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Jun 1, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Good Enough

Korean Drama "Move To Heaven" is an emotional drama with lots of shades of sadness, happiness and a big dose of closure.

The story starts with a tragedy right off, an event that triggers the rest of the action which mostly hides behind short per episode cases of death and how the main characters help those who had lost someone to move on. Those short stories were different from one another and covered a lot of topics, from parent love to lost lovers. They were beautifully portrayed and fitted in the main story axis well.

As for the main characters' mystery, that unfolded slowly but steadily, being boosted by the smooth pace and the intense background stories. The performances were spot on, simple but emotional, and, overall, enjoyable. The few characters were a good choice also.

So, 9.5 out of 10.

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Nov 15, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
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Tear jerker

What can i say? I enjoyed this watch so much.
It's the type of tv show that touches your heart.
There wasn't an episode that i didn't feel for the deceased, man. I cried a ton because albeit the lack of display of emotions from Geu Ru, his honesty and the his goal to give that yellow box to the family/lover of the deceased got to me. He really didn't stop at anything. He wanted to make sure that he delivers tje message of the deceased to the person that needs to hear it.

I don't really know anything about asperger's so i wouldn't know if he did good in portraying that but on it's own Jun Sang really did an amazing job. His actions (mainly the way that he moved about and his eye contact) the way that he delivered his lines didn't seem awkward at all to the point that i felt for the character each time.

I'm so happy they tailored a character that would fully understand Geu Ru (no judgement and all). Can i just say that I loved Na Mu's character? She understood Geu Ru w/o him having the need to explain anything and to me that is something so beautiful.

As always, an amazing job from both Ji Jin Hee and Lee Je Hoon. These two are always so good and authentic w/ whatever role they portray. The twist to me was something that i did not expect!!!!! I just wish they didn't wait till the last two episodes to reveal that but anyway, they still did a beautiful job w/ it.

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Ago 25, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Incredible short drama which will make you laugh and cry

This has been a refreshing drama. It has a little bit of humor, meaningful and touching stories, outstanding character portrayal. I literally couldn't ask for more.

As usual I love dramas with mini stories every episode while also creating a big picture for the drama overall. I love how the character developments are implemented and how the characters' stories are revealed one by one. There's a charm on the story wherein it's very simple yet it is also very deep.

The main leads' chemistry is very good. I love how their characters help each other to be a better person. The actors indeed make their characters come to life. GeuRu is now added on my most memorable fictional character list.

The whole drama is also 10 episodes only which why I'm able to fit it on my busy schedule. I recommend this if you want to watch and unwind on a weekend. This drama will surely make you laugh and cry and relieve your stress away.

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Jan 23, 2022
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.5

Accomplir une tâche dont on veut pas paut parfois aider à s'accomplir soi-même

J’ai bien aimé ce drama, pourtant assez prévisible dès le début et assez classique dans son scénario. Ce qui le sauve, c’est que la réalisation ne tombe jamais dans le pathos et reste simple, sans l’insistance sur le côté larmoyant qu’on aurait pu craindre.
Ce qui le sauve aussi c’est l’interprétation excellente des acteurs, qui n’en font jamais trop, ni le boxeur dans le genre mauvais garçon illuminé par la grâce, ni l’entourage de Geu Ru dans l’excès de protectionnisme ! La jeune Na Mu est parfaite, aucune ambiguïté dans son amitié protectrice pour Geu Ru ! Et surtout c’est le jeu très naturel, très juste et simple de Tang Joon Sang (17 ans ! et déjà 5 films et 5 dramas !)qui maîtrise très bien le personnage et se tire avec les honneurs du rôle assez piégeux de cet autiste asperger !
De plus le format du drama est court : 10 épisodes de 52 minutes !! Grâce à ça les pièges du mélo larmoyant sont très bien évités !
Je conseille fortement ce drama si vous voulez reposer vos neurones (je l’ai vu après Vincenzo !!) sans pour autant vous ennuyer ou vous noyer dans le sirop ou la guimauve ! On en garde un joli sentiment heureux et réconfortant.

