Iniziamo col dire che son stata molto combattuta se scrivere una recensione su questo lavoro di qualche anno fa su cui molti hanno già speso tante parole e considerazioni. Normalmente tendo a recensire lavori che non hanno nessuna o poche recensioni in italiano per orientarvi nella visione e aiutarvi a scegliere, perché penso sia questo lo scopo di my drama list.Vi anticipo che il drama è un drama di riscatto e rivalsa sociale, non è basato su una storia d'amore, questa è semmai di contorno, è perfettamente calato nella società moderna...una società economica che va a duecento chilometri all' ora, che non aspetta nessuno, che divora chi non ha la forza di stare al passo.
Questa serie merita di essere vista perché ci racconta tutto questo, non ci nasconde gli aspetti più crudi e più violenti del nostro sistema economico e ci ricorda che nonostante tutto, nonostante tutti esiste un bene che è il capitale più prezioso che nessuna quantità di denaro potrà mai superare: la nostra umanità.
Premesso questo, mi sono convinta perché vorrei condividervi il mio personale punto di vista e aiutarvi ad apprezzarlo per la straordinaria sceneggiatura, recitazione e storia fuori dal comune rispetto ai comuni romance.
Qui ruota tutto attorno alla realizzazione personale, professionale e alla forza di seguire i propri sogni, sempre e comunque, a dispetto dei sacrifici e vengono poste due strade impersonate dalle due protagoniste: la prima compie una scelta egoistica per realizzare se stessa mollando tutto e tutti e appoggiandosi ad aiuti esterni, la seconda ritarda di molti decenni il successo per restare vicino agli affetti privandosi di un lavoro degno, di un'istruzione e di una parte di famiglia , vivendo per i principi che per il successo.
Due scelte estreme che questo lavoro accosterà, scontrerà, mettere in competizione e poi le avvicinerà permettendogli di confrontarsi e perdonarsi, risolvendo entrambe le situazioni di vita e riunendo la famiglia.
Questo è il nucleo centrale, realizzato con solide recitazioni, scelte molto credibili, sempre giustificate, vissute, emotivamente cariche; vi verranno quindi accostate altre figure, che graviteranno attorno alla figura della protagonista femminile.Un protagonista maschile fa la sua comparsa quasi subito. E' riuscito a realizzarsi nel modo migliore ed è la figura più di successo nel drama ma che ha sperimentato di contro la perdita degli affetti, della famiglia e non è ugualmente performante in abilità sociali e umane.
Fortunatamente nel corso della sua vita ha incontrato la nonna della protagonista che è riuscita a colmare un po' il vuoto affettivo e aiutare concretamente questo personaggio nei confronti della quale lui avrà un vincolo di gratitudine e senso di colpa importante per aver danneggiato indirettamente la nipote di lei.
In tutto questo grumo di sentimenti ed emozioni contrastanti decide di mettersi a disposizione per aiutarla nell'età adulta, anche con mezzi eticamente non sempre adeguati. E' un vecchio topic questo: meglio la verità o le bugie a fin di bene se possono risparmiare un dolore. E di dolore la protagonista ne ha vissuto davvero troppo in considerazione della sua giovane età, pertanto questa volta nonna e alleato decidono di agire in modo non trasparente e decidono di assoldare una identità terza, che avevano scomodato prendendola da un giornale quando 15 anni prima decisero di trovare un amico di penna alla protagonista che si trovava ad affrontare prima il divorzio dei genitori, il trasferimento della madre e della sorella in un paese straniero e la morte del padre poi.
Il ragazzo che da bambino aveva vinto le olimpiadi di matematica e che sembrava avere una solida famiglia affettuosa alle spalle (con profonda invidia del protagonista maschile) è adesso un giovane programmatore geniale affiancato da due ingegneri privi di mezzi. Sono dei classici "nerd" privi di qualsivoglia passione se non quella per l'intelligenza artificiale e gli algoritmi di riconoscimento facciale, decisi a sfondare e prendersi la loro parte di successo.
