). I did watch it in probably 3 sittings or so, but that still shouldn’t mean that I can’t even remember watching this. I have watched a lot of Bls in the past and have probably never had one like this where I just completely forgot about it although. I left it midway through the last episode and finally decided to finish it and get it out of the way. I was honestly indifferent throughout most of the whole thing. It had its good parts and I think the actors did a good job, but the story just wasn’t it for me.
It’s hard to explain why I just didn’t really enjoy this show, and tbh I probably will not rewatch it at all.

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Abr 26, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 6.5

A diamond in the rough? Almost! Kinda...

I have crawled out of my hibernation hole back into the weird and wonderful world of Asian dramas and what am I greeted by but this show - simultaneously a welcome surprise and a massive letdown. Let me explain.
Let's start with the positives:
While it is plenty obvious that the show didn't have a particularly high budget, the audio quality is occasionally poor, and the subtitles are sometimes just plain broken (this, to be fair, is not the show's fault as much as the studio's/distributor's), there is a familiar sort of cheesy charm to the series that the show-runners use to great effect.
The many flashbacks, soft filters, and extensive staring sessions that can be so deeply grating in lesser shows are given new life here, used as they are to tell the story of a man who is absolutely *haunted* by his first love and former best friend.
During the first episode particularly we see Ji being constantly bombarded with images and memories of Achi, desperately trying to escape from them only to bump into Achi by accident, meeting him again after a literal decade.
Cue the cheesy music, sparkly lights, and Achi's thousand watt smile.
Excellent use of time-honored cliches, this show has a Vision, it has Vibes, 10/10.
Later on these same tactics are used to showcase how much Achi has been haunted by Ji for these past ten years as well, which serves as a lovely balance for the first few episodes and provides deeper insight into the characters' motivations and general state of mind.
Furthermore, simplistic as the overall story may be, it takes the time to explore some real world issues - such as grief, loss, and some of the difficult realities of working in the medical industry - with surprising sensitivity and insight and even perfectly sets itself up to tackle complex topics like internalised homophobia and and the politics of para-social relationships ... only to utterly fail to follow through.

Yes, this is where we come to the negatives. This show was so close to telling a fantastically grounded, touching, and relevant queer story. So close and yet so far.
The series tiptoes around the realities of queer relationships , the complexities of self-image and social expectations versus internal desires and then just keeps tiptoeing, never committing to those plot lines even in a subdued show-not-tell kind of way.
Sweet as Achi and Ji's story may be, the lack of follow-through makes the resolution feel utterly anti-climactic, no matter how happy an ending we are provided with.
After a while even the previously so cleverly used flashbacks and filters lose some of their focus and effectiveness.
The show also tries to tell the side couple's story through the same visual tricks as the leads', which simply doesn't work.
Sickeningly adorable though they may be, these characters don't have a shared history, no complicated past between them to warrant such levels of cheesy drama.
You can't simply slap some sparkly effects on your show and call it romance, that's not how it works.
Then there are things like the completely unexpected and unnecessary parental abuse which rears its ugly head some time towards the end of the story and is then never addressed again.
Or the forced kiss in episode one which the show acknowledges as harassment only to then, once again, never bring it up again.
All in all, after I had finished watching I was left with a profound sense of... absolutely nothing. Of "Okay, and? Is that it?"

This is not say I wouldn't recommend watching this show at all. Give it a go, form your own opinion. For all my complaining I can't deny that it has lovely visuals, solid performances from the whole cast, a central queer relationship pleasantly devoid of hetero-normative dynamics, and some genuinely great portrayals of intimacy.
Also there is a very good dog if that tips the balance for you either way.
If you're looking for something sweet and light that won't take too much time to get through, then you might like this one.
Personally though, I'm just too hung up on what it almost was. Always the damn almost...

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 24, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.5







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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 13, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 7.0

A Promising Yet Imperfect Thai BL Series

The series, "To Be Continued", blends three genres: romance, drama, and mystery. The series offers a fresh perspective within those genres and features good performances. On the other hand, it struggles with some narrative issues that prevents it from reaching its full potential.

Certain plot points felt rushed or underdeveloped.

Some characters lack depth and clear motivations.

