He’s not just a mediocre man, I will turn him into something amazing - Jo Yi Seo
নতুন স্কুলে বদলি হওয়ার প্রথম দিনই দূর্বল এক স্টুডেন্ট এর উপর অন্য আরেক স্টুডেন্ট এর অত্যাচার মেনে নিতে না পেরে তাকে আঘাত করে বসে কঠোর নীতিবান ছেলে Park Sae Ro Yi. সেই আঘাত এর প্রতিশোধ নিতে হাজির হয় সেই ছেলের বাবা Jang Dae Hee, যে কিনা কোরিয়ার সবচেয়ে বড় ফুড কর্পোরেশন Jangga এর মালিক। চেয়ারম্যান Jang Dae Hee, সে-রোয়ি কে হাঁটু গেড়ে বসে ক্ষমা চাইতে বলে তার কাছে, না হলে তাকে স্কুল থেকে বহিষ্কার করা হবে। নীতির সাথে কখনো আপোষ না করা ছেলেটা কোনো ভাবেই রাজি হয় না বিনা কারণে ক্ষমা চাইতে। যার দরুন চাকরি হারাতে হয় তার বাবাকে এবং স্কুল থেকে বহিষ্কার হয় সে।কোনোরকম আশাহত না হয়ে বাবা ছেলে সিদ্ধান্ত নেয় ছোট্ট একটি রেস্টুরেন্ট খোলার। সবকিছু ওলোট পালোট হয়ে যায় যখন সে-রোয়ির বাবা হুট করে একটা এক্সিডেন্ট এ মারা যায়। এবং জানা যায় এরজন্য সেই চেয়ারম্যান Jang dae Hee এর ছেলে দায়ী।রাগে, দুঃখে, হতাশায় সেই ছেলে কে মারতে গেলে পুলিশ তাকে Attempt To murder এর কেসে জড়িয়ে ফেলে এবং ৩ বছরের জন্য শাস্তি হয় তার।
এপিজে আব্দুল কালাম এর একটা কথা আছে "স্বপ্ন সেটা নয় যেটা তুমি ঘুমিয়ে দেখো,স্বপ্ন সেটাই যেটা তোমাকে ঘুমাতে দেয় না।" এই ড্রামার জন্য,বিশেষ করে সে-রোয়ির কাছে স্বপ্ন তাই ছিলো যা তাকে ঘুমাতে দেয় নি। মানুষ চাইলে কি না পারে! দরকার শুধু ইচ্ছাশক্তির। ইচ্ছা আর স্বপ্ন থাকলে কোনো কিছুই যে অসম্ভব না তার জ্বলন্ত প্রমাণ Park Sae Ro Yi এর চরিত্র। যতই বাঁধা আসুক সামনে, সব কিছু উপেক্ষা করে এগিয়ে যেতে এটাই এই ড্রামার মূল বক্তব্য।
চরিত্র বিশ্লেষণ:
Park Sae Ro Yi: বাঁটিছাট চুলের অসম্ভব নীতিবান ছেলেটা এমনিতে খুব চুপচাপ ইন্ট্রোভার্ট হলেও স্বপ্ন দেখায় বিশ্বাসী সে।দূরদৃষ্টি, বিচক্ষণতা, পরোপকারীতা তার চরিত্রের অন্যতম ভালো গুণ।
আমার কাছে সম্ভবত পার্ক সে জুনের সবচেয়ে ভালো একটা ড্রামা এখন পর্যন্ত। তেমন কোনো গ্ল্যামারাস লুকে না এসেও কিভাবে শুধু এক্সপ্রেশন আর অভিনয় দিয়ে তাক লাগিয়ে দেয়া যায় তার সবচেয়ে বড় উদাহরণ হয়ত এইড্রামা টা!
