Nine: Nove Vezes Viajante do Tempo Episode 11
Min Young recovers her memories of her relationship with Seon Woo, but as they are now related, he pushes her away. He provides an alibi for her fiancé, but she can't let it go, and pleads for him to save her. He finds her at the spot where their relationship started and once he sees her, can no longer resist.
- Exibido: April 15, 2013
Nine: Nove Vezes Viajante do Tempo Episode 11 Reações

and that phonebooth, coulnd't get QIHM out of my mind in that escene!
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Also, Min Young and Sun Woo's relationship is getting even more complicated, I mean we all know about their relationship but how would their surrounding understand it? Especially her mother she's a very difficult woman and very hard to please plus she complains a lot!
Anyway, I really don't know what is going to happen next, it's making me confused, in a good way! Can't wait!
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