There are some imperfections on its production quality, like abrupt editing cuts and often sound issues.

I give this a 7 out of 10.
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Abr 12, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 3.5
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Pues a lo mejor no deberían de haber continuado

Primero, lo de no hablarse por 10 años enteros por esa tontería no tiene ningún tipo de sentido, además de la falta de comunicación. Aparte yo pienso que si tanto te importa una persona y si de verdad la quieres, no tardarías 10 años en buscarla y que no hubiese ninguna comunicación.
La historia es malísima porque no pasa prácticamente nada hasta que en el cap 7 te explican porque no se volvieron a ver hasta después 10 años y de repente en están juntos como por arte de magia. La actuación, la producción, la edición es más de lo mismo, lo único que se salva es la química que tiene la pareja principal, porque la secunda yo no se si son pareja porque como han tenido como 10 min de screentime no me queda demasiado claro.
Solo recomiendo este bl si tienes problemas para dormir o mucho tiempo libre, porque ni siquiera es entretenida si quieres ver algo malo.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 9, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 1.0

Can't even figure out why I didn't enjoy this

This series seemed like something right up my ally when it came to the plot. It is a story between two friends who had crushes on each other in high school but never get together and reconnect in the future, where they get together. I love stories with these kind of plots and gravitate most to them. But for whatever reason I found the series very boring and was the series I looked the least forward to throughout the week. The actors definitely had chemistry so it wasn't that but I just found myself constantly skipping when watching due to how boring it got for me at times.

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Abr 14, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Just a Dream?

TBC was full of very attractive people that made the series very easy on the eye. Junior's smile is just so distracting it's not funny. It was lovely to see Poppy again - he's always good for comedic value, and such a sweetheart. I don't often comment on female actresses as they don't usually grab my attention, unless, as in typical Asian fashion they're two-faced, evil, or just downright possessive, but I must say that I found Enjoy, who played Dr Song, a delight to watch, and she is one of the most attractive actresses I've seen in recent times. I'd be happy to watch her play any role. I remember Baan from Room Alone S2 and U-Prince, way back in 2015/2016, so it feels like he's been around for years. Now whilst there is only 4 years difference between him and Franky, I felt he was a little out of place, maybe because Franky looks so young. This is just a personal opinion and as such, shouldn't make anyone think negatively of Baan, but I did feel he was not quite right for the role. Speaking of Franky, it was such a delight to see Billy's younger brother step into the BL limelight. He looked comfortable - it was a shame he and Baan had a very vanilla relationship. I hope we get to see Franky play more BL roles in the future. It was also nice to see Leo, but it was barely more than a cameo - we never found out what happened to his character. I absolutely loved Tui as Teacher Ratri - shame we didn't get to see her on the farm.
I loved Fluke's role in My Dream, and was very disappointed when we didn't get the promised S2. Not sure what he's had done to his face, but I found it very distracting. The only time I saw the 'old' Fluke was when he smiled and we got to see those gorgeous dimples. The rest of the time was literally spent trying to work out exactly what's he's had done. I feel quite sad about this because it seems to be that so many actors and actresses are having work done, and whilst it may be a personal choice to 'fix' what they see as imperfections, it seems that certain companies have so many of their artists who've had enhancements, plastic surgery, or dental work done, and it seems as if it's almost a requirement. I do hope that artists are not being forced to have these procedures done. I'm sad because it seems that so many artists seem to be unhappy with how they look, but what they fail to realise is that there was never anything wrong with how they look in the first place, and secondly, they're erasing the very features that made them unique in the first place. If everyone is having the same things done, they're all just going to look like clones. I find it really hard to watch some series, only to find that I spend the whole time remembering how the stars used to look. I have no issue with anyone making a personal choice to improve or correct things they find lacking, but how can it possibly be that almost every actor finds so many faults with themselves? Their self-esteem must be so low. I used to think that Studio Wabi Sabi had an abundance of artists who were on a self-improvement kick, but hands down, GMMTV is leading the way - I reckon they must have arranged groups discounts for their artists! Anyway, that opinion aside, I felt that the 'reunion' was far too rushed. Having spent so much time on their back story, suddenly there's this whole new situation, and I'll be honest, I did not feel the chemistry - in fact, Fluke and Junior felt a little awkward to me. There really wasn't anything about Achi's life over the last 10 years, and Achi/Mona's story wasn't really covered very well either... there were lots of plot-holes throughout. I did think that Coin's story, which I thought was simply a consistent mistranslation, was a cute plot-twist however.
The story itself wasn't bad, but lacked substance. Not sure why Mandee is having so much trouble with their series lately - I'm only talking about the storyline here. It may be that they're trying to break down what could easily be a 12-epsiode story into only 8 eps, and they lose sight of what is, and what's less important. TBC reminded me very much of Why R U? which was affected by COVID. We ended up with contracted, and incomplete storylines - it felt that we were missing so much, which of course, we were. Is this simply a screenwriting issue, a directorial issue, or a company issue? I don't know, but it needs to be fixed. I've always thought of Mandee as leaders in BL, but if they don't look at the issues, they're going to start to lose credibility very soon. We now have 3 generations of Domundi Boys, but I'm beginning to think that's it's far too many. Even the First gen actors rarely seem to have anything more than a cameo role, yet they're trying to push out a whole bunch of newbies. I wish they'd utilised the actors they already had before introducing even more. This way, no one gets to shine.
The music was okay, but I didn't think much of the costumes, especially Achi's - his clothes usually looked to big, too baggy, or too short.
Was it worth watching - yes. Would I re-watch it - probably. Would I recommend it - yes.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 20, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 1.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Run on miscommunication

