3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 18, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Finally we have two adorable and sweet teenagers who are BOTH smart and hard-working

Subjective Gut Rating - 8.25

China churns out these high school dramas so often each year that it is really hard to be different from others. “Time and Him Are Just Right” is almost there, but not quite. There are so many things to like yet also some to complain about especially in the second half. This is a very lighthearted teen drama. You can go into it without worrying about any serious issues, such bullying or annoying and evil parents. The focus is solely on the students without wasting too much time on the parents or teachers.

What I Like:

1. Main Characters - Finally we don’t see a cool/mean, genius male lead who has to help the bubbly, naive female lead with her homework or studies. We have two equally smart and hard-working students. They help each other out with their studies just like any normal student. They are both very likable and adorable. It did take me a little while to get used to FL’s over-assertiveness in trying to be ML’s friend. I understand why, but still a little stalkerish. However, once we get past that, both the leads are caring, smart, has a sense of justice and just really good people.

2. Wu Jun Ting/Ji Jun Xing (ML)- This is my first introduction to Wu Jun Ting (ML). He has such an adorable face and the way he looks at FL melts my heart. He reminded me a little bit of Wang An Yu in “Forever Love”. Not the character, but the loving gazes and how much affection is in his eyes. On another note, Wu Jun Ting has such a deep voice. His voice is not matching his young and adorable face. Each time he speaks, I am taken by surprise that it’s really his voice. For the first drama, he did a pretty good job. On another note, his character, Ji Jun Xing, is one of the nicest, sweetest and most patient boyfriends out there. He doesn’t react irrationally or get mad even when he is being misunderstood or is not at fault.

3. Young Cast - All the actors in this drama are quite green without too many dramas or movies under their belt. I believe the two female leads are the most experienced ones. The acting is actually not too bad, and they are able to make me believe they’re high schoolers and college students. I also appreciate them all using their own voices.

4. Simple high school life - This is one of the few high school dramas that really showcases the simple life of a high schooler. The drama did not tackle any serious issues, but just regular everyday life. Almost every teen drama talks about the stress of the gaokao aka college entrance exam. This drama has that too, but no drama has ever (that I’ve seen or known) talks about the time limitation of taking showers when your schedule is packed with studying. This drama only has one overbearing parent and it’s only a very small side character. We don’t really see much parental pressure on the students regarding the gaokao, and I am so glad.

What I Don’t Like or have Mixed Feelings:

1. Misunderstanding - The drama was going so well and they have to throw in the misunderstanding trope Why?? Do all long distance relationships need to do this? The leads have such open and honest communication when they were in high school, so why wouldn’t they talk to each other?? Argh….

2. College days - Not that I don’t like the college portion of the drama, but comparatively, the high school parts are much more interesting. The characters really didn’t do much until the last part of the drama when they entered into the competition. Even that competition is kind of boring and predictable.

3. Time Skips - There are so many time skips in the second half of the drama. A few are fine, but once you have so many, the editing becomes weird and it seems the writers are rushing to finish the drama.

I had an enjoyable time watching this drama. There aren't any annoying or irritating characters. It’s a very easy and chill watch to see a bunch of friends going through high school, college and adult life together. It is nice to see how their friendship remains strong. I love the male lead and the female lead is not too bad either. But if you want something exciting, this is not it. Lastly, I wonder if the writers were trying to sneak in a BL couple in this wholesome drama.

Completed: 2/17/2023

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 11, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

easy watch, enjoyed it a lot!!

i finally have some time to watch some dramas so was hunting for one to watch and saw ep1 on my youtube feed so gave it a go, i didnt have many expectations but it was really enjoyable actually!!

the cast was all really good, the leads are very good at acting especially since theyre new actors (i think) , the facial expressions are great and the skinship was good cuz it wasnt too in ur face but it wasnt so bad that it was like ‘r they even dating?’ ygm??

i did get 2nd lead syndrome at one point tho cuz hes so cute?? but i think the leads worked well together as a couple :)

first cdrama of 2023 i watched n i enjoyed it <3

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3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 12, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Friends to Lovers with Usual Tropes

- Classic enemies(ish) to friends to lovers trope
- Unnecessary miscommunication (ep 18 - 20)
- Strongest plot in the middle; first 2 episodes extremely cringe and plot died out after official relationship
- 2ML plotline dragged on way too long (why choose to confessing your feeling to a girl when she's already in a relationship)
- Last episodes felt very abrupt (one minute he's proposing, then they're married, then they have a kid?)
- 2nd couple had a very tumultuous and frankly toxic relationship (skipped most of their scenes)
- Queerbaiting?
- Lots of similarities with my all-time favourite campus drama (Our Secret), but falls way short

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 1, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Definitely a wasted potential but, it was okay-ish

Before I dive into why I wrote a headline that way, I'd like to share the positives of this drama:
- The intro to mid plot are awesome. Both leads are tangled in an unfortunate, yet strange relationship where one is the family of the donor, and one is the family of the donor receiver.
- The entire genre and story summary is very promising - as it is supposed to be a love story between 2 successful, smart individuals from teen years.
- The friendship story is always my go-to, and love a strong and solid friendship moments.
- The chemistry between the 2 leads are very cute and refreshing.
- Almost all the characters are likeable, which is rare in the drama world.
- As an additional, the leads are very good looking people. :)