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Mai 20, 2022
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

A moving final move (to heaven) – a meaningful drama

The male lead, Han Geu-ru (Tang Jun Sang) ran a cleaning company called ‘Move to Heaven’. This is unlike your usual cleaning company, but one which offered trauma cleaning services. Geu-ru ran the company with his father but the latter passed away suddenly and he was left to run the company with his uncle who became his guardian, Cho Sang-Gu (Lee Je Hoon) and his neighbor, Yoon Na-Mu (Hong Seung Hee), both of whom were newbies to trauma cleaning.

I am not familiar with the cast in this drama and I do not think they are famous celebrities, but I have no complaints about their acting. All of them did their job well, especially the 18-year-old Tang Jun Sang. His portrayal as Han Geu-ru with Asperger’s Disorder was very believable. Kudos to him.

I started watching this drama with no inkling of what it was about because I did not read the synopsis, comments or reviews. I was only attracted to its 9.2 rating in MDL and after watching this 10-episode drama, I think it does deserve the high rating, but also feel that perhaps more episodes would have been better.

‘Move to Heaven’ was called upon each time by the police, funeral homes, the family of the deceased or in one case, the deceased himself (made advance booking) to clean, disinfect the place, clear away the belongings and clean up the detritus from bodies sometimes found dead after a few days or even weeks and months after death. Basically, to help the deceased in their final move, as the drama put it.

At the threshold of the place he was about to clean, Geu-ru would always recite a prayer and play a sentimental classical piece. He would then first clean away dried blood and body fluids if there were any, that might have stained the floor, walls of the place before picking up the items in the place and organizing the more intimate belongings in a yellow box which he would then pass to the next-of-kin or the closest or most intimate person of the deceased. Lastly, he would disinfect the place if deemed necessary before leaving.

This drama gave us good glimpses of what a trauma cleaner was about and how the job was done, a job considered gruesome and even inauspicious by some, judging from the drama. It was an eye-opener for me.

It was helping families in distress as it would be a stressful and difficult time for family members who might be emotionally disturbed or busy with last-minute arrangements for the deceased. And whenever they see the blood, it might remind them of the deceased. It was a truly meaningful job.

I did however wonder about the accuracy of the job portrayal as my understanding was trauma cleaners would be cladded in personal protective gear, armed with tongs and wore rubber gloves, but in this drama, Geu-ru wore only his uniform and sometimes picked up the items with his bare hands.

There was never a boring moment, however, when Geu-ru did each case (on average there was a new case every two episodes), because every deceased and every story behind the death was different and portrayed realistically.
In fact, the only boring scenes of the drama were those when Geu-ru was not doing his job and that was mainly the scenes of his uncle who was previously a boxer. Nothing interesting about those scenes with his uncle trying to get away from his past and overcome the trauma of his friend’s accident. Those, to me, were not the focus of the drama and seemed more like fillers.

This was a drama about life, death and bidding farewell to the dead and to add on emphatically, it was not just a drama about trauma cleaning, because Geu-ru was a young man with Asperger's Disorder, a developmental disorder with difficulty relating to others socially and their behavior and his thinking patterns tended to be rigid and repetitive.
Perhaps it was because of his disorder that he did not get too emotional on each job, I guess.
God was fair. He gave him an extraordinary photographic memory, resulting in him being able to piece together the stories of the deceased and bring closure to the lives of many of them. It was satisfying in a way. Exceptional ability, I would say. It was as though the items spoke to him through his heart. That was perhaps why he was able to pass the belongings to their closest or intimate people himself. I believe this was not part of a normal trauma cleaner’s job so I saw it as a special service by ‘Move to Heaven’.

As the drama progressed, I realized that this drama was not just about trauma cleaning. It was also about Asperger’s Disorder. When his father left the world, I was actually worried for Geu-ru, I wondered how he was going to survive by himself after having lost the person who had impacted his life so much and taught him how to live. It was touching to see frequent flashbacks of his father’s words continuing to spur him on.

He was able to eventually bid farewell formally and put aside his emotions to clear his father’s room in the house - as a trauma cleaner. That scene to me was sad as he went through his father’s items, almost all of which were filled with memories of their lives together. Those personal items, in a normal typical case for him, would have just been belongings of ‘another deceased’.