Il secondo protagonista maschile decide di aiutare il duo ad evitare un confronto umiliante alla protagonista con la sorella, inizialmente sembra che lui agisca per interesse nell'ottenere qualche vantaggio dall'imprenditore che gli chiede aiuto, ma sembra anche essere meno confuso sul suo futuro quando vede la protagonista e, confrontandosi con lei, comprende di poter trovare una compagna nel suo viaggio insidioso verso il successo.
I due personaggi si completano , dove lui è geniale ma privo di abilità sociali, calmo e pacato lei è estroversa, spigliata, brillante, positiva e volitiva e lui sa gestire e contenere così bene le sue crisi, ponendosi in modo paziente e molto disponibile accanto a lei. Se ne innamora perdutamente e inizia a vivere scrupoli terribili per la menzogna che sta portando avanti,
D'altro canto la protagonista sente la differenza tra l'amico di penna e l'uomo che ha ritrovato dopo tanti anni , questa differenza la inquieta ma la attrae .
La storia prosegue intrecciando le sfide professionali dei due giovani con la gestione dei sentimenti e della menzogna, gli imprevisti e la vittoria, il successo che comporta una disfatta per tutto il gruppo di giovani imprenditori che si trovano a doversi separare per proseguire professionalmente , inevitabilmente e il loro ritrovarsi dopo diversi anni.... .
Per me si tratta di una serie di quelle che stanno un gradino sopra, realizzata magistralmente, molto curata e ben confezionata. Non a caso porta la firma dello Studio Dragon, gli stessi di Crash Landing On You, la Regina delle Lacrime, Navillera (solo per citarne alcuni), a garanzia di qualità.
L'aver voluto dedicare 16 ore alla realtà delle start up! di cui si sa davvero poco se non si è dell'ambiente, è pure notevole, intrecciando sapientemente il mondo dell'imprenditoria con le vicissitudini personali di tutti i protagonisti che ne motiveranno le scelte e le azioni.
"Ci sono poi degli elementi molto importanti che riguardano l' amicizia, che qui viene disegnata come amicizia vera, spassionata, reale e sincera. Un' amicizia che fa bene . E anche gli affetti familiari che in alcuni casi possono essere messi a dura prova , sembrare spezzarsi, ma che alla fine si ricompongono perché la famiglia è la famiglia e l' affetto non può certo essere sopraffatto dal denaro e dal successo.
Si tocca poi con gran delicatezza anche il tema degli orfani che in Corea sono mandati via dagli orfanotrofi a 19 anni, dovendo inserirsi nella società contando solo sulle proprie forze o sull'aiuto di persone estremamente altruiste come la nonna, che aiuta in maniera spassionata il bel coprotagonista.
Insomma, è una serie fatta davvero bene in ogni aspetto e per ottenere questo è necessario che il cast e le storie secondarie siano bravi e ben curati. Ed è esattamente quello che avviene, con le storie di contorno che sono tutte sviluppate in maniera molto bella e approfondita, con uno spessore non certo minore rispetto alla storia principale . Non è un caso che le scene che ho trovato più profonde, toccanti e commoventi siano quelle fra la nonna e l' orfano, interpretato da un Kim Seon-ho in questa serie titanico: bello, bravo e capace di rendere il suo personaggio il più interessante in assoluto", sebbene arroganza e presunzione, anche se legittimate dal successo raggiunto nonostante le difficoltà me lo rendano indigesto.Egli inoltre inizialmente rifiuta di provare sentimenti per la protagonista, come se se ne vergognasse , poi in modo molto capriccioso, tipico di persone molto infantili pretende di rovinare tutto quello che la giovane coppia ha conquistato perché si sente escluso dalla loro felicità. Questo l' ho trovato molto fastidioso e deprecabile.
Non apprezzabile anche il finale, che personalmente ha penalizzato la valutazione complessiva del dramma, perché dall'episodio 11 la serie si concentra moltissimo sulla riuscita professionale e il modello imprenditoriale, risultando interessante a studenti e utilizzabile dai docenti per mostrare il modello delle start up! ai ragazzi a scuola.
Dall'episodio 12 i sentimenti passano in secondo piano e si vedrà poco a livello sentimentale, questo aspetto viene molto trascurato e il finale ne risente, lasciando indietro tutto il resto. Per questo, per assenza di omogeneità tra la parte romantica e quella professionale non mi sento di dare un 10 pieno.
