Em andamento 22/32
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 26, 2019
22 of 32 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
22 episode in and the story hasn't progressed much. This might put off a lot of viewers but this is not a drama that you can pick up when you feel like procrastinating, where you try to skip past the conversations to get a gist of the plot. The beauty of this drama can best be appreciated when you are bored and have absolutely nothing to do. This drama is not about cheating but about people falling out of love and finding someone you can cherish. The depth to which this drama takes the emotion in conversations is unparalleled.

What makes me fall in love with this show is that it doesn't dilute the intensity of character progression with plot and is paced perfectly. There are times when the main leads just sit and do nothing, it makes you think and understand what is going on in their heads and how they are feeling. The OST fills these silences perfectly. I can keep rewatching the conversations between the main leads forever. The side characters are fun and play a good role in supporting the main cast.

This drama is simple, beautiful and satisfying. I hope you give this a try.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 3, 2022
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 3.5
História 3.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 4.5
Voltar a ver 1.0
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Not a favourite thats for sure

I glanced at some other reviews so I'll also preface this by saying I haven’t seen Something in the Rain either. I randomly decided to watch this after not starting anything new for a while after fishing Rain or Shine. If I'm remembering correctly, I believe I saw it suggested as a drama I'd like if liked Rain or Shine.
Unfortunately the mundane mood I enjoyed in my last drama felt annoying in this one. There were so many food scenes. Like I get that ppl eat and eat out and maybe it's a cultural thing too, but it felt excessive here. Like I saw more eating than action.
The drama felt like it dragged on and on and took me a while to finish because it was so frustrating. For instance the FL takes forever to break it off with her bf like more than 8 eps. I also found her annoying tbh. In fact most of the characters in this were annoying and not really memorable besides the ML, his friends, and family. Tbh the only thing keeping me going was seeing more of the son and my stubbornness to finish it at least.
I also found that I only laughed twice throughout 16 eps which sucks 🤡
The ost is also super repetitive to the point where I got annoyed.

As someone who loves sharing kdrama with others this is one I don't deem worthy of showing to my mom.
I'm glad I'm done it and I don't plan on a rewatch ever.

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12 dias atrás
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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it is the show number 1 for me and I do not see when this might change

I think I was lucky to start my introduction to Korean dramas from watching this show. It started my obsession with kdramas and, though I only started to watch kdramas from the Summer 2023, I already probably watched close to 100 of them and can state with confidence that OSN is my number one show. I come back rewatching it many times. Too many.

I am actually surprised that it doesn't have the rating it really deserves. To me, it is the drama that most close to real life. Or, let's say, the life I would really like to see for myself. Main characters are just amazing, their personalities, their life values, their loyalty - they are just my dream friends whom I would like to know.

What I like most about this show is the consistency of all the characters - they do not change their views depending on a situation, they definitely have core values and that it makes the show so solid. FL is just such a strong person - she definitely went through a lot of struggle about her relationship with her bf, but once she realized what she really wants, she was so consistent in pursuing it, so refreshing from most of the kdramas where main characters act sporadically and make their own decisions without talking to their other halfs. ML is also adorable and loyal - and the chemistry between them is off the charts.

OST is also amazing. It's a little bit cheesy to have the same music played at the most important moments, but despite that it gives me goosebumps every time :).

All the support characters did such a great job - it just so awesome. I often skip interactions between non main characters but not in this show. The story of the older sister of FL is so touching.

The only minor negative in this show for me was when ML was interacting with FL's ex-boyfriend and saying that he won't let slide whatever that ex-bf was doing. But nothing really came out of those "threats". It was kind of lame. Another unnecessary scene was when ML was very drunk and said something he would never said if he was sober. I think they made it too dramatic - there was nothing there imho, but again - that was not a big deal.

Overall, I rewatched this show many many times - too many I guess, but it is such a nice story every time I think about it. I do not think I will ever experience the set of emotions I experienced when I watched it first time.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 25, 2022
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 7.5

