1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 3, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Toujours des imperfections mais un tournant dans le BL

Les BL à thèmes adultes commencent à se rependre de plus en plus, c’est une bonne chose selon moi et KinnPorsche en est un parfait exemple. C’était une série très attendue et qui nous promettait du rêve. Je dirais que le rêve a été accompli même s’il reste des domaines où la série a échoué, mais on ne peut pas être à 100 % partout tout le temps, et c’est quelque chose que je lui pardonne très volontiers.

La série est drôle tout en gardant son ambiance grave quand il le faut, la réalisation a réussi à obtenir la juste balance avec des moments comiques pour détendre son public après des scènes graves et d’atmosphère lourde.
Ce que j’ai particulièrement aimé dans la série c’est ses personnages dans le sens où ils sont tous particuliers mais surtout imparfaits et l’histoire nous montre que c’est quelque chose de reconnu.

Les personnages :

Porsche : Il a une image comique et sauvage. Il peut tout d’abord être perçu, bien a tort, comme quelqu’un de particulièrement idiot, qui a zéro compétence dans la vie. Je dirai qu’il cache derrière son visage souriant le traumatisme qu’il a subi : le fait de devoir devenir l’adulte de la maison alors qu’il n’est lui-même encore qu’un enfant avec toutes les responsabilités et difficultés que ça entraîne. Alors Porsche est, selon moi, quelqu’un de simple, de généreux, qui défend ceux qu’il aime et qui voit le meilleur en chacun (même s’il ne fait pas toujours les bons choix...). Je trouve d’ailleurs que le rôle convient tout à fait à Apo qui incarne parfaitement la sauvagerie de Porsche.

Kinn : Il nous apparaît comme un playboy, toujours sérieux qui ne sort pas de la ligne droite imposée par les responsabilités de futur chef de famille de mafia. Mais on peut voir également une certaine douceur émaner de lui. Kinn n’est pas non plus quelqu’un de parfait mais il reconnaît ses imperfections et travaille beaucoup pour devenir la meilleure version de lui-même. Je ne dis pas que toutes ses mauvaises actions sont excusables mais que ça en fait un personnage acceptable. Mile fut le casting parfait, à mon sens, car il fait ressortir toute l’essence de Kinn.

Vegas : Ouh ! Que voilà un personnage complexe ! Il me faudrait une année pour finir de parler de celui-là. Alors tout d’abord, je tiens à préciser que je n’excuse en rien ce qu’il fait dans la série, c’est abominable et impardonnable. Son comportement ne peut être qu’expliqué mais tout ce qui pourrait se passer c’est qu’il finisse en prison à vie et en cellule individuelle avec sorties seul et sous haute surveillance (avec suivi psy !). Vegas nous montre le pire de ce que peut être le fait d’avoir non seulement un parent violent mais aussi qui vous dégrade (oui c’est le bon mot !) constamment. Il ne peut envisager sa vie que s’il est reconnu par ses pairs tellement son complexe d’infériorité est grand. Il a tellement souffert et été détruit que pour lui, infliger de la souffrance et détruire la lumière de quelqu’un, comme son père l’a fait pour lui, passe pour normal. On pourrait même y voir un signe d’affection pour la victime car, en effet, il reproduit sur Pete ce qu’il a subi lui-même pendant des années. Vegas m’a foutu la chair de poule pour m’exprimer gentillement et j’aurai voulu pouvoir assister au casting de Bible car il a certainement su se démarquer pour incarner si parfaitement le personnage.

Pete : Build a été un merveilleux choix pour ce personnage, il est doux, charmant et pur. Son sourire, son bon cœur nous fait tout de suite l’adorer. C’est un acteur et un personnage solaire. C’est pourquoi, le fait que Vegas lui arrache sa lumière et le voir s’effondrer totalement après ce qu’il a subi m’a brisé le cœur (et pourtant, il est en pierre je vous le rappelle !).