Anche per le evoluzioni dei personaggi , la protagonista sul finale non mi piace come si relaziona col protagonista maschile, emerge un certo utilitarismo e un'assenza di comunicazione tra i due che non ho gradito e mi ha molto deluso.
E' una serie molto valida se si vuole conoscenza il mondo della imprenditoria anche a livello di step e termini tecnici, il tutto è illustrato molto bene.
Le evoluzioni dei personaggi sono molto interessanti, tutti intraprendono percorsi di crescita e supereranno le difficoltà e i loro fantasmi. Sia i primi che i secondi protagonisti che i personaggi secondari.
Scenografia e OST sono meravigliose, tra le mie preferite , senza dubbio la mia preferita se parliamo di serie coreane. Fotografia molto valida.
Ripeto il tutto è molto curato e NULLA MAI IMPROVVISATO.
Consiglio se possibile di seguire in coreano perché nel doppiaggio si perdono le sfumature emotive (doppiaggio italiano tra l'altro non disponibile) ma io l'ho vista sia in spagnolo che in cinese per ripassare un po' le lingue.
Ji Pyeong è un ragazzo orfano che non cerca l'amore ma la famiglia. Da qui la scelta da parte degli autori di caratterizzare il suo percorso con un affetto filiale tramite la figura positiva e benevolente della nonna, che lo accoglie e si prende cura di lui chiamandolo "bravo ragazzo", per evitare che si perdesse , dandogli amore, attenzioni e consolazioni, e il calore della propria famiglia. Io sono convinta che lui non fosse poi così innamorato di Sal- Dal mi, a parte piccoli aiuti non fa davvero tantissimo per la protagonista, e quando Nam do san esce di scena in quei tre anni a parte andare a casa per le feste o aiutarla con ammiratori scomodi non fa . Potrebbe essere paura del rifiuto ma quando l'amore è forte certe paure si superano perché la posta in gioco è troppo alta. E lo dice pure in un episodio finale "Io ti ho scritto delle lettere ma non ti ho mai cercata, lui ne ha letta una ed è corso da te...", questo fa capire che anche lui realizza che ci teneva ma non fino a quel punto da .... . Lui non era realmente innamorato di lei , era spaventato di essere "tagliato fuori" dall'ingresso del competitor, inizia a sviluppare sentimenti e a parlare di interesse solo quando l'antagonista conquista un cuore nella famiglia di lei, porta la famiglia in gita, e si occupa anche della nonna. E' paura di rimanere solo, non è amore, altrimenti avrebbe agito prima e meglio e avrebbe provato a far fruttare quei tre anni.
La figura di Nam Do-San, un personaggio che pochi hanno realmente compreso, è un ragazzo con un disturbo dello spettro, forse un aspeger, tanti segnali ci lanciano gli autori che mi fanno pensare questo (interessi ripetitivi, difficoltà a comprendere i messaggi sociali, pessimo negli sport, nei rapporti con gli altri) e con una famiglia che NON lo incoraggia, riconosce, valorizza, supporta e con profonde ferite d'autostima.
Davvero pensate che Ji Pyeong sia il più sfortunato? Indubbiamente crescere soli e senza appoggi è qualcosa di traumatico e problematizzante ma quel calore e sostegno che riceve dalla nonna ,Nam do San non lo riceverà mai da nessuno eppure il suo amore per la protagonista è fiero, dignitoso, caparbio e coraggioso. Timido e senza mezzi arriva a scontrarsi contro il mondo per lei, la "sostiene in tutto". Qualsiasi cosa di cui lei abbia bisogno lui la farà per lei , dall'app per la nonna all'aggiornamento dopo essere stato mollato in un pessimo modo brutale, in aereo mentre lascia tutto. Non c'è rancore per il modo vergognoso in cui è stato abbandonato, perché il suo amore è puro. Nuovamente una nuova ferita al suo rientro, salva la protagonista e lei disorientata e spaventata si nega al telefono facendogli credere di avere una relazione con l'antagonista e poi lo ricercherà per UTILE, e lui nonostante titubanze iniziali torna da lei, per lei perché è con lei che vuole cambiare il mondo, perché lui vuole essere "quello delle lettere".
