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Un thriller bromance
Un drama avec de l'action, du suspense, du mystère et une bonne alchimie entre les deux principaux acteurs.L'un des grands point forts de la série est justement le casting : Nobuyuki Suzuki ( Kunishita Ichiro ) incarne un personnage doux mais sérieux, il nous offre une très bonne performance. Concernant Inukai Atsuhiro ( Hanabusa Shiro ), je ne vois pas d'autre acteur pouvant interpréter le rôle de meilleur façon, il sait être dur tout en ayant des gestes légers et une attitude qui nous crient "Shiro", ici l'acteur disparait complètement au profit de son personnage.
le reste du casting est également très bon et joue de belle façon.
La mise en scène est vraiment incroyable et très réaliste et aidée en cela par des décors qui collent vraiment à l'idée que l'on peut se faire d'une ville ou d'endroits qui ne sont pas aseptisés comme on peut le voir dans d'autres productions.
J'ai beaucoup aimé aussi qu'il n'oublie pas de nous montrer le quotidien de vie de nos deux héros dans les petites scènettes en fin d'épisodes et même au fil des épisodes, qu'on ne reste pas toujours dans l'enquête proprement dite.
La musique est également un point fort de cette série, bravo au compositeur Ryo Nobuguchi. Le thème principal à lui seul va vous transporter, sans parler de la musique qui accompagne les scènes.
Dans une partie plus mitigée, la relation entre nos acteurs principaux se limite à la bromance, pour ceux qui s'attendent à un HISTory : Trapped japonais, passez votre chemin, ce qui est dommage car j'ai lu que le manga dont est tiré la série montre beaucoup plus d'allusions au fait qu'il y a plus que de l'amitié entre Ichiro et Shiro. De plus, le manga met en scène plus de scènes d'actions également, je ne peux que supposer que le drama n'avait pas autant de budget et que ces scènes d'action ont été réduites. ( je pense activement me procurer le manga ! )
Mais il y a un rythme un peu étrange dans l'enquête, les personnages pensent progresser, mais ils se fourvoient et les progrès qu'ils ont faits sont détruits. Il y a aussi beaucoup trop de flashbacks pour remplir le temps de visionnage alors qu'ils auraient pu montrer plus de nouvelles scènes.
Finalement, je dirai que Kei X Yaku est un bon thriller d'action avec une bromance, pour celles et ceux qui aiment ce type de productions, vous allez être enchantés. Pour les autres qui veulent avoir du pur BL, restez pour le côté enquête, énigmes et mystère et allez, par la suite, voir une vraie romance BL ^^
Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.
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it's not a BL, it's a trap
I just wanted to say that's more like bromance /queer baiting (I am not really a fan of that kind of moves, advertising it in a "gay" way is just distasteful and it is lying in the end, so fans please stop) than a BL so I have no idea why people are saying that's A REALLY GOOD JAPANESE BL, it IS NOT. It is a nice.... Investigation series? If you're into detective work, secrets and some action it's for you. It's nicely done, scenes are pretty pleasing to the eye and camera work is also good. It could be better, but it's also quite long for a BL (most of BL are like 20-5minutes per episode) but short for non-queer series (only 10epidodes). Actors were the best asset to this series. I really liked Ichiro and Shiro together and Rion was a very powerful character, I enjoyed her. The story was.... Kind of messy? Some things were unnecessary (repetition of some scenes) and some scenes were too short making it choppy looking. Maybe I'm not a big fan of Japanese BLs and the ones I enjoyed you can count on one hand……. But this just feels improper. In addition, even the people I know who studied Japanese culture or kept an eye on it for years and know a lot about 'how Japan works' said that the Japanese just love keeping the bromance and calling it a BL just to attract more people, but still keeping it… straight, to not disgust others. I'm not sure what else can I say about this series, it bored me after some time, I couldn't focus at the end .. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad drama, it's good. Although it's a bad BL.('cos it's just bromance)
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First, there were so many loopholes in this drama that reviewing them all would take forever so I will just ignore them. Despite the loopholes and unresolved matters, the drama was somewhat enjoyable.Although, the feelings between the main two were clear for everyone to see, they were never addressed by the two. Still, it was fun to watch them.
If you go into this drama expecting perfection, you will be greatly disappointed. However, if you just want to be entertained, you will like this drama.
Overall, it is worth watching.
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Action-packed masterpiece!