Tankhun : J’ai adoré le personnage que nous plante Tong. Ça m’a surpris.e de le voir comme ça car j’étais habitué.e à son personnage dans TharnType et là le décalage crève l’écran avec ce fashionista échappé de l’asile, c’est la bouffée d’air frais de la série. Mais c’est aussi le plus intelligent des frères, qui possède une analyse toujours très fine et précise des situations et que je soupçonne fortement de faire semblant d’être mentalement dérangé pour échapper à bien des situations et devoirs qui lui incombent.

Chay et Kim : Barcode incarne parfaitement ce jeune naïf qui nous dévoile l’histoire de son premier amour en la personne de Kim. Kim est le personnage le plus sibyllin de la série, j’espère avoir plus de réponses dans la saison 2. Je n’ai pas aimé Kim, il manipule Chay en utilisant son amour, c’est abject. Désolé de ces paroles fortes mais il a détruit son premier amour. Toute leur relation est dirigée par les besoins de Kim, par ses conditions. Heureusement, il se rattrape un peu sur la fin mais je ne peux m’empêcher de me demander si son intervention n’avait pas d’autres motivations que d’aider Chay…


Ce qui m’amène aux problèmes que comporte la série. En effet, Kim mène une enquête, on en fait un truc énorme tout au long des épisodes, on nous intrigue, on pique notre curiosité, puis…. Plus rien. Bah OK.

Le retour de Tawan : OK donc on nous sort un mort – mais qui n’était pas mort en fait – du chapeau comme un magicien fait apparaître un lapin. Et oui, en fait, il était avec des italiens donc c’est pour ça qu’il est pas mort. Quoi ? Hein ? La suspension d’incrédulité te hurle "faut pas pousser !"


Aucune de leurs relations ne démarrent sur des bases saines. On peut se voiler la face en se disant que c’est le milieu de la mafia donc un endroit où il y a moins de morale. Ou se dire que, oui, c’est une fiction donc on peut mettre nos principes entre parenthèses pour profiter de la série. Oui, mais, encore une fois, on aurait pu faire autrement ! Même le couple principal, présenté comme le plus sain, ne l’est pas du tout : Ils ne communiquent pas, ne se font pas confiance, sans parler du viol/ agression sexuelle de Kinn (enfin en Thaïlande ce n’est pas légalement reconnu comme tel donc…)

Bon il y a encore des petites ombres au tableau mais c’est quelque chose de très mineur, donc passons.
Pour dire un mot sur la production, ils ont fourni énormément d’efforts, ont réussi à intégrer des plans cinématographiques impressionnants dans plusieurs épisodes. Ils ont utilisé leur budget à bon escient (sauf l’explosion de l’épisode 10 ^^).
Le jeu d’acteur est absolument convaincant, même impressionnant pour certains. Les histoires sont bien traitées et bien menées dans l’ensemble (mais ils devraient voir à ne pas essayer d’en traiter trop en même temps, on a vu que ça devenait difficile au bout d’un moment…).

Je pense en définitive que KinnPorsche marquera un tournant dans l’histoire et l’industrie du BL et de sa production et j’espère que les séries futures sauront en prendre exemple et améliorer les choses qui n’ont pas bien fonctionnées pour nous offrir un spectacle au moins aussi bon que celui-ci.
Je reverrai avec plaisir cette série, plusieurs fois même.

Maintenant, à vous de vous faire votre avis.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 20, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0

Even with its many flaws, I love this show

KinnPorsche created a shift in me that I don't know how to explain.

Before watching it, I had watched the Eclipse that got me into Thai BL shows and it was fairly enjoyable. After that, me and my mom (who got me into those shows in the first place) started watching KinnPorsche and I have to say, I'm not the same person since.