Perdonatemi se mi sono dilungata ma vorrei dare una spiegazione esaustiva ed esauriente a tutti coloro che senza fondamenti spingono per la scelta dell'altro solo per questioni estetiche o perché "aveva scritto le lettere". Una serie che parla di imprenditoria, di realizzazione personale non poteva non premiare gli sforzi anche in amore, la scelta di un personaggio solo per priorità di comparsa sarebbe stata infondata.
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Story - 10I liked the plot, it's not something new, but I was very enthusiastic about the idea of Sand Box and the philosophy on which it was based. So for the concept of Sand Box alone I give them a full score. The pace is good (fast enough to not get me bored) and constant. (Actually the main reason I chose this series was because it has only 16 episodes. I don't like those dragging dramas demonstrating to us, again and again, some aspects. I mean how many episodes, dialogues and monologues does someone need to understand a character's depth and complexity? If the script is good and the actors are too, a scene or two are just enough. But if they are not so good, then, irrespective of the amount of time given on screen, they will not manage to convey the message meant to be conveyed. ) I also liked the fact that the love story and the business story were approximatively equally present and they were mixed together beautifully. I laughed, I cried, I had intense moments and relaxed moments; this series has them all and serves them appropriately in terms of time, quantity, quality and logic. I've read some harsh critics regarding the narrative of the plot (actually quite many), but I find them not very befitting. Probably their authors are not very observant of life or maybe they simply lack experience. During my life so far I have encountered every single aspect, situation, action and reaction presented in this series. Yes, they are real and they do occur in life. Just because I wouldn't necessarily act the same way as these characters here, it doesn't invalidate them. I would suggest: be open-minded. If I were to talk about an aspect with which I disagree, that would be someone denying their own feelings. For me it's just so hurtful and unjust. And illogic. But than again, I also saw this happen in my life so... yes, it's real. I myself have done it. I'm not proud, but I also don't regret it (not very much, just a little) because I like to think that I've learned from my mistakes. So whenever I see this cliche in Asian films my heart tightens because I've been there and I empathize quite strongly.
Acting/Cast - 10
Although I'm not a fan of any of them, I must say that the actors are good. They managed to express all sorts of feelings beautifully, especially the inner struggles related to young and inexperienced people trying to start their own business and prove themselves. The 3 boys from Sam San Tech were absolutely adorable. They made me laugh so hard that I woke up my neighbors in the middle of the night. I also liked their emotional side because it's only natural to cry when you feel defeated. I like super strong characters, but I also like those who are nearer to the average human behaviors. Yes, some people are stronger, but some are more sensitive. This doesn't make them less valuable. Of course, Kim Seon Ho outshines them all and he was the only cause of my suffering throughout the entire series. Nam Joo Hyuk/ Nam Do San is adorable but still I was thorn because I would have liked Kim Seon Ho/ Han Ji Pyung to end up happy. And that's only because his acting is so good that it made my heart ache for him so hard. And since I am of a certain age, :) my favorite character in this series was grandma Choi Won Deok/ Kim Hae Sook because she impersonates that ideal of goodness and selflessness which I'm striving to achieve in this life. :) (That was an unnecessary detail, sorry).
Music - 9
To my shame I must admit I was never interested in the soundtrack of any movie/ series. Generally the soundtracks are well matched to the works and very, very seldom was I annoyed or impressed with a soundtrack. So since the soundtrack in this series didn't make any impression on me, I suppose it was good. I scored it only 9 for this reason exactly.
Rewatch Value --
I had to score it 1 because otherwise I couldn't submit my review. Seems that's mandatory. But in reality I cannot score this one because I never rewatch a movie/ series irrespective of how much I liked it. I suppose it's something that has to do with my psychology or philosophy of life: since it's in the past, let it be in the past. Why dwell on it? However, I did rewatch 2 movies in this life of mine. :)))))) Hollywood movies.
Overall - 10
Yes, it's a good work and it's worth your time.