I would not say that this drama was depressing or ‘heavy’ for the heart. Nevertheless, it was not a light-hearted drama either, because after all, this was about death.

The cleaning was portrayed in a respectful and matter-of-fact way which I liked, but the stories behind the items were heartbreaking. I shed tears of sadness and pity because there was one who took his own life (actually his own and his wife’s lives) and the rest of the deceased did not predict their untimely death and things were left uncompleted and words left unsaid. Watching this drama made me cherish life more. We need to treasure our relationships with our loved ones, our friends and our families because anytime we can just say goodbye.

If there was anything negative to comment, it would be that there were too few episodes which I mentioned earlier above. It was not rushed in any way, but I would have liked to see more cases, more variety in the cases faced by Geu-ru, more depth into trauma cleaning like showing the challenges of the job, more of Geu-ru's character development as well as more relationship development between him and his uncle.

I would not recommend this drama if you are looking for a light-hearted one that makes you laugh, but if you want to watch one which makes you ponder a little more about your life or simply if you want to have a better understanding of what a trauma cleaner is about, consider this drama.

Do know that there are one or two gruesome scenes in the beginning, but this is all part and parcel of the job and they are handling with what was a human life after all.

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Out 29, 2022
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10

So glad I found this drama

Honestly one of the best kdrama I've watched.
It was so heartbreaking yet so beautiful at the same time. There's multiple stories that are told and they make you think a lot, it literally touch your heart.
I loved how we were able to see how much relationships are important in our life and how much death is unpredictable. I was really really attached to all the characters in this drama even the ones we saw only for 1 or 2 episodes. They were all so special and well written and every death had a really deep meaning behind it.
I think I'm not even ready to move on from this drama and now I'm going to think a lot about how precious my relationship with people I love is.

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Mai 18, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.0

Heartwarming story about family and their hardships

Hmm.. where do i start...

This show has 10 episodes and each episode has different story about each person that has moved to heaven (passed away). It also has a bigger main story that will unfold slowly. The epic one is in the last episode. It’s so heartwarming, i want to cry. This story taught me a lot to learn that we must stay grateful no matter how hard our life is because everyone has different history, we as people should try to communicate better, be more understanding, don’t assume anything until we clarify the fact tru communication. Don’t stay bitter and childish because everyone has their own reason to do something.

It’s not everyday that we get this kind of story. Not sure why the rating is not that high. This show is practically one of the top kdramas in my opinion.

Netflix original series kdramas never disappoints me.

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Jun 27, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0


I’m not good at writing reviews but I just want to say I loved this drama. It was a very simple in terms of storyline. There was nothing too dramatic that happened.
I can’t speak on the portrayal of Asperger’s but I’m glad to see people with Asperger’s say that there was an accurate representation.
While I do agree with the reviews saying Geuru’s character wasn’t developed enough, I’m still giving this drama a high rating. I do wish we had gotten to know more about Geuru and even Namu. The “cop friend” was introduced just for us to barely see him. I don’t know if there’ll be a season 2 but if there is, I’m intrigued to see how Sanggu and the social worker’s story will progress.
Personally, I found the drama very sad and it made me cry almost every episode. Maybe I’m just soft lmao but I do think it was a tearjerker. I would say the rewatch potential is high because if you ever want to cry you might put it on. I don’t think it’s something you’d watch just to watch though.
The soundtrack wasn’t anything extremely special. But since I enjoy classical music from time to time I quite liked it.
Overall I enjoyed this. The actors did great. I hope Joonsang wins best new actor or something cuz he’s doing amazing!! I didn’t even realize Jehoon was in Time To Hunt. Either way the cast was great. It was nice to see some familiar faces. Hope y’all enjoy this the way I did :)) and if you’re an emotional person, don’t forget your tissues.