Now let's go for the negatives: (entirely based on my opinion and taste as a watcher)
- The mid-to-last episodes are totally different as it felt like a different drama compared to the first episodes. What I mean especially is how the female lead is breaking her own character. She felt like a stranger when I watched her in mid-to-end episodes.
- Female lead character is poorly developed. Every drama leads needs to have a character development. Especially in this genre where the entire story is about journey to adulthood. Yet, it felt like the female lead character became worse each episode. For instance, where the female lead misunderstood the situation and acted immaturely.
- For the side characters too. Male lead parents are supposed to be open-minded and kind. But for some reason, the writer decided to turn the father into someone very petty and low, where he manipulated female lead to convince male lead going to different university of dad's choice. It's totally out of character and doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
- The side couple story is not very interesting enough to watch. I can't comment on that one since I skipped almost all of the side couple's scenes, but it isn't convincing enough for me to actually watch the side character's story.
- Would like to see more on how smart the female lead is. Here is my issue, female leads are sometimes or often portrayed as weaker than men, and this is a great example of that. The entirety of this story is supposed to be how female lead is smart and hard-working enough to become a doctor in the future, and yet, all I see is a female who likes to play around and let the emotions come to her.
- I feel like the plot twist is very unrealistic too. What I mean is when the female lead's parents were attacked, which happened to be at the same time when the female lead was about to take national examination. Thus she had no choice but to retreat the test. I know dramas can be unrealistic for entertainment purposes, but it just left a bad taste as a viewer.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 11, 2024
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

This drama was so hard to finish ugh!!

I feel really bad to leave a negative review. I feel like the only one hating on this drama among so many positive ones but I just have to let my frustration out!!

I started this drama six months ago and honestly every episode felt so boring. The story is nothing we haven't already seen in other high school dramas. And on top of that, they wrote FL's character as some clingy 16 year old who just won't back out no matter how bad the ML treats her(it gets better though but still...) and I just couldn't handle it(I'm sorry!!?).

A lot of people commented on the low budget thing but I won't even go there. If the characters are well written and has decent storyline then that's all I need but I clearly didn't get that here. Super disappointed! ☹️

The only thing motivated me to complete it(with 2x speed and lots of skipping) are the positive reviews of MDL and high ratings. I learned my lessons not to trust them blindly again and hence I won't recommend this anyone else!

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Em andamento 14/25
Tanaka Nicole
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 1, 2023
14 of 25 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

You should totally watch the show!!!!

This drama is honestly one of the best dramas of 2022/2023 in my opinion and here is why!

First and foremost the story is amazing, the plot is amazing and you won’t see what’s going to happen next. The plot is not just the typical plot of many C-dramas that we see today it’s different and totally refreshing.

The actors are also doing what needs to be done. The FL is totally one of my favorites she’s head strong, smart and an overall good character to see. (It’s shocking to hear that the actress is a rookie actress, she’s doing a really good job to bring Lin Xi to life). Another one of my favorites is totally the ML, he’s a total tsundere and I’m totally liking him as the series progresses. The SL is also doing really good but I’m totally rooting for the FL and ML. The support characters are also amazing and really fun to watch.

The music is also super cute to listen to and totally goes with our characters.

I honestly see myself watching this show forever till the end of time (yes, it’s that good).

If you are thinking about watching the show you should totally watch it l promise you will not regret it.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 6, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

worth to watch!

accidentally found this drama and i didn't regret watching this! this drama is so fresh and cute! the thing i love most about 'time and him are just right' is actually theres no 'smart cold ignorant' ml and 'dumb annoying' fl. they're both care (and inlove) with each other. Also they friends! it's all just pure friendship and how loyal they are for each other.

Ji Junxing may look cold on early episodes but he actually so nice, care towards everyone and playful, A SOFT BOYY. he also pretty vocal about his feelings and i love it. He's so cute and you have no option unless fall into him too. Linxi is great too, she's playful , nice, and smart! shes that 'simple minded' person and it's really interesting how she and junxing interacted with e/o. also she has a great smile. I love the fact that they're equal, no one is higher than other. They do have some misunderstanding but all of them got solved tho(but to linxi on that one ep, girl you need to communicate it with junxing;-;). I kinda wish junxing and linxi relationship was shown more because they're so so so pure and cute ;-;

Their friends was fine, the accidental squad because of a basketball competition. Gao Yunlang and Chen Mo are a (very) side character but they still take part on the drama, i really appreciate it! Xie Ang and Jiang Yimian's relationship is complicated and i don't really like how they involved the whole squad into their problem, make the situation so awkward but thats relateable irl so i can understand why they make it like that.

The 2nd male character, Qin Kai is one of the best character for me. He makes me(you too) can't help but feel bad for him :( he's kind, a good friend, typical bad boy outside but never meant any harm to anyone.
(another note, Qin Kai is so open about his feeling for Linxi yet Ji Junxing still invites Qin Kai as his best man, THATS SOOO WHOLESOME :'))

The other side characters like their parents, their brothers, teachers are fine, they're normal and didn't really caused a big problem for the ml and fl. I do love their interaction with Mr.Xie tho, hilarious ahaha.