First of all, the presentation is incredible. Even when you don't compare it with what the Filmania trailer showed (which was so cheap looking and amateur-ish), it's beautiful and so well put together. There were some issues that I couldn't overlook - extras who were supposed to be dead were slightly moving in the background, hair length changing between scenes, daytime changing to night time in a matter of minutes, wounds disappearing and reappearing etc - but I noticed most of those upon rewatches of the show, so a newcomer probably won't notice them, unless they are very perceptive. Besides that, though, the cinematography, directing, editing, lighting, costume design, set design, all of it was so professionally presented and the attention to detail impressed me.

I want to focus a little on the music because I pay a lot of attention to it whenever I watch a series or a movie. And I have to say, the music was one of my favorite aspects of the show. I spent hours trying to find every single piece on YouTube and was happy that most of it was Royalty Free music, since it was easier for me to discover. Each piece was chosen spectacularly and fit with the scene perfectly. The theme song was very catchy and fun to listen to, as well as its variations they were using as background music throughout the show. Jeff Satur's song stuck in my head for many days after finishing KinnPorsche, his angelic voice resonating with me. But my favorite song has to be Season Five's. When we heard the vocals as viewers during that particular sad scene, my heart broke, it was devastating and beautiful.

The acting was phenomenal and all of the actors and actresses deserve praise - which they got eventually and that makes me so happy for them. Many of them were rookies but they were so good at their respective roles that you wouldn't even notice. The most notable example being Bible who played Vegas, easily one of the best actors of the show. The way he portrayed Vegas, arguably the most difficult role of all, is astounding and I have nothing but respect for his talent and determination to give it his all. Other notable performances were Apo's, who played Porsche, and Build's, who played Pete. Those three, for me, were the best actors of the series, each giving a unique and memorable performance for their amazing characters.

Speaking of characters, some of them I loved and some of them I loved to hate. My favorite character was easily Pete, with Vegas being a very close second. Both of them had so many layers to their personality and were so much more than what was initially shown to the audience that I was dumbfounded. I loved them to pieces. Porsche was also quite interesting and truly gave the impression that he was a 23 year-old man, which I appreciated. Other characters I enjoyed spending time with was Kim, Arm and Big, all of them giving me exactly what I wanted. Kinn, Korn, Gun and Porsche's uncle, as well as Tawan, were the characters I disliked greatly, some even hated with a passion. The reasons are multiple but I cannot specify without spoilers.

This brings me to the story. I'm here to tell you, there isn't that much story here. The mafia setting isn't really the focus of the series. I found it to be more or less the excuse for bringing all these characters together. I particularly don't find that a bad thing but nevertheless, it's important to know so that you are prepared before watching. What you also need to know is that the bits and pieces of story there actually is, it has some plot holes that may hinder your engagement and enjoyment. Some character decisions make no sense, the way the things progress may seem rushed or out of nowhere and some back and forth may occur. If those things will bother you depends a lot on what you enjoy in a story and what your expectations will be for KinnPorsche.

Now, I must dedicate a paragraph or two to talk about the romance. It is a BL after all, isn't that why we're here?

KinnPorsche has 3 main couples. The first one being Kinn and Porsche, as the title suggests, the second one being Vegas and Pete and the third one being Kim and Porchay. If this wasn't common knowledge, I wouldn't even mention what the couples are, because I love the element of surprise, especially with VegasPete. But I really want to give my opinion about all of them so, here it is.

Kinn and Porsche's relationship had it all. It was passionate, it was cute, it was wholesome, it was dramatic, the whole package. MileApo really gave it their all while portraying those characters and you can just feel their chemistry from the 1st episode. I have some issues with how their struggles were presented and some back and forth they had, especially with Kinn being an asshole most of the time, but I can't say I didn't enjoy what the show gave me. They were the stars of the show and rightfully so. Kim and Porchay were cute. Their celebrity/fan dynamic worked for me and the progression of their relationship made sense. They weren't my favorite but I had fun during their scenes, they gave me a feeling of fluff that I didn't know I wanted but definitely needed between all the angst and suffering that was happening.