L'amour rencontré une nuit de printemps franchira tous les obstacles

J’ai adoré !!
Au point de dire : on s’est trompé quelque part ce n’est pas un drama ! Où sont les clichés ? Où est la romance? Parce que de l’amour, oui, il y en a, et pas qu’un peu, mais de la romance, point du tout !! Pas mièvrerie, pas de guimauve, pas de vile morue qui vient se mettre en travers, enfin rien de ce qui fait le drama de base ! Même pas l’habituel « je t’aime mais je te quitte » d’ailleurs les héros se l’interdisent : ne te sers pas de ça pour me quitter ! j’étais aux anges !
L’histoire est ancrée solidement dans la réalité, les personnages sont parfaitement crédibles, les situations tout à fait vraisemblables et réalistes… en Corée !!
Parce que chez nous personne ne considérerait comme une tare horrible d’être un papa célibataire qui élève parfaitement avec l’aide ses parents un amour de petit garçon de six ans ! Mais il semble qu’en Corée, il aurait mieux valu qu’il le largue dans le premier orphelinat venu ! Alors si quelqu’un qui connaît la Corée passe par là et peut m’expliquer cet étrange phénomène je suis preneuse !!
L’histoire est donc ancrée dans le réel coréen, car le pouvoir de la volonté paternelle sur des enfants adultes et indépendants financièrement nous paraît à peine croyable, et la force contraignante de l’opinion des autres et la puissance de la norme que cette opinion génère est quand même difficile à comprendre pour nous, même si c’était comme ça chez nous…au XIX siècle!
Mais ce drama est avant tout une histoire de femmes ! Ce sont elles les moteurs puissants de l’histoire, les trois filles qui, chacune à leur manière, se battent pour pouvoir vivre leur vie et non celle qu’on veut leur imposer, (d’ailleurs peut-être que la 3ème a ramené sa liberté de parole de France !! ), les mères, qui, gardiennes de la tradition et du « comme il faut » vont laisser leur amour maternel prendre le dessus et leur ouvrir le cœur. N’oublions pas les amies de l’héroïne, drôles et solides au poste, comme la pharmacienne patronne de Ji Ho, une une sorte de vraie grande sœur, à la fois sage, encourageante et lucide !

Par contre, on ne peut pas dire que l’image donnée des hommes soit à leur avantage : bornés, butés, lâches, brutaux, vaniteux, arrogants, que ce soit les pères ou les jeunes, ils sont affreux, mais heureusement il y en a trois qui sauvent l’espèce. Le père de Ji Ho, plein de bon sens et de générosité, le copain que se fait Jae In, capable aussi de voir plus loin que « ce qui se fait » et de comprendre que « c’est l’amour, idiot !"  comme il le dit à un copain , et le troisième le meilleur, c’est Ji Ho, l’homme qu’on voudrait toutes pour amoureux ou pour fils, ou pour gendre suivant les âges !!

Alors pendant 16 épisodes on va voir Jeong In et Ji Ho se battre contre les autres mais aussi contre eux-mêmes, car on leur a appris que leur amour ne pouvait être qu’impossible, ils doivent commencer par se convaincre eux-mêmes avant d’affronter les autres !
En même temps on découvre la problématique du divorce, de la violence conjugale (et j’ai bien l’impression que les Coréens sont en avance sur nous quant à pénalisation de ladite violence ! ).
Les dialogues sont excellents, avec ce qu’il faut d’humour, les personnages parfaitement écrits, parfaitement interprétés, les situations sont prenantes, touchantes, émouvantes, attendrissantes… car pour une fois ils s’aiment, et ça se voit !! Il n’y a pas juste le premier baiser et après c’est à peines on se prend la main pendant 16 épisodes. Non, l’amour est là, bien là, on le voit et on sourit malgré soi tant c’est communicatif !
L’OST est superbe, il y a même Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, donc pas de hurleuse (ha ha ha ! )
Que dire de plus que : REGARDEZ « ONE SPRING NIGHT » de toute urgence !!

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Em andamento 16/32
12 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 18, 2019
16 of 32 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Ok, so we've hit the halfway mark of the show and I wanted to share my thoughts so far before the show finishes... This is a show that is filmed and written very similarly to Something in the Rain (same directors and same writer). Both of these dramas carry a reality to them that most dramas now a days don't have. This isn't to bash lovey dovey rom coms, or fantasy/period dramas; I believe each genre has its place and if done well they are fun to watch and enjoyable. What CAN happen though with these dramas is a highlighted dependence on the abnormal and unlikely that dilutes the intensity of plot/character development and conflict resolution. It leads to shots that don't progress fluidly; skipping scenes that only capture the highs and lows of emotions but nothing in between because only SO many crazy, unbelievable things can happen at a time. This can lead to shallow characters that have shallow backgrounds that lead to shallow romances all with tropes and cliches from every other drama out there.

I think what makes this show and SITR a bit different is that it takes out the abnormal, the "other worldly" aspects out of the picture and SLOWS IT DOWN. This forces the drama to find emotional highs and lows, conflicts, and character development elsewhere like in realistic social issues, duty vs desire, and a realistic romance. I love the scenes where they sit and do nothing sometimes not even looking or talking to each other BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS IN LIFE SOMETIMES. When reading music the goal of silence is to carry the tension and this show does just that. In the silence the viewer is forced to think about what the character's might be thinking about and creates a tension through just silence itself.