The OSTs? totally bops, it's really addicting. Check out the BTS too because the actors and actresses have soooo many cute interactions there.
Soo that's all for me ehehe, i definitely gonna re-watch it later!! thanku for reading!

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 17, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

A veryyyy sweet one :)

You don’t have to worry about love triangles, bitchy exes, nasty parents etc… it’s light, fluffy and oh SOOO SWEETTT!! It’s raining sugar!! I came from watching Hi Venus, which is also another light hearted drama- but with that one I felt was quite boring.

The story starts off with Lin Xi finding the ML Ji Junxing and giving him a hug! She’s a stranger to him so he finds it odd. She’s a transfer student from another school, so of course fate has it that she gets to sit with him in class. Long story short they become friends and with a few others become a group of good friends. In the initial episodes I did find the FL a little off putting in how she is so spineless and always so accommodating to him- but I did suspect that there was an underlying factor to it (won’t spoil it for you).

So as the story goes, they become closer as friends and then off to uni and finally get together, start working , get married and have a kid! Yep, your typical evolution of a story from youth to adulthood, but with added sweetness. The ML is really REALLY good looking, and the height difference is very cute. He is completely devoted to her and waited for her a long time to get together.

Episodes 10-17 are a little dull- a lot of talk and college exams preparation. It gets more interesting with more drama from epi18 onwards. Yes there were issues with misunderstandings, jealousy, love rivals etc.. but it was all resolved easily and within a few episodes, hardly any angst! The ending is very cute and sweet, nice and short 25 episodes in total.

The side couple was a little annoying, always bickering and quite immature. And then there was a slight hint of a boy love couple, but it did not develop at all (I suppose they couldn’t in a cdrama?) A few kiss scenes towards the last 5 episodes. I believe the actors are quite young and new, so not very steamy lol.

Enjoy this one because I certainly did!! :):)

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Le Ho
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 17, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

A cute Young Love RomCom - worthy to binge-watch

I was not planning to watch "Time and Him are Just Right" at first, but since there was nothing good in CDrama lane recently, I decided to binge-watch it.

To my surprise, it is not bad. It is a cute story about young love and their ups/downs during their relationship from high school to college and professional life through misunderstanding and how they persevered.

I have not watched these young actors before, and it seems they are newbies to the industry; their acting skills are mediocre. The second CP did a better job of acting than the main CP.

Overall, I enjoyed the drama, giving it a 7.5 rating.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 17, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Great Story

The story in this drama is very good. It starts you of differently and takes you through the life of these young people. The lead female character is great and I love her strength and determination. The lead male character is also great with his honest and sincere way of treating people. Both these characters convince me in the story line. I enjoy the friends they meet and form bond. The story takes us thru the college years and then to adulthood and the private sector. I enjoy following all the characters and the story as simple but very good and sincere. A story you could believe in. The romance between the main leading character was cute and great. A wonderful ending. The actors performance was great.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 19, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

Cute but super dragging.

Long story spanning from high school to working life - same style as A Love So Beautiful, but it is not as plot-driven. At least, the story is rational. ML+FL are not silly. In the story, there's nothing heart-wrenching, nothing much in it, so it's quite dragging to the point of almost boring. I actually had to increase speed and skim since ep12. Personally I think they can finish the whole story within 15 episodes instead of 25.

Anyway, the production quality is good and ML+FL's characters+acting are cute. These were the points that kept me watching until the end or else I'd drop at around ep15-17.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 31, 2023
25 of 25 episódios vistos
Completados 3
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Confortevole e confortante

Ogni tanto ci vuole un drama leggero, senza melodrammi, o personaggi troppo problematici che devono sormontare prove incredibili per sopravvivere o avere successo, a volte non ci servono colpi di scena, creature magiche o triangoli amorosi....a volte cerchiamo solo un drama carino, semplice, piacevole da vedere ma che non impegni più di tanto la nostra mente o ci coinvolga troppo, è sufficiente ci metta di buon umore e ci intrattenga e questo è quel tipo di drama. Ambientato per lo più alle superiori segue alcuni amici mentre studiano, scherzano, si innamorano per la prima volta, bisticciano , fanno la coppia resta salda dall'inizio alla fine senza cediment, sopratuttto lui, lei ad un certo punto fa la sciocca dubitando di lui, giusto perchè gli sceneggiatori dovevano riempire 24 puntate e almeno un misunderstanding stupido dovevano metterlo.
Si parla di sport, scuola, amore, amicizia, insomma un classico teen drama senza grandi scossoni ma fatto bene con personaggi simpatici, tutti. Anche gli adulti, i genitori gli insegnanti sono tutte figure positive, se ci si impegna tutto viene risolto, questo è un drama veramente ottimista e a volte ci vuole. Non dico non si parli anche di temi seri in un paio di punti e dopo la puntata 16 allungano il brodo per nel complesso veramente un drama piacevole, non straordinario, ma veramente confortante.

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