And then, there's VegasPete. My favorite element of the series, which says a lot, considering their story started super late. I was immensely hooked and invested from beginning to end. I truly adore tragic portrayals of love and their relationship is the very definition of that. Their love story is full of pain but also mutual understanding in every sense of the word; romantically, sexually, mentally, physically. They are 2 broken people who grew up used to being abused and neglected, until they met each other in the worst of circumstances and somehow found solace in each other. Many KinnPorsche fans can't see them as a couple and while I completely understand why, I can't help but be fascinated by what the show accomplished within such a tight timeframe; making me love a couple for all the reasons that I should have hated it instead.

KinnPorsche isn't perfect. It has problems in many areas and I can see why some people had issues with it. At the same time, I don't care about any of them. It gave me a whole new experience that grabbed my attention and never let it go. It made me look beyond the entertainment I consumed in the past and gave me an experience I never thought I would have and thoroughly enjoy. If we actually do get a second season, I'll surely be there to support KinnPorsche with all my heart. Give it a chance, I'm sure you won't regret it!

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Jules Le Loup
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 11, 2023
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

100% deserved worldwide love

Last september I discovered KinnPorsche absolutely occasionally in my Twitter's feed and it was the very hot moment which surprisingly looked very natural... So I started watching immediately and was impressed A LOT by acting.

Mile and Apo as Kinn and Porsche are just amazing in everything: the chemistry, the bed scenes (oh, they're amazing!), intereaction and character development. If you want to see how a strong and quite selfish appears as a reliable and acceptive boyfriend, staying the hottest man alive thanks to a bratty kitty-boy and a soft and caring brother who can kill you without any problems (except the moral ones from time to time), you're welcome to KinnPorsche.

Bible and Biu as Vegas and Pete have very interesting dynamics. They open each other's hidden needs and feelings step by step and do it very powerfully. Vegas (by Bible, I think even thanks to Bible) is one of my top three most favorite characters of KinnPorsche (with Kinn and Porsche themselves), because his way from a piece of sh*t to the absolutely wild and vulnerable character is brilliant.

Jeff and Barcode as Kim and Porchay made a cute and touching and at the same time painful line of the first love. Both of them, cold and sharp Kim, good in acting and really bad in feelings, and soft but quite hot tempered Porchay in the inoccence of his first feeling are adorable.

Flamboyant and charming Tong, very interesting Bas and others also made the idea even more interesting.

Music in KinnPorsche is absolutely great, the main two songs Free Fall and Why Don't You Stay are now one of my favorites and I listen to them very often. Both rock and soft moods are breathtaking.

The story itself is cool but in my opinion it couldn't work so good without such a brilliant cast. It's definitely worth to rewatch and I rewatched it with my mom (she is ok to BL and likes the quality films and shows, so it was her first Thai BL series and she loves it!). I think I need to rewatch it again..

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 19, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 3.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Don't know how to feel.

Since watching the trailer, i was so hyped for the actual series. The series was worth watching but, it didn't blow me away. What saved the whole show was the amazing chemistry everyone of the couples had.

1.Ship thoughts
2.Good/Bad things
3.rewatch rating
they were cute, but as i watched more episodes a cycle started to be obvious, Kinn hurts Porsche in some way or another, Porsche then gets back at him, and misunderstandings start, get together and rinse and repeat. Not gonna say their scenes werent enjoyable, they were still enjoyable as a couple, widely contributed by the insane chemistry between the two actors.

In my opinion, they got too little screentime, thoroughly enjoyed them too tho, and again widely contributed by the great chemistry.
Would have loved ,if there was a scene with their confession or just more with them .

What am i even supposed to say, i hate their coupling ALOT. Vegas is a psycopath, he tortured, broke,stripped Pete of his humanity. It wasnt even to just torture him physically, what caused him more pain i think was the psychological trauma that he caused him.

He made Pete, adress/feel himself like an animal, he took it all from him.. and also Pete 'falling in love with Vegas' that's not love. That is borderline if not IS, stockholm syndrome.