The OST itself reflects the simplicity and beauty of the drama. A lot of people have complained at the short and often repeated songs. I think that the OST is brilliant because it accentuates normality; life is normal, repetitive, and quiet most of the time. Now some songs individually I think could have been written better but the soundtrack as a whole I thoroughly enjoy.

Most dramas take you out of your world to take you into theirs and that's what makes it enjoyable and fun; but this leaves a dissatisfaction when you know that it's not real and it would never happen in your life. This drama and SITR takes you out of your world and into a world that could be your neighbor's or your friend's or maybe even back into your own world. I might not have that same 'high' of riding the lows and highs of most kdramas but I am confident that I will have left this show thinking that it seemed real and that it could happen somewhere in the real world even in mine. That's what makes this show exciting and fresh.

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Em andamento 22/32
Megan Mateo
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 10, 2020
22 of 32 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 10
So far I am about to watch the succeeding episodes. But what I like in this K-Drama is that the plot is so realistic and almost everything that is being shown is happening in real life; the stigma of being a single father, the controlling boyfriends, the controlling parents who wanted to choose whats best for the child, and the reality of falling out of love and loving the new one that comes to your life.

Hooked up so far!! I also love the acting of the actors. The support is also amazing! Keep up the good work!
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Love River
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 10, 2023
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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Most Realistic | Relatable drama EVER

Jung Hae In's portrayal of his character was absolutely mesmerizing. We were shocked to hear that he "struggled" to get into character (or so he thinks). We struggle to think of any way in which he could have been any better. He did it brilliantly.
We've lost count of how many times we've watched this drama and we aren't going to stop anytime soon.
The story is so well written.
We are seeing a lot of people watching these type of dramas and not understanding it or interpreting it incorrectly.
Han Ji Min's portrayal of Lee Jung In was also done brilliantly. And NO she did not cheat. She "cheated" after calling off their relationship two to three times already.
This is what happens when your family decides who you marry and who not. You partner thinks whatever you say can be ignored.
She told him they should end it and he even agreed after a few times only to go back to his ways because of Yoo Ji Ho.
The whole journey was just emotional, but so real and it just could not have been done better.
The OST is also truly beautiful.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 2, 2021
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

So refreshing

I genuinely fell in love with this show instantly. It felt very real and palpable in a way that dramas in this genre never really fully grasp. I cried and got goosebumps so many times and it wasn't even necessarily because of the main couple. The drama deals with so many real and important topics and does so in a very healthy manner, without romanticizing or downplaying them, which was so refreshing to witness.

They build up all the characters really well, maybe even too well. Because my one complaint about this drama would simply be the ending, or more specifically the last two episodes... The characters just simply acted way out of character in the end, I guess it was to add to the suspense or whatnot, but that would be the singular turn off for me. They built these characters up so well that at the end you could really go "Ah, this isn't what the character stands for." if that makes sense. I think the ending could have been used a bit better to tie up some more loose ends, exactly because they spent a lot of time building up side characters, and then only tying up the few main ones.

But other than that, nothing but praise for this show. It handled a lot of interesting topics, from morality to how women are treated and viewed in the world while also keeping a somewhat light hearted atmosphere with the romance.

One of the most frustrating things for me how throughout half the show the entire future and love life of the main character was decided upon by three men who simply would not listen to a word she says. Especially her boyfriend at the time. All I could think was: THE AUDACITY!!!! And that really left me thinking a lot and then paired up with the domestic violence topic and how the men handled that one... It couldn't leave many unfazed I think and that's really what adds value to this show, in my opinion. Its ability to make you think about some sensitive topics and its ability to make you sympathize with the characters without downplaying these topics as the only thing they have going for them. It shows their struggles dealing with them rather than just going "All you have to do is say no more and it all goes away!"

So yeah, idk if this makes much sense and I'm about two years late watching this, but I had to let this all out somewhere. The show is an amazing watch, and I'd recommend it to anyone!

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 26, 2023
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 3.5
Voltar a ver 6.0
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Don't Fall Into the Trap of Allowing ANYONE To Tell You How To Live Your Life!