Jo Yi Seo: এই চরিত্র টা একদম ই অন্য রকম। কম বয়সী, তুখোড় বুদ্ধিমতী, সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া স্টার আর একি সাথে রুড, স্যাভেজ। প্রথম দেখায় বয়সে এত বড় একজন কে পছন্দ করে ফেলা আর তারপর তার সাথেই থাকার সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়া আপাতদৃষ্টিতে হাসির বিষয় হলেও সে কিন্তু সফল হয়ে দেখিয়েছে।
এই ড্রামায় আমার সবচেয়ে পছন্দের একটা ডায়লগ হচ্ছে Yi seo যখন বলে- I Have To Be Someone Who He Needs. মানে সত্যিই তো! আমরা কেনো সবসময়ই ভাবি যে আমার জন্য সে-ই সব কিছু করবে। সে-ই আমার স্বপ্ন পূরণ করবে। অথচ এমন স্বার্থপরের মতো চিন্তা না করে এমন টা হয় না যে আমি সেরকম একজন হবো যখন তার প্রয়োজনে সে আমাকে পাবে, দুজনে মিলে দুজনের স্বপ্ন পূরণ করবো, তার স্বপ্ন আমারও স্বপ্ন হবে। আমার কাছে মনে হয়, যখন একটা সম্পর্কে এই মনোভাব থাকে সেই সম্পর্ক পরিণতি পেতে বাধ্য!
এই ড্রামার বেশির ভাগ OST সুন্দর। Gaho এর Start Over টা শুনলেই মনে হতো- হ্যাঁ হয়তো আসলেই সব নতুন করে আবার শুরু করা যায়। পুরোনো সব ভুলে নতুন ভাবে একটা দিন সাজানো যায়।
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Itaewon Class had a very promising start it already got me crying at the first episode. I thought the story was brilliant but unfortunately was not executed so well. What I hated the most was the unrealistic time skips, It was totally OVERUSED and I also hated the romance, this drama did not need a romance to it. Personally I preferred So ah's story more than Yi seo just because I think So ah and Park Sae royi’s relationship goes on a deeper level. For Yi seo her liking him started way too early and all the good she did was literally only in favor of Park Sae royi. If you hate So Ah then you simply don't understand her character, I wish the writer could have reviewed her intentions earlier. The revenge plot was interesting at first although it seemed impossible to destroy Jangga, I was definitely still eager to see how he would go about it but then it started dragging and it became a tiring watch. The irony is that he did not end up destroying the company but did the latter. I don't know how to feel about that. Kim To ni's story was just so messy like what in the world, next time I see an African in kdrama it should be of a decent role. There was literally little to no character development, the leads had as little chemistry as a mustard seed. I hated how they tried to shove their romance down our throat towards the end. The best thing about this drama is the ost its so good, I still play it. This drama is very different from usual kdramas, it pointed out all the negatives about Korea. Overall it was not too much of a bad watch, if you are gonna watch, watch for Park Seo Joon because he literally carried the show and to me this is his best work (acting wise).
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producing a business story drama is challenging, because professionals who will watch this series will compare it in real life even if they don't realized it.Story: not a typical series, and it covers the other side of the food business, sure food business will require taste like the series GOURMET but IC tackles more on the side outside of the customer peripheral view and that is the decision making that a food business take (could be personal or could be purely related to emotions)
Acting: First drama series could not even imagine other actress taking the role of the pub manager,
Music: excellent soundtrack
Rewatch: series could help inspire people who are in the food business
Overall: watch it, rewatch it and watch it again, hahahha If you are into series which focus on business, this series should be on your list,
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I had conflicted feelings. I like and hate it at the same time.