I wont forget the scene when , Pete is in the bath while telling Porsche that he's fine as he tries to smile. Sorry if i keep repeating myslef but. He was an empty shell.

They were a very intresting ship, but i will NEVER ship them.

Good things:
The action was real and was there. The music was great 'freefall' is such a great song.
Visualy was beautiful.
The chemistry i feel for all couples was there.

Just Tankhul. I loved him. His character, was crazy,not serious. But when he needed to he also knew how to be realistic and serious.

Bad things:
I feel like Kinn/ Porsche's character development was nonexistent
Ending felt kind of weird??
Alot of thing could have been prevented , some by simply comunicating, if i was korn I'd have killed Gun years ago.
Kinn just felt kinda useless/ a bad boss.

How likey i am to rewatch:
I probbaly, most likely won't rewatch the whole series again.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 24, 2023
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


This series had blew my mind, from beginning to end. I couldn’t stop watching. I wanted to know the how, the why and the how especially when it came to Kinn’s father. I still don’t trust him. He had so many secrets. I felt for Porsche who just wanted answers for not only himself, but for his brother. Overall, I can’t wait for the continuation to see what happens next for KinnPorsche. By the end of the series, I became a fan of MileApo & BarcodeJeff. But, the main ones who stole the show were Tong & Bible for me.
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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 3, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Una obra de arte

Voy a ser breve con la review porque lo terminé de ver hace como tres sábados. Todavía no supero la majestuosidad de la serie.

Para empezar tenemos una trama que te atrapa desde el segundo cero con un excelente balance entre comedia, acción y drama. El trabajo de cámara, los colores y el guión son un 10/10 que realza el increíble trabajo que realizaron los actores en la puesta en escena.

Para resumir mis teorías y demases, no le creo nada al padre de Kinn pero estoy feliz que al menos Porsche y Porchay están vivos y juntos. Para mi que Korn quiere a Porsche como jefe de la segunda familia porque es más fácil de controlar que Vegas, quien tiene sus propios deseos y ambiciones. Muy sospechoso el hecho de que haya matado a su propio hermano antes de que pudiera terminar la frase respecto a la madre de los chicos,

Debo mencionar que me sorprendió la traición de Ken, pero tiene sentido cuando por twitter dijeron que era el único que también hablaba en inglés de vez en cuando. Perth te amo un montón pero que merecidísima esa paliza que le dieron a tu personaje. A pesar de que después lo hayan servido en bandeja, eso fue un montón me dio terrible asco pero excelente el maquillaje artístico.

Toda la parte desde que Pete decide renunciar a la familia principal para irse con Vegas hasta que va a buscarlo, lo encuentra y convence de que no se mate solo para que después alguien le dispare, merece una ovación de pie. No tengo sombrero pero me lo saco igual. Feliz de que mi amado Vegas no haya estirado la pata y de que Khun esté vivito y coleando.


PD2: Me dio mucha risa que Vegas es el personaje más moralmente gris de toda la serie, donde casi vi*la a Porsché, pero al final el más cancelado fue Kim porque todo LATAM decidió que Porschay era demasiado lindo como para que le rompan el corazón.

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JM Delator
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 4, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10

Epic and high in Re-watch Value

So here is my honest review:

1. Production. Production value has got to be the most amazing thing that has ever happened in a BL series. As expected, they did an excellent job with the locations, set, fashion, and overall Mafia look. The shots, including camera angles and fight scenes, are straight out of Hollywood movies.
2. Story-wise. It's unusual to see series that depict the lives of the LGBTQ community in a mafia setting. Although the target audience is mostly female who likes stories of two men falling in love with each other, it's not surprising that the series turned out to be gay-friendly because both the actors who played the main roles, Mile and Apo, were vocal about their stand on equality. They even campaign for marriage equality in Thailand and are very supportive of it, as they mention in their interviews. The story is really one for the books. It didn't even come from the big companies out there, and it's a start-up project from a new production company, but it surprisingly gathered the best people, including one from the production team behind the Call Me By Your Name movie.
3. Acting. It's obviously one of the best factors that drives the show. All of the actors and even the production were really devoted to the series in the best way possible, and it's obviously shown. Although it's not that perfect, it certainly is one of the best that the Thai BL industry has ever had. Skeptics may find this statement biased, but you really can't think of a fault because it did what it was supposed to do. The actors clearly put in a lot of effort, as evidenced by the high quality of the final product.