If there is one thing that the viewer will hopefully take away from this series, it’s this: never, NEVER let anyone tell you how to live your life. It doesn’t matter who it is—religious people, family, society, or anyone else. As soon as you allow others to dictate how you live your life, you’ve given away your power. And when things don’t work out, you have also lost any right to get angry or resent them for it because YOU allowed it to happen. And the only person who will be dealing with the fallout is you. Those who counseled you won’t be taking the hits. YOU will! Steer your own ship. Don’t let anyone else try to steer it for you.

“One Spring Night” is hardly the most romantic series I’ve ever seen, and it’s not necessarily an easy series to get through. This isn’t necessarily a criticism as the series is very well-steeped in realism about people navigating the minefield of relationships and the problems that arise because of them.

The “Before Sunrise” film series is the most realistic series I’ve ever seen regarding relationships…how they start, where they go, and how two people who were once in love, struggle to find that spark that they once shared when they first met.

Ji Ho meets Jung in one random morning when she comes into his pharmacy to get hangover medicine. It’s easy to see that he’s immediately captivated by her, despite her brusque mannerisms and snippy attitude. However, he quickly finds out that she’s already in a relationship with Ki Seok, a guy he actually plays basketball with on weekends.

It becomes very obvious from the get-go that Jung In doesn’t love Ki Seok, and the viewer is even left to wonder if she ever has. It’s ironic how many people enter relationships out of convenience or simply to use the other person because of money or social status. It doesn’t take long for Jung In to realize that she’s quickly developing feelings for Ji Ho, and soon she breaks up with Ki Seok and begins a relationship with Ji Ho.

Of course, rarely are things so simple. And yet this dynamic is an interesting one because I haven’t really seen it in Korean dramas. Ji Ho has a son, but he’s not married. What I admire about Ji Ho is that he doesn’t try to hide this fact, and he’s very upfront with Jung In about it, letting her decide if it’s a problem or not. We also find that a single father is considered to be quite unappealing, especially if you’re a single woman who’s never been married. Pretty soon, everyone is voicing their opinions and concerns, from his family to hers and even their friends.

Ji Ho is easily the most mature character of the series, with Jung In’s older sister Seo In being right up there with him. Ji Ho is honest and seemingly unafraid. He views his son as a strength and not a weakness, and he makes it apparent right from the start that he won’t allow anyone to hurt his son, even Jung In. He’s also very understanding and considerate, and perhaps his greatest strength is his ability to empathize. He knows the pressures that Jung In will experience, and he gives her the space to figure out whether or not she wants to be in a relationship with him.

Jung In—despite the actress being six years older than her male counterpart—has a number of issues. Don’t get me wrong as all of the characters are a bit flawed, but Ji Ho’s past experience has only made him stronger and more mature. Jung In’s greatest strength is her fierce independence. She has absolutely no problem standing up to anyone, including members of her own family. I LOVE this about her! She proves—at least in that regard—to be the type of companion that I think most men would love—someone who will walk through the fire with you and not look back. However, Jung In is also moody, temperamental, a bit conceited, judgmental, and tends to lack understanding and compassion when push comes to shove. Perhaps her greatest weakness is her inability to empathize. She doesn't smile very much, and it's quite evident that she's not a very happy person. She also has a tendency to be bossy. Ladies, remember this: no real man wants another mother for a wife! One mother is more than enough! That pledge was ridiculous, and if you’re in a relationship to try and change the other person, you’ve already entered into it for the wrong reasons.

In Episode 15, we find Jung In is angry by a “slip of the tongue” from a drunk Ji Ho when he asks her not to leave him or his son. She takes it as a sign that he doesn’t trust her—which is actually understandable to a point. Rather than talking it out and trying to understand why he has those feelings at all, she storms out and then tells him that they need to take a brief break. And then, immaturely, she gets angry when he doesn’t contact her. However, she never once stops to think about his past situation with the woman who left Ji Ho and his son and why that might be a source of fear and insecurity. If nothing else, this should have been a sign to both Ji Ho and Jung In that they needed more time to get to know each other. Relationships aren’t just about sharing happy, quality times. They are also about finding that person with whom you can confide and share your fears and insecurities. Every relationship is flawed and dysfunctional because everyone has those fears and insecurities. It’s how you navigate and BE there for each other during such moments that counts!

I’m not sure I’ve seen two more despicable characters in 45 years of watching shows than Ki Seok and Jung In’s “father.” I use the term “father” very loosely because such a man has no right to call himself one. Any father who uses his children for personal gain is no father. Any father who’s afraid of what people think rather than standing firm with his children is no father. Seo In has been physically and sexually abused by her husband (another deplorable man who won’t allow her to divorce him), and yet her father rants about how wrong divorce is and why she should try and work things out with her husband. That scenario literally made me sick to my stomach! And then we have Jung In’s father trying to marry her off to Ki Seok—without her consent—so that he can get a promotion at work. Utterly pathetic!