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This drama has a special hold on me. I've rewatched this for so many times and every time still feels like the first time. I know this drama gets a lot of hate and well, I guess it's really a hit or miss but it's definitely a hit for me. I do understand the negative sentiments but no other drama has spoken to me in such a personal and emotional level like this one. While watching this, I just felt like it knew me. It knew my struggles, it knew my pain. It put into words my emotions and feelings which I can't even begin to express. I felt understood. I felt seen. I felt valid. When a drama do all those things for you, you just know that you will forever hold it close to your heart.
Tackling the love elements, I did like Dalmi and Dosan together. Unpopular opinion but not for one second did I feel that she'd end up with Jipyeong. I loved Jipyeong's character as an individual character but it wasn't just written to be with Dalmi. They were so awkward, to be honest. They had good dynamics as mentor-mentee, but a romantic relationship just doesn't feel right. People were holding on to their history together but it's history. It's in the past. They grew up. It had potential to develop into something more but that didn't happen. It is what it is. Dosan and Dalmi were meant to find each other, in my opinion. They aren't perfect, especially in the beginning, but being together made them become better people and I loved seeing them grow and win together. Whereas Jipyeong always had doubts and second thoughts, Dosan always was sure of his feelings with Dalmi. Falling for each other inspired them to reach for their dreams and they did reach it together. I could go on and on but I know most people don't share the same opinions and it's definitely alright, but this was how it was for me.
I saw myself in Dosan. He's like a mirror and seeing him rising up against all his struggles were very inspiring to me. To others, it may seem inconsequential but for people like me who knew how it was to be someone others see as "special" but deep inside is just a broken soul full of doubts and fears and lacking confidence, it's so much more. I knew how it felt to feel the pressure of all the expectations and feeling like a fraud because you just can't live up to what people expects you to be.
The family and friendship in this were also top-tier. Jipyeong's relationship with Won Deok was so beautiful. Found family always touches my heart in all the right places.
The OSTs, too, were among my most favorite OSTs ever! Keeps playing on my mind even years after my first watch!
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this one was my first ever kdrama and what a way to start!! honestly loved the storylines and the characters - was crying almost every episode towards the end. the acting was incredible by every actor and actress. i found i sympathised and like so many characters.the concept was also good, i enjoyed how it had that business aspect and we could see the characters grow but also family and love relationships.
the soundtrack is also really good - still listening to the songs!!
recommend this show so so so so so much !!!!
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A Good Drama that with some flaws
Start-Up is a a really interest drama that across the board that plays well into the concept of start up tech companies and the different troubles and trials that they face, that special unique concept was enough for me to start up this drama. It starts off pretty well with the drama moving along the story pretty well at a good pace but quite a few issues arise in the middle of the drama which really hamper the overall story of the drama.The very first episode does a great job in establishing the entire drama's main cast backstories like Dal Mi, In Jae, Do San, and Ji Pyung which allows you to get to know each character's personally. The following first few episodes do a great job in building upon those characters while introducing new characters. However the drama suffers from a really bad midseason slump where some episodes seem to drag on and some characters make some quite annoying decisions. However the show is able to regain its focus in the last two episodes which help put things back together which finish off the drama in a good way.
The two main characters, Dal Mi and Do San were portrayed perfectly by Suzy and Nam Joo Hyuk, with Nam Joo Hyuk putting on an absolutely fantastic performance, probably one of the best performances I have seen from a male lead ever. However Ji Pyung's character despite how much the drama tries to make the viewer sympathize with him, all the actions and the way he acts comes off completely sociopathic some times. Han Na plays a perfect ice cold business woman with her character In Jae, with her character growing immensely at the end, its a shame the drama didn't have more scenes with In Jae. The rest of the cast was great with the Samsan Tech crew all being portrayed perfectly. Also I very special mention for Kim Hae Sook, she did a perfect job with her portrayal of her character's disability, as someone who also has a grandmother who has lost a good portion of her eyesight, the portrayal was spot on.
The cinematography was great, the production did really fantastic job all around with the presentation of the drama. The locations were perfect and felt just right for the story. The soundtrack itself was great with the theme song being easily one of the best drama theme songs ever in my opinion. Future by Red Velvet was a fantastic song and the rest of the OST was great as well.