So, what went wrong, according to the skeptics?
1. Some of them say that the third couple was unnecessary. Why would you even question this if they are following the books? It's weird for you to question the story if it is a product of the writer's imagination. It may seem mean, but I suggest you make up your own story if you don't like the idea. I don't even find it questionable to add the third couple simply because it's highly possible due to them being in one environment, the mafia world. Anything is just possible, and you can't do anything about it.
2. Unnecessary connection? Why do you even think there's an unnecessary connection going on? As far as the story goes, I can't remember a character who has an unnecessary connection to the story. Anybody who thinks otherwise can simply finish the series before saying this and drop the name of that character. I believe everyone played a lot, even the friend of Porsche who seems to have nothing to do with the plot but surprisingly plays quite a role in proving the character development of Kinn.
3. I don't know why it's a problem for some when the main leads simply develop a character change. I don't think in the real world it isn't possible, so why does this become a problem for some?
4. BL series, especially those from Thailand, are known to insert comedic plots, so I don't quite understand why other people still find it negative and distractive. If you are a fan of the Thai BL series, you will find that every now and then there are comedic scenes added. This is because Thai series in general are known for it. Even the lakorns use this type of plotting to create some lighthearted scenes in the midst of the episode's dark tone. To be honest, the only time I have seen the timing be off was when Kinn and Porsche were talking about Kinn's ex after Porsche showed Kinn the picture of Tawan. I expected their conversation to go deeper, but in the end they cut the conversation short and had Kinn throw the cramped picture of Tawan in the trash can after Porsche said so. I was expecting Kinn to actually dispose of it and get rid of it because Porsche, who is looking adorably cute, was jealous and ordered him. I was waiting for a game changer there because my emotions were high at that point, only to be turned off by a cute joke.
5. Some people are saying it should focus on the mafia aspect. I beg to disagree. This is a BL series in a mafia world; it has the right amount of mafia in there, and if you really followed the story correctly, there is plenty of that aspect in every scene. If they go beyond it and focus on the mafia aspect, the story will become a mafia story rather than a BL story. I haven't read everything in the novel, but I came across an English translation one time, which is now removed due to copyrights. The scenes are too dark, but overall, it didn't really get too deep into the mafia world. So why would you think the series should go into that aspect when it's not the main point of the series? I get it; it lacks scenes where there is plenty of killing every minute, but do you really think that's how the mafia works? They have already shown a couple of scenes where there are killings and actions and everything you can expect from a mafia world, but just because they are showing how Kinn is slowly leaving away from that part because he falls in love with Porsche, you can say in general that they should have been focusing on the mafia aspect. Why is that a problem?
6. Vegas, you say, is the saving grace. Yeah, I get it; everyone loves Vegas. It's always the toxic manipulator, the cunning character, and some fans have typical villain apologists' behavior that I always see, but, to be honest, he is not the saving grace because there is nothing to be saved here. You just love the concept of torture, killing, toxicity, and redemption. There's no need to argue that those are typical story arcs that always get a good clap from fans; honestly, that's how it gets interesting, when villains become good people after they do the most horrible things. I can see where this is going already, so I am not surprised that a group of fans would rather choose Vegas and Pete over Kinn and Porsche. I have no problem with that except that you oriented your review of the series around what happened to your favorite character. That's not fair because that's not how you make a review. You can't say the entire series is bad just because you don't like the characters. That's not how it works, honey. Just tell me you have second-lead syndrome; I'd understand. Kinn changes into a soft, caring, and loving character because of Porsche and Vegas similarly did when he met Pete. But why are you hating how the story of Kinn and Porsche goes because you are loving Vegas and Pete? It doesn't make sense to me. That is why I don't like people with one-sided views on everything. They always misunderstand things because they are not open to looking at other people's points of view because they only like what they like, then shut off the window and close the argument.
7. You like Tankhun but you hate the comedy inserted into this series because it's too much? Every scene with Tankhun is hilarious. Are you kidding me? Every scene with him is a literal comedy.