It’s crazy how people ship Sae Ro Yi with Oh Soo Ah.I understand that it was his childhood crush and that he liked her for 10 years (just because of some high school memories, made absolutly no sense to me), but there’s a reason for why nothing happened in 10 years. If they really liked each other they would’ve made it happened. First of all, accepting the job at the company was a huge betrayal, and working for someone who made Sae Ro Yi’s life a living hell is disgusting, even though she admitted that it hurt her. She had good grades, opportunities but she chose the easy way out. I found it weird that she rarely visited Sae Ro when he was in prison and that they didn’t keep in touch with each other for 7 years, She could’ve helped him save money for the pub and contributed and supported to help him achieve his dream. But she did nothing. Only watched, never gave anything and accepted things from him. She had a lot of power and could’ve made Geun won confess and THE WORST PART she should’ve submitted the evidence she collected from the beginning instead of waiting 10 years. She was just selfish and cowardly and did not deserve to be with the male lead. She was like “Poor me, save me” I hate character that only complain, and do not take matter into their own hands.Let’s talk about Jo Yi Seo. I didn’t like how she was obsessed and selfish with him, and every choice and action were for Sae Ro Yi. For example: She started to do business for him and gave up on college, took advantage of Geun Soo, worked for only him. Where are her personal dreams? It was too much. She was too depended on him and rarely had a life on her own. I hated how she kept pushing her love for him when he told her not to. She had been forcing her love on him for years. It was weird, annoying, and childishly whiny. She didn’t respect his choice, and got mad at him when he was with Jo Yi So. She has no right to make him feel bad. Its more than enough to confess your feeling once, and then you must keep it for yourself since it’s your problem. You don’t have to flirt with him. tell him that you love him and make it awkward when he just wants to be friends. This tells me that she has no respect. Her “I don’t take a no for an answer” mentality was bad. I liked how brave, independent, and smart she was. But her IDGF attitude was rude, and nothing can justify that she had no compassion and only cared about herself (except for Jo Yi Seo) , (the only reason why she « changed » with the others is because Saeroyi told her to change)
But a good person isn’t only good to a specific number of people, but to people around them without an ulterior motive. She was a bad friend to Geun Soo from the beginning, I felt bad for him.
From the very beginning, I knew Sae Ro Yi was going to end up with Jo Yi Seo. Not because she is the first female lead, but because of the depth in their conversations, how they support each other and how he looked at her. The show had many great moments between these two, but when she got that voice recording for him, i can’t describe the feeling. The other girl Soo-ah never tried. Never did anything for him and he wasted time liking her.
I also liked the scene where Seo Ro Yi opened the safe and went through what Yi Seo wrote and realised his feeling for her. It was emotional and cute that he realized that she been there all along, how he wouldn’t be where he is today without her and how much she helped him. But I wish their romance was a slower process and that Ro Yi` sudden focus on romance was slower too. And that Yi Seo developed herself more before their relationship started. For starters I wish she realized that forcing your love on someone isn’t going to make them yours, and that you should respect when people don’t reciprocal your feelings.
Other things that bothered me: the transgender was female, I was really confused since I thought she was a female from the beginning. Levi and the grandma’s story were unrealistic. What’s the chance for them to have a connection? And her living in the neighbourhood and at the same time be filthy rich. Weird, just weird. I also felt like the other characters didn’t contribute much to the business and that it wouldn’t make a huge difference without them.
I hated how the CEO got sick in the end and was going to die. It was a cliché twist to move the plot forward. I really wanted him to suffer, he doesn’t deserve to die after 6 months. I wasn’t a huge fan of the kidnapping; the villains were lame, and the issue could’ve been resolved if they called the police from the start. Sae Ro Yi lost every sense and jumped at it without a plan or a weapon. And when they ran from the gangsters, he suddenly confessed to DaMi. That was so stupid and made no sense. Not romantic since i couldn’t enjoy the scene, i was focused on the gangsters. Poor writing. It was like they tried to squeeze everything in one scene. Another example of poor writing was how he had a long conversation with the chairman when she was captured? I was like, hurry the fuck up. It’s not like you have all the time in the world. But I liked that he kneeled at the end. He finally understood that revenge and pride isn’t everything. He regretted devoting and wasting his life to follow the footsteps of someone who wasn’t worth it. It was a powerful scene. He was the one who kneeled, yet he held all the power. He was composed and crushed the CEO with his words. Even though you don’t agree with me about the character development. It still wasn’t out of character because a life was at stake and that can’t get compared to the beginning when it was only education and a job.