Overall, a good drama that I would recommend people to watch but warn about the midseason slump.
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So, who is going to create a start-up with me?
Start-up blew my mind!I watched Start-up while it was airing, and I am still thinking about it. It was/is one of these dramas where you just need more of it.
The Story evolves around Seo Dal-mi, a girl from a low-income family. Her father always dreamed about having his own company, which lead to major fights at home. Her parents divorced, and her mom took her older sister with her and married another man with loads of money. Dal-mi stayed with her grandmother and father. Her father dies after a car accident, and she remains with her grandmother. Because she is a lonely girl, her grandmother makes up a pen pal named Nam Do San (based on a proper person in Korea). A boy who lives in her grandmas shop helps her with that. He is an orphan and does not know where to go.
Fast-forward to the future. The orphan boy Han Ji Pyung is very successful and own some companies and works at sandbox. Her sister is also very popular because of her step-fathers social background. Dal-mi could not go to university because of money issues and works several part-time jobs.
In Seoul, there is this fictional space "sandbox". There, start-ups get the chance to find employees, resources and connections.
Every year, Sandbox offers a competition for young entrepreneurs to find within 48 hours a team and develop an idea and pitch for a start-up. The best 4 teams will get financial support, an office and employees for free for several months. When Dal-mi meets her sister, which has everything she ever dreamed about, she tells her that she and her pen pal Nam Do San will join Sandbox. Her sister will also participate in the competition. This leads to Dal-mi searching for the real Nam Do San.
Nam Do San is one of the smartest boys in Korea, and he works with his two best friends on their own start-ups. However, they never seem to work out and want to join Sandbox, too. Through these overlapping, all the main characters meet at sandbox, and Han Ji Pyung recognizes Dal-mi. He does not want her to know about him being the pen pal and makes a deal with Nam Do San to pretend like he was her pan pal the entire time.
The cast was outstanding, I believed everyone that they were the character that they portrayed. Notably, Suzy stepped up her game. She was brilliant, just like everyone else. I was drawn into the story by the great execution and screen writing. In my opinion, the cinematography was amazing, too. I wanted to join their team so bad.
The soundtrack was on another level, Red Velvet and Ga-ho really carried the most significant scenes, but there were also other excellent songs.
The show made me feel some type of way. I laughed, cried and got angry. Even now, I still feel the pain of some characters. The show managed to develop the characters in a good way and explains their previous behaviour.
I really want to watch it again soon. So thanks to everyone involved in this. You did an amazing job, and I am looking forward to your future works.
Also, the turns and twists did not bother me. I liked them very much.
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Why I liked Start Up
I watched the drama when it was first airing and I liked it alot, but I didn't feel I had enough enough of an option to write a review. Today I was listening to one of the OSTs and decided to write one.Why Nam Do San and Seo Dal Mi worked. When I was watching many didn't like the pair. Personally I was fine with it, but I think why they work is because of two reasons. They started their journey together and second Nam Do San was a real person and the one from Seo Dal Mi's childhood wasn't. To elaborate on my second point, the Nam Do San in Seo Dal Mi's childhood was a collection of words on a paper who's intention was misinterpreted by her childlike imagination. I'm sure many if not all have imagined their crush or someone who they've taken an interest being their prince or their princess. We constantly expect the best in people we like, we like to be swept off our feet like in a fairy tale. But when I came down to it, that Nam Do San was all in her head. she had never actually interacted with him. Yet the Nam Do San she met later was someone real, with faults and insecurities just like her. He may not have been the knight in shining armor, but he was definitely someone Seo Dal Mi could actually touch and interact with. He was real, it wasn't her escapism. No matter how great a fantasy is, and no matter how ugly a reality is, one has to accept reality.
