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Mai 9, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 4.0

BLs and comedies....good try I guess!

Cute and cheesy university BL (where the leads aren't engineers?!). The overall plot was fairly uninteresting unfortunately, because the main characters spend so much time fighting over...nothing? PondPhuwin is a great pair though (and NeoLouis of course). I honestly only watched this because I'm still waiting for the new episodes of Never Let Me Go.

Pi has had a crush on Nan for a long time but has never had the courage to say anything since he knows Nan is way out of his league. But after a ~makeover~ he finally gains the confidence to approach him. However, Mork is always with Nan, giving Pi no room to be alone with him. Pi continuously gets annoyed at Mork, who always seems to be in his way, until he realizes it's actually Mork who he has feelings for.

Mork and Pi would have been great together if Pi didn't spend the entire series convincing himself he only liked Nan and didn't have feelings for Mork. It took them FOREVER to be into each other. Why must the "cheesy romance" BLs never have much of the actual cheesy romance, and instead be so much fighting and arguing over things that never further the plot? The scenes where they were flirting/actually together were so fun and cute, but there are so few of these that it makes watching this one less fun.

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BL addict
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 8, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
I remember I watch this show every week until it's final episode. honestly speaking, this series was a light and fluffy one, a great series for you who like enemies-to-lovers troupe and want something light to watch. If we're talking about the acting, I think Phuwin's acting are better in here than in his new series. I feel like this kind of character suits him more. Still, I don't think his acting was that great, but i've seen worse, was not good but not that bad. but I'm surprised by Pond's good acting, especially since this was his first main role. His character in his new series was very nice too. GMM did a great job to pick him as one of their talent. his suuuuper talented in acting.
I would recommend this for someone who's looking for something that's cute and sweet and for someone who wants to watch a BL series for the first time.

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Nov 30, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 3.5

Watch it once for the actors

There are many things I liked and the same amount of things that I didnt. I dont regret watching it because the chemistry between characters is really sweet, as to be expected, but the show tends to be pretty cheesy. I like that they break the fourth wall a lot but there a a few frustrating/cringe moments as a viewer. I will say the intimate moments are actually really cute/sexy even if they were brought about in pretty forced ways. Pond (Mork) is amazing as always. And of course i will watch anything with Pond and Phuwin together at least once. The relationship between Neo and Louis characters are also just as cute as the main characters. And any chance i get to see Mix in a series I'll take it, even if he isnt really a main character.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 16, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.5

Underrated bl drama

I absolutely loved this drama and think it deserves a higher rating in my opinion! Perfect choice of characters and their roles in the drama! Very light hearted, super cute, great chemistry between main characters and a standard good plot. Some scenes were so hilarious and I couldn’t stop laughing (and it’s rare that I find many funny bl dramas) I also loved the main soundtrack, such a catchy tune which I ended up saving on my phone! If you’re considering watching something cute and light hearted, this is definitely a show for you!
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Abr 1, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

I love the name of the drama "Fish upon sky"

Honestly, this drama pretty much reached my expectations except in the last few episodes when P's behaviour started to irritate me a little bit. He was an insecure character for sure that's why he would always say he didn't deserve to date Mork or someone like him should not date Mork at some extent it was understandable but afterwards it started to annoy me how seriously he started to take comments of people on social media like Mork was telling and consoling him that he loves him but he just shut him up and choose to listen to someone online, pretty much annoying to me but that makes him quite realistic cause shit like this is happening to this generation.
I hated both of the shippers like they were so creepy and I liked how Pi stood up for his privacy and that was probably the most sensible thing he ever did in the drama.
Overall there were some things that I didn't like about Pi but I think I must have to say that despite his little annoying traits, I found him pretty wholesome and adorable and in the end, we got his character development which was I think great.

And speaking about Mark I think he is a little complex to break down. We are not going to ignore the fact that he did invade Pi's privacy and even when he was not admitting his feelings for Mork he just kept insisting to him that he would make him fall which I think is somewhat toxic behaviour and just by reading other reviews I realised Mork was somewhere a stalker. Another thing that I think I didn't like about him is how writers tried to make him the perfect flawless character which turns out to be pretty unrealistic I quite liked his calming nature but his stalking this and trying to force Pi's feelings for him despite his denial just kinda ruin him for being "THE CHARACTER" for me, I hope that makes sense. And talking about his female friend she was a keeper, I quite adored her until she came up with her crush and shit like you can't convince me that it didn't look forced. Writers just write that thing down to create some tension before ending and in my opinion, it didn't work but what else we can expect from a cheesy bl.