This drama is so charming because the protagonists do not come from some filthy rich background. Instead they work their butts off for success despite the obstacles. (Not to mention it questions what is “success”) It also shows that success is made with the trust among people. I found myself cringing when the drama forced itself to be unique/original and the whole Itaewon, foreigners’ concept was a bit cringey. But it was a fun watch with interesting/different character (Some needed more development, since I felt like they were statues) It was predictable at times, repetitive and boring. Especially the last episodes, they felt out of place. The OST fit the scenes, and I really liked the piano melody/music. There were some scenes that made me squeal of joy, and some scenes that me emotional. The feels hit me hard. I felt anger towards the people who made his life a living hell. I really loved Sa Ro Yi and he felt like a real human being. His traits, habits and reactions felt real. I hope he’s happy and finds true happiness. (I know he isn’t real)
Overall, I enjoyed following the journey of the main character and I was excited for the next episode. I watched the whole thing without regret and that itself is a good thing.
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Park Seo Joon is Awesome
This was a really good series for the most part. I enjoyed the diverse cast and atmosphere. I was glad to see a character like Kim Toni and Hyun Yi.I watched b/c of Park Seo Joon and I was not disappointed. His face emotes so well. I felt all of the pain of his character Saeroyi. I understood his single minded focus once he made up his mind to get revenge. Loved when he finally realized that living to hate someone is not living at all and only existing.
I really loved the cast and everyone played their roles well. I love the actor that plays Chairman Jang. Such a ruthless and manipulitive guy. Leading by fear and power. Very different from other roles he's been in that I've seen. He was in Hwarang and he was one of my favorite people. Here he was the worst. Rasing his oldest son, Geun Won to be that way never teaching him right from wrong and pitting him against his younger brother, Geon soo... WOW!!! Geun Won never accepted responsibilities for his actions.
I really liked the actor playing Seung Kwon too. See what a little faith can do for someone.
I really didn't like either FL and didn't want either to be with Saeroyi but it is what it is.
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Revenge is sweet
Likes:1. Park Saeroyi's dad must have been one amazing man to be able to make a huge impact to SRY and Soo ah.
2. PSRY finally realizing what life is all about and smiling (i missed those eye wrinkles)
3. Danbam reaching the top after a lot of hard work
4 i disliked Soo ah for the most part of the show and she proved me wrong and redeeemed herself in the end. She totally deserves Park Bogum in her life.
5. Love that this show wasnt the typical kdrama and tackled a lot of social issues even though eps 13-15 felt like a different drama with the sickness, kidnapping, and gangster showdown.
6. Yiseo getting her man and still being a badass
7. Park Seo Jun can start growing back his hair!
1. Chairman Jang and Jangga. I could never understand why everyone thinks he is so great when all i see is a pathetic and petty old guy trying to prove to the world that he is still powerful and relevant. I loved the ending when PSJ finally realized that he wasted a lot of years over nothing. I felt the same way and i could have told him that 5 episodes ago. Lol.
2. So what happened to Geun Won? I guess it doesnt matter now. I was still hoping he would change and be a better person but he was so far gone.
