Sinto Sua Falta Episode 15
After the incident occurs, Su Yeon blames Jung Woo. She's tired and confused of being both Zoe and Su Yeon and runs out of the house. Jung Woo goes back to Su Yeon's workplace where she sleeps for the night. Ah Reum is surprised to find them together. A strange man breaks into Tae Jun's house and steals something from the Aunt. Jung Woo is fired after starting an argument with the Boss.
- Exibido: December 27, 2012
Sinto Sua Falta Episode 15 Reações

These kind of thing really annoy me ><
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What I didn't like is they are getting better at making Harry a bad guy :( I'm still rooting for Zoe and Harry
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Soo Yeon needs to gain a backbone. Again at the end when he is holding her and won't let her go. She needs to shove him away and tell him to back off. I understand she has had trauma in her life but come one girl... stand up for yourself!!
Jung Woo putting the red clothespin in her hair while she was sleeping was so cute. I liked the fact that she kept putting it back in.
Great episode.
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but what up with the other Harry guy working for him??
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I'm also team Harry even if he is going a little to far but aw. I pity him so much!! I don't want a sad ending.
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