Coming to the second lead I find their relationship more realistic than the first lead and I love how much we got Duean's character development there wasn't any unnecessary drama and misunderstanding which I love and their clear communication with each other made the relationship more healthy.

Lastly, I find Duean's friends pretty hilarious as they added the extra flavour to drama just by doing some random ass stuff but I think they were awesome and great.

Overall the drama was pretty entertaining and full of fluff even you cannot expect some mind-blowing storyline, plot or character complexity but for me, it was worth watching and I love the drama's sense of humour like definitely going to be one of the dramas with my favourite comedic elements.

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Ceo Of Dying
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 13, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Love the onscreen chemistry but I hate the slow burn

I love this show! I took off a star because of that one scene with serious cultural appropriation. I took another 1/2 a star off because of the slow burn (like I was dying from anticipation) and the fact that they weren't "together" for as long as I would have wanted. id prefer if there was another episode where nothing bad happens and it was just sappy romance. I loved their (pi & mork) awkward tension they had before the relationship and during their relationship. My favorite part was like the last 20 minutes of episode 12 where everyone (all the people who have been crushing on each other) confessed to one another/finally accepted their true feeling for one another and kissed.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 7, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.5

I Met My Stalker While Stalking My Crush, And Now We're A Couple

New title: “I Met My Stalker While Stalking My Crush, And Now We're A Couple”, this series is basically a tale of how two stalkers became a couple

Watching this the 2nd times feels different. i didn’t remember it to be this funny phuwin’s voice over is funny too lmao and I laughing so hard like how he described himself as wisdom tooth, I never heard that type of self degression before as a dental student myself, i cringed so hard lmaoo.

This series also gives a whole new meaning to secondhand embarrassment like holy sh!t it's on a whole other level, there is not even a single braincell available in this group of friends. Wan takes 80% of the brain cells, Pi takes 20% and Duean -_-. AND I SWEAR THE CREATORS OF THIS SERIES ARE HAVING TOO MUCH FUN IN PUTTING A LOT OF OTHER BL REFERENCES.

And I also like how this series addressed the shipping culture in the entertainment industry. People need to realise that privacy needs to be respected at all costs, i’m so glad they used the words “harass” and “unsafe” because YES that is exactly what is happening. It’s incredibly creepy, stalkerish behavior, and I’m glad this show is talking about it.

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Nov 26, 2022
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.5
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Sutthaya ruined the show for me

The story was really good in my opinion, classic story line, enemies to lovers trope and all. If someone would summarize it for you,
You wouldve thought its another clichè story, always the same but i guarantee you, It's not.

The way they depicted the stalkers/shippers were really good too; some dramas like to debunk them as fans when sometimes they act really obsessive and sometimes know about private matters as if they have been watching the character up close. But the way Pattawee actually faced the two admins of the fan account and clarified that he was unsafe and uncomfortable, I'm glad the authors acknowledge such an issue.

The actors depicted their characters very nicely, you can tell their emotions and feelings just by looking at their face and most of the time, eyes

one thing that bothered me is Sutthaya, if you've watched the show, you know He didnt defend Pattawee against those commentors and even giving those people a chance to attack him by stating that he likes Pattawee in the Live.
He also never changed even after the incident, I had expected that he would try to understand why Pattawee felt really defensive and unsafe towards people knowing about their relationship but No.
Some people may not realize this but he was really manipulative towards Pattawee and it really showed toward the ending where he and other "friends" (aka those intrusive shippers) celebrated Sutthaya's B-day.
When Pattawee ran away after Sutthaya smeared icing in his face in a flirting manner, Sutthaya tried to talk to him and I thought he would finally understand Pattawee's feelings but no he manipulated him into confessing their relationship in front of those very obsessive shippers that CLEARLY attacked Pattawee since his shipping incident, invalidating the fact that he was brutally bullied not long before this whole story happened.
You would love Sutthaya because of his persistance toward the person he loves but the persistance would turn into a "silence means no" type of manner once you get into the later episodes

in conclusion, everything was nice except for Sutthaya for me

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Jan 7, 2022
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Not as great as I hoped, PondPhuwin can do so much better

This show has 1) a decent line-up, 2) a premise that sounds promising although slightly cliched, and 3) a slightly quirky vibe. And yet, it somehow doesn’t quite live up to any of these three expectations.

Nan, played by Mix, is terribly underwhelming after his A Tale of Thousand Stars performance. This is through no fault of Mix, though, since it was the character that came off as rather bland and lacking in personality, rather than Mix’s acting being the problem. As for PondPhuwin, they are a decently compatible onscreen pair but FUTS was probably not their time to shine yet.