Rating: 8.5/10
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Hated Her, but Loved the Story
A friend and I were talking about Kdramas, and she mentioned how sometimes with dramas, it feels like we watch them knowing they will come to an end. But occasionally, you come across a drama that is so good, that you become so immersed and invested in the story, that instead of knowing the end will come, you become so focused on the fact that you need to know what happens next. Instead of you just watching to pass the time, it’s as if you are almost living in their world and need to know how things are going to finish. I knew exactly what she was talking about, I had not found a drama like this since earlier this year, but Itaewon Class was something else. There has yet to be a show that I have watched with Park Seo Joon that I did not enjoy. Though there were aspects of the show I thought it could do without, overall, I still quite enjoyed the show. I looked forward to every episode and was so invested in the characters’ lives that I needed to know how things were going to ultimately end.Female Leads 1 & 2: To be blunt, I do not think this show needed the romance aspect, I would have enjoyed the show so much more without it. Honestly the female leads, Jo Yi Seo and Oh Soo Ah, were reasons I almost dropped the show. I thought that each one of their characters were so annoying, I don’t even know which one I liked more because of how much I disliked them both. I don’t think I have ever come across a show where I truly did not like the female leads, I hated them. Jo Yi Seo is an irresponsible sociopathic child. You could say young adult but common really? It’s mentioned the beginning of the show that Yi Seo is 10 years younger than Saeroyi, right off the bat for some people it’s a turn off because of the big age gap, personally, it did not matter to me, love is love. What bothered me about her character was (1) that she literally decided not to go to school for a man that she just met and (2) that she is said to have 70% sociopathic tendencies and that was never addressed. Sociopathic tendencies or being described as about 70% a sociopath, is not something to take lightly, yet in this show, it was. It was mentioned a few times at the beginning of the show, but never addressed again. The way that her character was depicted, the audience is let into some of her decisions and is shown how she lacks empathy, compassion, and kindness, yet about halfway through the show, she is fine. As if that was never said and she is just an angry child.
Our other female lead is none other than Oh Soo Ah. To put it simply, she was so wishy washy in the most terrible way, the type of person I would like to believe does not exist. As women, we need to remember that we are human, and we can take charge and make our own decisions. Somebody needed to remind her that. They also need to remind her that you can’t take things for granted because at some point, they’ll be gone, they’ll leave.
Another note: I did not think that Saeroyi had chemistry with either one of these women. Friendship, yes. Romantically, no.
Transgender Representation: Yes. Loved it. Love her. I did not like the way it was handled when she was exposed to literally the world by who was supposed to be her friend, because nothing was really done about it. We saw no consequences, but other than that, yes.
Villains: Old Man Jang ->10/10
Jang Junior -> a little over the top but really well done 9/10 * p.s. he gave Joker vibes, in both his character and clothing *
Saeroyi: I loved that he was a man of his principles. It was stated time and time again and he proved it over and over with actions. But see with that there needed to be a line drawn between sticking to your principles and not being walked on by other people. Because Saeroyi was a man of his principles, he had a hard time differentiating when someone was being genuine or not. He was continuously letting himself be used and abused by those he cared about because of his principles. He needed to be better
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One which can be re-watched with delight
Should you? Would you? Could you?You should watch this one (YES! )
You would recommend this to others. (YES!)
You could watch this again. (YES!)
Ending: Happy
To me, Itaewon Class is all about the dominance of the character of Jo Yi Seo portrayed by Kim Da Mi. She is brazen. She is impulsive. She is loyal. She is emotional. Her unwavering faith and support for the main lead Park Sae Ro Yi is something you don’t get to see in real life. Once she has made up her mind to do something, then nothing can deter her. That’s the strength of her character. I love the way she has no qualms in telling everyone that she is a sociopath. Now which character does that and gets away with it? We see her character showing no empathy or sympathy at all even with her team but under the guidance of the protagonist’s sense of values, she learns to realize her mistakes and forms a great bond with the same team, eventually. I absolutely love her confidence that she will make sure Park Sae Ro Yi falls in love with her.
While the story is all about the main lead’s journey and his determination to make it big to extract revenge, it’s the support that he gets from his team that really binds his journey together and makes it a worthwhile watch. Park Seo Joon is brilliant as the protagonist. His deep sense of justice and morals is what defines his character. His unwavering faith in his people makes him a leader for whom his people will do anything. When the antagonist tries to poach people from his team, we see their loyalty to the fullest. His entire character is based on his principles which his father instilled in him that does lead to his downfall initially but it's that very faith that makes him a winner in the end. I’m not sure there is even a person alive like this anywhere. He brings hope.