Why Han Ji Pyung letting Seo Dal Mi go was a good choice. Firstly Seo Dal Mi actually liked the real Nam Do San we can see her remembering him, and almost depending on him even after years pass. Seeing that dedication and love wouldn't any person realize that trying to force something was cruel not only to oneself, but to others as well? Secondly Han Ji Pyung almost antagonized Nam Do San, he was human and anyone would have done the same, but he did antagonize Nam Do San. Yes Nam Do San acted almost childish and it seemed unfair for Han Ji Pyung to be like a thrown orange skin. Yet Nam Do San wasn't really as Antagonistic back, he beat Han Ji Pyung up before because he hated his own weakness. He tried to separate from Han Ji Pyung because he didn't want to be a shadow. He never did something to actually directly hurt or do something to Han Ji Pyung if I remember right, it was just a lot of messed up context killing Nam Do San. Anyway later when Han Ji Pyung and Nam Do San have a drunk night and he wakes up and overhears how Nam Do San wanted to do something for him, he realized 'What is this guy doing? I'm his love rival, but here he is caring about me. Why is he so stupid? I wouldn't do that,' and that is fundamentally why Han Ji Pyung let Seo Dal Mi go, because he wasn't capable of being a normal person with her. He had turned from an adult into a child trying to push someone away into getting something he wanted. It show's his growth and his desire to reach his own happiness without Sacrificing what made him good.
The secondary characters had pretty interesting storylines aswell, except that guy who's brother died. It just seemed his growth was weird in my opinion.
Osts were bomb!
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Experience it, don't just trust the comments
This drama had so many people said it was the worst development ever but... I DON'T SEE IT.I think that some got so stuck in the love triangle aspect and that ruined everything for them, while I didn't and I got to enjoy everything else. Not to say that this drama doesn't have good romance, cuz it DOES.
I seriously didn't get the second lead syndrome at all... and I usually get it, but with this one, it felt like who would actually be the ML in most dramas was the SML here and it was quite refreshing, I wasn't mad at all. It's not like he didn't have anyone at the end either. Most SML have no one at all, but this one, he had a whole family waiting for him, he just needed to open his eyes. It happens to us all, tbh, sometimes we get so focused on what we don't have, we miss on what we do have. But he did open his eyes at the end, he saw what he had and we got shown that.
Was this show guilty of dragging a misunderstanding out in the most annoying manner? Yeah, it was. But it only gets like too much in one or two episodes, and then it gets resolved... does the way it got resolved feel a little anticlimactic? yeah, maybe a little, but it doesn't ruin the show at all. At least, not for me.
There are so many reasons to watch this show apart from romance: grandma being a BIG PART of it, along with family dynamic/development and friendships.
But the romance also gives us things... how it can make you hide yourself behind a mask because you don't think the other one will love you as you and how when you take out that mask and they still choose you, you still get confused as to WHY... the FL taught the ML so many things, it's no wonder he can't let her go and the FL always felt supported in a breathtaking way around the ML... it's also no wonder to me that she chose him.
At the end of it all, there's a line the SML himself said that explains it all... after reading her letters, he took 15 years to seek her out (and he actually kind of stumbled upon her) while the ML read a letter and went to her immediately to help her out, even though the letter wasn't even directed to him.
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Fell in love with the Good guy
This drama is so good. I put off watching it for so long but once I started I had to binge watch it because it was that good. It not just makes the show interesting behind the start up culture premise but friendship, struggles, family, love and so much more. But nost if all I watched it for HanJi hyeop. He was such a nice guy till the end. Falling in love with him over and overRecommended to watch not just for the story, characters but the romance between first love and present is shown in such a great fluttering way.
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Well-rounded, polished, A-grade drama
I have waited so long to rate another K-drama a 10, and this one is it! I just feel so satisfied with the overall production of this show. I loved the characters, the story was good, and it made me both happy and sad. There were also a lot of comical moments that made it fun and light-hearted when the story was serious.I was super satisfied with the ending! Usually dramas end and I don’t really feel anything for them, but this one had me! As Dal-mi said to Do-san, ‘do I need a reason to like [something]?’
I really can’t fault it - my only criticism would be around the initial plot. I didn’t like how Dal-mi was being fooled by Ji-pyeong and Do-san, let alone by her grandma! It really sucked for Dal-mi, but then obviously she wouldn’t have had that moment of wavering and the complications that followed with Do-san.