All in all, the series is not perfect, but it is definitely something to be praised for its production value, story, and actors' performances. They deserved to be recognized and hailed. I almost forgot about how great the cinematography is. So yeah, it is one of the things you will notice in this series. Spoiler alert! The bathroom scene, the helicopter, Vegas' torture room, and Kinn-Porsche's date are stunningly shot. Those scenes are really incomparable. The acting of the actors in those scenes is superb. Please watch them on official channels. You can watch them legally on iQIYI.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 12, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Haven't seen much BLs with this much professionals

Not really a review but a small rant about how I loved their acting and chemistry.

The main thing that usually lacks in BLs is chemistry and eventually it hampers their overall acting. But kinn porche the series outdid everything that has ever made. This is the standard now. Nothing less will be enough from now on. This isn't about being 18+ only. Many people get it wrong that people loved it because of the adult contents. No, it's not. It's because of how they delivered the adult contents. There were several failed attempt at making 18+ contents. Most of them end up being cringe but this series had all the professionals in a nutshell. Let them be mafia they nailed it, let them be cute they nailed it, let them be romantic they nailed it, let them be sexual they nailed it again. Also how they portrayed the whole Vegas Pete thing. That is very much real and that's a real life issue. There wasn't a single negative thing that could be said about the main characters' acting and how they delivered the whole thing. Even taikhun's annoying character was on point. Kim Chay were off time to time but considering their screentime, it was doable. Even Erika who was just handling guns all over the series did great with that shooting at ep 14. Pol Arm were a perfect comedic duo. I wish we had Ken and Big till the end. Also, the guy who played Big is really really pretty. The story wasn't that much of a thing if you notice. But it is still worth watching again and again because like I said they set a STANDARD.

Also they have my favorite BL dad and Porsche has an eye blinding smile 😍

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 7, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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One of the most anticipated series and it was definitely worth waiting for. Perfect casting, amazing cinematography and has a good storyline. Although I didn't expect the series to have a comedic approach, it wasn't cringy. Apo, Mile and the rest of the cast did great at delivering their character's emotions. I also love how they didn't exactly follow the novel and made Kinn more human and less violent. As much as I love the novel, I didn't mind the changes made. Overall, a great series that's definitely different from the rest. Highly recommended!
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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 10, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

La mejor serie que he visto

La espera valió la pena. La historia difiere bastante del libro, pero creo que todos los cambios fueron muy favorables para el desarrollo de los personajes. Los actores hicieron un trabajo excelente, trabajaron muy duro por más de 1 año para interpretar a los personaje y cada uno de ellos fue espectacular. La calidad de esta serie no se compara con nada que haya visto antes en esta industria, la dirección y producción me dejaron sin palabras... La banda sonora es muy buena, con 5 canciones que nos robaron el corazón. Es una historia seria pero con momentos muy bien logrados de humor que liberan la tensión cuando es necesario.
Si hay una serie para recomendar es esta.