This is just my personal opinion, but I came for the romance and stayed for the plot. I read a lot of crime, mystery, suspense, thriller, detective, psychological and horror stories so a drama with almost all these elements really hooked me! (Note I said almost)There are a lot of plot twists, but they aren't the frustrating kind. They actually leave the anticipation for what comes next. And the visuals are amazing...
I do feel that some scenes have been repeated a bunch of times more than necessary. I feel like they do it to remind us what the purpose of this drama is, but I got used to it and I'm pretty sure that defeats the whole purpose XD
A lot of people said there isn't enough romance, and tbh idgaf because I'm too into the story. Again, this is just my opinion.
The shorts at the end are so cute and they're like a break after a heavy episode. A wonderful drama. Definitely recommended!
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First Impression Kei X Yaku - BL or Bromance? I don't care, it's interesting
Overall: I started by being really confused because there are time jumps but things fell into place during the second part of the 1st episode. It has some pretty violent parts which are a lot to see over and over again* but I really want to see what happens.Content Warnings: violence, murder, attempted suicide?, past trauma
What I Liked
- a mafia boss and police officer is a less common plot (Trapped is the only other series that fits this)
- the two main actors have good chemistry
- good production value
- Shiro and Ichiro are using their brains, I like smart characters
- stomach growling and bonus slip at the end of ep 2 were funny
Room For Improvement
- I was very confused for the first chunk of the first episode, I hate when time jumps are not made clear and also when I can't tell their start/stop points
- kind of bummed there is a possible female love interest
- *too many flashbacks especially of the sister during that one scene, I think they showed it 5 times during the 1st two episodes and it's so disturbing to watch
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Inferiore alle aspettative
Mi aspettavo molto di più, non so perché visto che i drama giapponesi mi hanno delusa già diverse volte.A partire dalla storia, è andato tutto benissimo fin verso la metà dello show: c'era l'adrenalina, c'era un mistero da scoprire, c'erano dei personaggi tutto sommato abbastanza interessanti. il giocattolo però si è rotto man mano che si andava avanti negli episodi, mentre tutto diventava abbastanza caricaturale, compresa la recitazione del finto biondo che non mi è piaciuto per niente.
La storia, almeno in partenza, prende le mosse da un poliziotto, orbato dei genitori in tenera età, che cerca di ritrovare una collega scomparsa presunta morta tre anni prima e, per vari motivi, finisce per allearsi con un giovane capoccia della yakuza. Sullo sfondo del mistero relativo a un attentato dinamitardo risalente a vent'anni prima, quello in cui morirono i genitori del poliziotto, si dipaneranno le successive vicende.
In linea generale, a parte l'eccezione appena citata, gli attori hanno fatto tutti un buon lavoro. C'è da dire che probabilmente l'eccesso di recitazione di Atsushiro Inukai nel suo ritratto del giovane yakuza é dovuto a una scelta registica, anche perché non è costante. Ottima prova invece, a mio modesto giudizio, per Nobuyuki Suzuki, che ha ottimamente interpretato le varie sfaccettature del tormentato poliziotto.
Ma se c'è una cosa che odio, è quando si continua a suggerire che esista un rapporto romantico fra due personaggi, senza mai portare il discorso a fruizione. Bromance è una parola che non dovrebbe esistere: o quella che mi descrivi è un'amicizia, oppure andiamo a sconfinare direttamente nel BL. Bromance è una presa in giro nei confronti dello spettatore, tanto più che questo non è un drama cinese dove si deve aggirare una censura soffocante, siamo in Giappone, dove yaoi è una parola sdoganata da molto tempo, anche nei drama e non solo in manga e anime.
Detto questo, ho dovuto purtroppo constatare come, per l'ennesima volta, la storia ad un certo punto cominci a procedere per coincidenze, ingenuità, comportamenti poco intelligenti, combattimenti improbabili e così via. I vari show down che ci sono stati durante i 10 episodi sono stati abbastanza eccessivi e portati esageratamente per le lunghe.
Non parliamo neppure dell'ultimo episodio, che non ha alcuna logicità, se non forse quella di lasciare spazio aperto per una eventuale seconda stagione. Una colonna sonora ottima ha contribuito non poco ad alzare il punteggio che ho assegnato.
Certo se dovessero fare una seconda serie la guarderei, ma ormai senza aspettarmi più di tanto.
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