Moments that made me sad:
This show had me cut up from the beginning - I swear I sobbed for a good half hour when Dal-mi’s Dad died on the bus. The scenes from when he went to the investor meeting, to calling Dal-mi, to bringing home the chicken on the bus for them, and then for the man to say he was drunk, it upset me so much. Maybe I watched this when I was feeling too emotional, but it was a very heartbreaking moment.
It made me so sad in the respective scenes where Do-san and Dal-mi found out that Dal-mi’s grandma was going blind. I loved the grandma - she was very cute and a kind soul.
I was SO distraught when the ‘Alex’ dude came in after Dal-mi and Do-san signed the contract, and he said that they wouldn’t all be going to America. This made me SO angry and sad for the characters.
It also tore me apart when Do-san said to Dal-mi that he didn’t want to see her ever again, and I was like, ‘Sir, this cannot be the case!’ XD
Moments that made me happy:
I thought it was so honourable how Do-san decided to work on the recognition app because of Dal-mi’s grandma’s vision loss.
I liked how Sandbox was named after Dal-mi’s idea of spreading the sand to keep her safe after falling off of the swings. This made me tear up more (happy tears XD).
The ending when the camera panned across the photos of everyone and then it’s like HELLO your girl and boy, Do-san and Dal-mi got married! I was hoping this was going to be the case at some point.
I loved the interaction between Sa-ha and Chul-san. They were perfect for each other and their kiss scene was GOLD. Chul-san was honestly so cute ngl.
I didn’t really care for Ji-pyeong at all until maybe halfway through the drama. I guess it was kind of sad because he wrote the letters to Dal-mi, but he did have three years without Do-san around where he could have made his move but didn’t, so… Also, Dal-mi didn’t show any interest in him so I don’t know why viewers ever thought he had a chance. No second male lead syndrome for me XD It was quite obvious Do-san was endgame from the beginning.
Can we get a mention for Red Velvet’s song ‘Future?’ It was the perfect tune and the perfect words!
There are just SO many good points to discuss, but if I did that, I would be here forever!
I will definitely be watching this one again! 10/10!!!
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ignore the bad reviews
I don't normally write reviews but I had to this time. Have been putting this drama aside for a long time because of the negative reviews. But turns out it's really good so it really depends on the person. so go ahead and watch it. this is a LOt more than just romance don't expect too much of it.it has all the elements you need like family, friendship, romance , dreams and comedy.************************SPOILER ALERT****************************
first of all, those people who are sad that han ji peyong was the 2nd lead I get how you feel. I've had 2nd lead syndrome before it sucks. But in this drama, his role was A LOT more than just a 2nd lead. his relationship with the grandma, the way he kept helping them for their start-up and stuffs his character was great. funny too.
the 1st episode of this drama is really well-written and is enough to keep you hooked. it was really impactful considering so many events happened in the first ep.the drama is really focused on their work which I don't really expect myself to like but I did this time. the cast was both visually and in terms of acting perfect. comedy peaked whenever they wanted to. many of the osts are going into my playlist. overall it was a great watch. not gonna believe public opinion anymore lol.
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Refreshing, Heartwarming & Inspiring
Start-Up is a well-thought & a very heartwarming show! Cinematography is stunning! Production design is awesome! Its OSTs are all great! It is a well-written and well-directed show. Its lessons on life, love, family, business, & friendship are clear & impactful. I love everything about the show, flaws & all. Even the minor characters got full story arcs. It has a well-balanced cast in a well-balanced story. The characters are humanized (including the AI speaker) that made all of them more relatable to the viewers. Suzy & Nam Joo Hyuk’s chemistry is impeccable! All the actors & actresses excellently portrayed their roles. Special mention to Nam Joo-hyuk for giving life to a complex character like Dosan! Brilliant acting by Joo-hyuk as a genius, shy, awkward, naive, insecure, mature - name it all, he nailed it! He is definitely the future and Suzy is the best!Start- up is one of the best Kdrama shows I’ve ever watched. Everyone had a happy ending. Every character learned what they had to learn. Highly-recommended! This show made the last months of my 2020 more bearable! Thank you Start-Up cast and crew! Thank you Netflix for bringing this show to your platform for the world to enjoy it during this time of pandemic.
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