The one character I really didn’t take to is Soo Ah whose actions just don’t seem to justify any end. I don’t understand why she had to accept that scholarship and work for the enemy. If she loved the protagonist, shouldn’t she be by his side come what may?
The crew that makes up DamBam are equally endearing. Each one has their story which is interweaved in the plot and revealed when required.
Chairman Jang is the perfect villain of this piece. You know he is willing to do anything for his company, Jangga Co…even sacrifice his son for it. So then why would he spare the protagonist? For him, it's all about ego and powerplay. The fact that Park Sae Ro Yi refuses to bend on his knees and ask for forgiveness is the catalyst of the whole plot. Its consequences are fatal to the protagonist which in turn becomes the reason for the whole revenge angle. Chairman Jang never acknowledges that Sae Ro Yi is a real threat to Jangga Co but at the back of his mind he knows that only Park Sae Ro Yi has the capability to oust him. His character is cruel and has been played impressively by Yoo Jae Myung.
His two sons - Geun Won and Geun Soo ultimately show traits that reflect their dad. Geun Woo more so as he is the rightful heir and hence is cold, cruel, and heartless. He is responsible for bullying, killing, and kidnapping. Geun Soo starts off as being more sympathetic and loving when he is an outcast but when he decides to join his father, we see a dark side to him which is a reflection of his dad. He betrays the very friend who accepts him and shows little remorse. But he does manage to get a little redemption in the end as the good people around him realized that it was temporary madness that overcame him.
It’s a good show to watch and re-watch. Re-affirms our faith in sticking to values.
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I loved the main character and I think that he had so many lessons to give; you should not give up on your goals, don't forget your values though it might be tempting at times, you may have a lot of things to learn from your enemies, accept, trust and support the people around you, don't think people are your enemies just because they do something that seems to be against you, because they have their own goals and that sometimes there are situations where you should forget about what you think is right or fair, just because you value a person more than that. His character and presence was indeed shining.
I would describe this drama as a story about ethics and life values. It also touched on so many issues in the society in a very fresh way, setting an example. I will always recommend this. It doesn't have a lot of romance, so it is appropriate for all ages. You should give it a try!
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I enjoyed this Drama, but it could have been a 10
First, It has to be said that it is an adaptation from a webtoon, so sometimes things aren't going to be like they are in the real world.I really enjoyed the first episodes, it was a great setup to the story! and the following ones were also nicely done, engaging, you wanted to root for the characters.
You liked the ones you were supposed to like and disliked the ones you were supposed to. Main leads did a great job and the side characters happened to steal the spotlight some times (that's how good the actors portrayed them).
I was 100% with this drama until the last 2 episodes, and the worst of it being the finale! extra 30mn long and felt like a lifetime!
It did not fit the drama and the characters that were so good throughout 14 episodes. A bummer because it could have been so much better, but still a solid 7
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Loved it, specifically the character "Jo Yi Seo".
I've completed this within 2 days, I am really fond to these type of series and I really liked it.I could feel every essence of every character through their acting skill and they really try to put on the table.
Father son relationship what's father taught to his son. Very inspiring how hard for the startups to survive against the giant firm.
one quote from this, I feel like share here.
"Life is a series of choices.
Producing a result, that matches your value".
Never let your spirit of hope die at any cost before you reached to the goal.
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genuinely one of the best dramas ive watched. everything from the characters to the ost are so perfect. also one of the first dramas where i was so invested in the story that i rarely skipped. it will suck you into loving certain characters but also having pure hatred for some. overall would recommend! KIM DAMI SLAYS! the story is so amazing and just so heartful and i love everything about how one point can be so sad but then another part of the story can be so heartwarming. i love itaewon class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!sm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1Esta resenha foi útil para você?