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Esnah Do
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 28, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

"All my life, is yours"

My reaction to this series was kinda similiar to my reaction to Not Me the Serie, in both dramas I wasn't expecting to like it so much.
It was AMAZING Jeff Satur and Bible really are something aren't they?
VegasPete the most toxic ship of all time is the one who I loved the most, before watching it I was just simping over Bible (don't get me wrong. I still do) I didn't really understand all the hype about the ship and especially Pete, the relationship was toxic and Pete was so goofy and dumb but after watching it my mind change quicker than an F1 car ahahahaha Pete is such a smart and kind b*tch, like bestie we can't find men like him in a lot of places so now I get it why Vegas felt so hard for him (I would too).
Kinn is not my cup of tea, at the end of the series I started to like him more than at the beginning but he's not a good guy at all. Porsche, I just fucking love him, he's my total opposite sometimes it was even funny to see ahahaha
I wrote some note while I was watching the drama, gonna let them here bellow for you to read my honest thoughs about this BL<3
Ok people I know Vegas is the biggest red flag that ever existed in the whole world but if he ever asked me to runaway with him like he did to Porsche (ep.9) I would just say "Yes please", I wouldn't even care about nothing more I would hear him asking me that as if he was asking me to marry him ahahah
I don't know what my problem or why they always choose the hottest actors to do the bitch characters but I would give EVERYTHING to wake in Kim's (Jeff Satur) arms ahahaha even though he would break my heart into pieces after 2 weeks... Porchay is so naive poor guy but he really got balls hein, I would never confess my feelings to someone or say I love them after the first night spent together as he did
I'm realizing that I am also a f*cking red flag ahahah when Porshe says the Vegas is a jerk and he just says "You only realize that now?" it's something that I would say hahha holly molly
I really hated that scene in ep. 10 when Kinn says that he feels that forgot something... that something is a person and it's Pete, the head bodyguard, the one who trusted the most, I really deeply hate that
Now I'm pitting Porchay and I SON'T WHAT THAT
Kinn's full of bullshit... he trying to touch Porsche an Porsche rejecting but he making signs so the bodyguard wouldn't touched him WAS HOTTTT
Poor hedgehog he was with no doubts the main character on the series kkkkk Vegas raction to his death is nothing but painful... HAHAHAH Vegas slapping himself is the funniest thing I've ever seen
I don't like that Porsche is lying to Kinn about is intentions when he's going to live with him again, if he was honest with Kinn everything would be so much easier
Kinn wanting to meet Porsche parents who are already dead is the cutest thing ever
Besties, I thought Dark Blue Kiss OST was good but this one is just too amazing "Free fall" IS THE SH*T
New kink unlocked: Vegas (Bible) speaking english... this sh*t turns me on hahaha

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Em andamento 14/14
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 30, 2022
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

All characters are flawed, there is no real hero or villain

KinnPorsche is largely amoral towards any crimes and mafia activity. It also hardly passes judgment on what kinds of behaviour are ‘wrong’ or questionable, merely serving as a mirror to reflect how the flaws of damaged humans.

The series vacillates between three poles: the dark (violence), the light (humour), and the fluffy (romance).

Kinn’s family and their bodyguards speak only one common language – violence. Entangled in a complex web of rivalries where their survival is threatened, Porsche quickly learns that trust is a commodity that few can afford in Kinn’s world.

Kinn is drawn to Porsche’s playful innocence and carefree nature. But the realisation sinks in quickly; there’s no way they can live like other ordinary couples. If only he could shed his skin and be rid of his responsibilities to become neither a leader of a mafia ring nor his father’s son – just Kinn, a man who wants to be with Porsche.

And here comes the fluffy part. At times, the relationship between Kinn and Porsche seems just like any other typical BL. They rain kisses on each other’s cheeks and whisper sweet nothings like teenagers in love.

The trailer for KinnPorsche created the impression that the series is sinister, violent, and moody. But the show turned out to be less dark than I expected. Personally, I found some of these supposedly humorous moments a little cringey to sit through – the worst of the lot being Porsche’s incompetent fails in the earlier episodes, which made him look unnecessarily immature and silly.

But overall, KinnPorsche is an amazing BL. With moral ambiguity, wild intimacy scenes (a word of caution: I strongly recommend you watch it with headphones), stunning fight sequences and a very different brand of ‘romance’ from what BL fans are used to, KinnPorsche is groundbreaking in its own right.

Full review here:
My analysis of the last episode + all unanswered questions here:

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