Fish Upon The Sky skims some fairly interesting themes – self-esteem issues from being an outcast in school, cyber anonymity and bullying, the ethical boundaries of shipping a couple, and coping with scrutiny in general. It’s a shame that the show only manages to bob along the surface without really diving into any of these.

Read my full review here:

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18 dias atrás
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 2.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

El cast hizo la serie

La historia partió con una idea buena y toca algunos puntos bien interesantes a medida que se desarrolla: estándares de belleza, inseguridades, falsas amistades, la honestidad de decir lo que se siente. Pero en general, creo que no siempre estuvo bien tratado. Los grupos de shipeadores no recibieron ningún tipo de consecuencia por todo lo horrible que hacían, arruinaron el personaje de Bam en el penúltimo capítulo innecesariamente, nunca se problematizó el hecho de que Mork hubiera sido este amigo anónimo y que no le dijera a Pi. Bien por Meen manteniéndose firme para no tomar alcohol y enojpandose, bien por el amigo gordo que era muy popular y que nunca se tomó como broma, bien por Mork tratando de entender las inseguridades de Pi, bien por la relación entre los hermanos. Pero realmente, el casting es lo que salva esta serie, Puwhin y Pond tienen una química increíble a pesar de no actuar tan bien en esta época; y los actores secundarios cumplen sus roles muy bien, sobre todo Meen y Duean que cumplieron con ser la pareja secundaria tierna y más ligera.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 3, 2022
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

Watch and make your own opinion

About the MLs - Pond and Phuwin make such a cute couple. I can't agree with those who think they don't have any chemistry. In my opinion it was undeniable. There's something captivating about Pond's appearance, I literally had butterflies in my stomach whenever he approached Phuwin.

Storywise - Honestly I didn't get it why Pi was refusing Mork so badly when he obviously made his heart skip a beat. Mork was so caring about Pi but the latter just kept pushing him away in too rude way. Sometimes I wished someone better for Mork just because I hated how harsh Pi's dismissive attitude was. I get that he didn't see him in romantic way back then but hey dude - being a little bit polite won't kill you. I admired Mork for his patience of a saint with Pi. These Mork's words say it everything: "Can you please stop caring about other people and just care about me?"

Btw the fujoshi elements in Thai BLs annoy me like hell! I can't hear their "Oiiiii" anymore. If this really exists in Thailand I am sorry for those guys who are actually their "preys" only for the sake of number of likes and followers.

As for the second couple - there was nothing special what would catch my attention. Neo and Louis are both cute themselfs but as a couple... I don't know. But that is solely my opinion.

The comedy part was too much sometimes. Duean's screeching voice tore my ears, couldn't he just speak in normal voice? If that was supposed to make him look cool it was not at all. Also there were some scenes which ought to be serious or thrilling but they used funny music or silly noises in them. This was very disturbing and I was not able to absorb the actual emotion of that scene because of that.

All in all - it was far from perfect but "edible". I have seen much worse series. If you like the comedy tuned BLs this is for you. The MLs worked perfectly together for me, so I wish they could get a better script next time. 7/10 from me.

PS: Seeing Mix as Pi's crush was a little strange - everytime he appeared on screen I was just waiting for Earth to pop up :D

PS2: What is the possibility that you have 3 sons and all of them are dating/hitting on a GUY at the same time? Hmmm...

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 28, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

The one-sided rivalry into lovers.

Frankly, I have mixed feelings. The scene of every episode and OST has a lot of originality!

I love how Phuwin portrayed Pi's character and his insecurities, weakness, and determination. I love the way he is flawed because not everyone is perfect. I feel that from the beginning of the series, Pi is really charming in his own way. It makes him such a complex character, and he feels real. His past was so sad if we actually think about it, and every action he made honestly really understandable considering how hard it has been for him all these while. Eventually, he overcame his biggest fear and lived happily with Mork.
I have no words for Mork. Seriously, how can someone like him exist? He is good-looking, popular and charming, but he falls for Pi. His patience, care, and love for Pi. I think he fell in love the moment he saw Pi for the first time. The way he said, "I can be your vaccine, Pi". Damn, man, it hit me hard. I also love the shift in the dynamics between the leads.
Duean and Meen's scene makes my day; it is cute and funny. I will miss Duean's lack of brain cells and Meen's bubbly personality.
Introducing Bam's character almost at the end of the did bring a twist, and the way she shared Pi's old photos, although it was terrible, finally helped Pi break the wall he built around himself.
Finally, to Koh, Yok, James and Jeans, you guys were phenomenal and funny.

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Peixe no Céu (2021) poster



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