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Mai 18, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.5
AN AMAZING AND A BEAUTIFUL DRAMA!! There were so many things that I love about this drama ughh. First of all, the trauma cleansing itself, never heard of it before, so I kinda learn something new and it gives me a different perspective about life, about how the deceased could speak. Of course, the stories about each of the deceased as well as the main character themselves, they were interesting, amazing, heartfelt and gives me roller coaster of emotions. I lost count on how many times I cried, but what I know for sure is ep8 and ep10 were a crying fest :'((( And love love loveee their relationship so much Cho Sang Gu, Han Geu Ru and Namu, every single episode I want to know more about them and looking forward for their scenes together. Their characters ugh love themm and of course top tier acting. I just don't know how to describes even more, amazinggg please watch it. and I need season 2!!!

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Dez 21, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
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both heart-warming and heart-wrenching

the character development of sang gu might possibly be one of my favourite things to witness in a kdrama. i went from hate, to pity, to love. i don't think i've been so attached to a character before. i couldn't find myself hating any of the recurring cast, for any of their actions that irritated me briefly were completely justifiable (with the exception of na mu's mother- i understand her concern for her daughter but she was incredibly judgemental and close-minded). na mu's protectiveness of geu ru might be an example. it can appear that she was too judgemental of sang gu, but it makes sense seeing as geu ru is incredibly vulnerable and sang gu's initial plan was to indeed exploit his position as a guardian for financial security, and his occupation did indirectly put geu ru in harm's way.

as for possibly the most important aspect, that being the portrayal of autism, i don't personally have the experience, but my brother sits on the spectrum. i'd say that, as far as i could tell, the traits of geu ru weren't too addressed the issue of their pure intentions being perceived as malicious (eg. ep 1 where he follows the nurse to ask where she got the badge) and how many undermine or maybe even overestimate their intelligence, as well as difficulties accepting change, grief etc. as an autistic person. i really hope that more kdramas will give proper representation to autistic people that doesn't necessarily dominate the plot, but is just a feature of the protagonist.

the exploration of things that couldn't be said in words but could be shown in belongings is so intriguing and heartbreaking...i mean, i didn't expect to burst into tears when seeing shoe boxes or punching gloves, but here we are; however, not only are unwritten messages of love to the bereft sent by move to heaven, but so is justice (e.g. episodes 3-4). i did find the abusive boyfriend's acting to be a little bit too stereotypically villainous, like cackling when he was caught etc. though i understand that it was meant to demonstrate his ability to play the victim and switch.

if i absolutely had to make a criticism, i suppose that it would be the very end of the last episode, in which geu ru appears to be enchanted by a girl. there might not be any romantic connection, but the ambiguity of the scene mildly irked me. is she terminally ill? or is she planning to bring an end to her own life? what did the white butterfly symbolise? life? purity? surely, the connotations contrast what she is saying, unless her transition to heaven is symbolised in the butterfly. maybe this is a set-up for season 2 (?) if i was being optimistic.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 11, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 10
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Needs a season 2!

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DRAMA OF 2021!! I loved it with all my heart and now I need a second season or else I'll die for sure. The acting on point, chef's kiss. Lee Je Hoon hottie as always. And the storyline was amazing heartbreaking at moments.

From like episode 6 until the end I just kept crying. It was non-stop. I felt bad for the uncle the whole time like poor thing suffered, but omg that I was glad that he became the official guardian it made my heart burst with happiness, hopefully, that girl from the fights will just go to jail cuz I already sense the bad coming. Na-mu was so cute of a friend also she a real one, even though she was a little dramatic in certain things but it was all in good intentions. And my boy Geu Ru was just the sweetest bean.

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Nov 20, 2021
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10

That series defines the meaning of a blessing in desguise

Geu- ru, portrayed by a magnificent Tang Joon -Sang, loses his (probably) everything, his father. He has asperger's syndrome, so he relied in his father for all Life up to that point. So here there Is his uncle that take on stage ! He Is not the best option, but here we are, when It seems to be like a mess, he becomes for Geu-ru his new family.
Emotions are really difficult to understand, sometimes also for people without autism and the fact that the protagonist as to deal with It, makes the things more difficult. I can't describe how beautifully made Is this series, it heals my soul. This teaches me to not miss the boat and never give up! If you have an hard time, you have to rest yourself and if you have, like the protagonist, to let someone new in your Life, give them a chance. Maybe they will became your " a blessing in desguise" !

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