A debate surrounding a secret wedding ends with a shocking announcement. Jin Ho Gyeong tries to summon Bu Yeon back by causing her excruciating pain. (Source: Netflix)
Exibido: December 17, 2022
Alquimia das Almas 2: Luz e Sombra Episode 3 Reações
I'm so done with that So Ri chick. Why haven't she told Yul about that parasitic worm she put in his body?! Instead she just keep sneaking him meds. I bet this is a ploy for her to keep being able to see him b/c she likes him. All she had to do was tell him about it so he can have it removed just like she took it out of her arm. She is so selfish and wrong for not telling him why he has been sick/in pain. Can't wait until she's exposed and gets taking out, so done with her!
Sebagai pecinta novel fantasy yang sudah banyak baca tentang transmigrasi, plot kayak gini bisa diterima dan cukup masuk akal bahwa jiwa dan tubuh harus selaras agar tidak hilang kendali, waktu orang lain bilang merasa terhianati karena ganti fml aku malah seneng karena seenggaknya naksu/yeong bisa hidup dengan wajah aslinya sendiri (walau darah yg mengalir ditubuh milik keluarga jin). Untuk yang menyalahkan naksu karena bu yeon yg akhirny jiwany mati menurutku aneh si, kayakny orang lupa bahwa bukan naksu yang maksa masuk tubuh buyeon, tapi buyeon yg 'mengurung' naksu beserta energinya, apalagi waktu guru lee nanya ke puan jin siapa yg mau diselamatkan jelas puan jin ingin menyelamatkan tubuh buyeon agar keluarga jin punya keturunan karena jiwa buyeon udah gaada harapan, jadilah dipake energinya si naksu, keduanya punya nasib tragis menurutku
I'm loving it! I love that this drama story is so good! Go Yoon Jung (Bu Yeon/Naksu) is such a great at acting and such a cute action. That's my favorite part of what she said "her beauty is unmatched but she's not the brightest". She's really awesome and funny! Lee Jae-wook (Jang Uk) is a great job at acting . I was happy to see how he stopped her mother Jin for hurting her. I can't wait to see more.