This reminded me a lot of The Promise. These types of misunderstandings stemming from miscommunication turn into long run on series. Much like The Promise, a decade rolls by before they meet up again. Even after meeting up, the friendship turning into a relationship takes the entire series to sort out.

Let me just say that I really despise the moderators of this platform for approving the most asinine synopsis to past because they need a reliable source which often is wrong.

They didn’t misunderstand each other from a kiss. They had sex before they were ready. Then due to being young they both read into the situation wrong by what each said because when you’re young you can be this dumb about love and sex.

This could’ve been so much better if they didn’t give a nowheresville story for the brother Ki and the farmer Gumbie. That was a waste of time where we could’ve had a better fleshed out character developments. The office extras were annoying. I wish they would e done he dad a better arc.

I can see why some people find the series boring. It definitely had a lot to do with the editing and cinematography. A lot of the dialogue scenes could have been shot better for it isn’t monotonous. The lighting was horrendous. It was either too blow out or flat. I don’t know what the last episode with the window kissing scenes was. It’s like the shot it during different times of the day and just splice it together.

This had potential but the director and editor clearly are doing amateur hour. The acting was strong at during emotional scenes but mostly weak when they were just playing around.

The NC scenes are not glossy with hot kisses. It was kinda good to show how realistic sex is like is the most soft porn kind of way possible.

Overall, it wasn’t bad as a BL that had some school scenes. It’s not fluffy but it wasn’t that deep either. I’m so glad I finally got around to watching it and checking it off my list.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 14, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 5.0

Close to not continuing

We have new faces in the BL industry and they’re all looking good. But that’s it, everything aside from their looks is just too ordinary. The story, acting, chemistry, and the overall impact were mediocre. I have high hopes that they can turn the series into a worthy show since they airing it on Netflix, a popular streaming giant. Yet, they failed and continued to be a failure until the last episode. I would also like for the producers to stop incorporating unnecessary items in the show to be sold as merchandise. The dolls are cringe and horrifying which makes no sense to the story.

Honestly, they got me into the pilot episode. I enjoyed it wholeheartedly and was excited to see more things from them but as usual, they just kept getting worse. Even the side couples are not helping to save the show. The medical side feels like a clickbait for viewers who like to see real medical stuff from the drama. Can they also stop pairing every character with one another? The ML’s best friend and the girl's doctor ended up together is nonsense.

Thankfully, intimate scenes were executed well and I wanted to see more. Yet, I also felt like staring at two men kissing and not getting attached to the emotional portrayal of their romance. Since their characters are unenjoyable. The drama wasted its budget and I felt pity for those smaller companies with a better production quality to offer to its audience.

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To Be Continued (2024) poster



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