Ki Seok is almost as bad. This is a little boy masquerading as a “man.” After Jung In breaks up with him, he still contacts her, demands to see her, and unbelievably still insists that they are going to get married! Now, part of the problem is Jung In herself. She fails to see the obvious: to tell Ki Seok to his face that it’s over and then to break off all communication with him. Teasing him and stringing him along was cruel no matter how despicable he was. Ki Seok is an arrogant boy who views everyone as being beneath him, especially Ji Ho. Right up until the last episode, Ki Seok still believes that Jung In will marry him. Nobody—not even his own father—points out the obvious: that Jung In is in love with Ji Ho, and after all that he’s done, how in the world would he ever believe that she’d marry him?! Supreme delusion and arrogance.

Women are not property to be bargained off and used any way you see fit. This is something that many of the cowardly men in this world still fail to realize, and this series makes a very fine and bold point regarding this.

The series—for the most part—is well done. It’s not afraid to show the flaws, fears, insecurities, and concerns that many people have and why it’s important to find someone who’s strong enough to go through it all with you. The only thing better than being a person who won’t allow others to tell you how to live is finding a companion who lives their life the same way. Such a couple is an “iron couple” who can get through anything. If that doesn’t sound appealing to you, then I’m not sure what does. And, frankly, that was my favorite part of the series—watching Ji Ho and Jung In standing firm together and holding off all of their attackers—and as they did so, they began to help others realize just how powerful and true they are together!

If I have one glaring complaint about the series, it’s the music. My God! I’ve never heard two songs repeated (often 5-6 times per episode!) so much. The songs aren’t bad, they just didn’t quite fit the series. And it was overkill to play them so much. I love the songs from K-dramas. I have a huge list on my iPod from so many shows. Needless to say, I won’t be adding any from this series as too often, they got stuck in my head. It got to the point where I was muting the show when the song came on. I had the subtitles to read the dialogue. I kept going, “Oh, God! Not again!”
This is a series that actually gets better the deeper into the show you get. I know a lot of people stopped after four or five episodes. Believe me, it actually did get quite better. “My Business Proposal” is still my all-time favorite series depicting strong women. Unlike Jung In, the two women in that series were also soft, loving, and romantic. I also love the female lead in “Hometown Cha Cha Cha.” By the time this series ended, I had hopes for Jung In that perhaps she might soften up a bit and not make everything about her. I’m sure that with Ji Ho’s help, she would ultimately allow that to happen.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 21, 2020
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 7.5
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I wouldn't call this forbidden romance, cheating story, or anything of that sort. The long-relationship, the female lead was in, was over, before she even began anything with Jiho. Most of the male characters and their behavior and actions fueled me with rage. While I would like to believe the situation is this dire only in S. Korea, I know that many men live by these principles all over the world. Also, I wouldn't label this as noona romance, she is only 5 years older than him.

+realistic portrayal of long-term relationship or relationship with a person you have nothing in common
+realistic portrayal of male-driven society, esp. in conservative countries like S. Korea
+natural skinship, kisses (due to it being on Netlflix maybe?)
+strong sisters' bond
+Jung Hae In and his puppy eyes

-most of the male characters will stir up hate inside you
-1 song used repetitively, while it's a nice song and I did not mind that much, for some it could be annoying
-some people might not enjoy the slower pace
-occasional weird fashion choices

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 30, 2022
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 7.5

One of my fav kdrama

This drama was soooo good. I loved the story it was slow but sweet.
People keep comparing it to Something in the Rain but for me they were different. Actually, I couldn't even finish Something in the Rain because it was so slow. And the ost is just amazing! Every day I kept looking at the trailer because it was so compelling to me and one day, I just started it best decision of my life. One Spring Night is one of my favorite kdramas and I definitely recommend it if you like something slow and sweet. Also, someone please let me know if I should give Something in the Rain another chance.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 27, 2023
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Help. The songs are stuck in my head.

catchy music, adorable family moments, no second lead syndrome (he’s mostly there to cause problems istg, but I know for a fact that men like him exist in real life), and most importantly a dilf male lead!

The reason why I rated acting as 9 is because of the kid. If you already watched some of the episodes, you’ll all notice how the kid is acting not very solidly (well we don’t expect much anyways it’s a child).. but if you are the type that likes to forget that what you are watching is all just a show then the child acting may cause you to remember that this is all acting from time to time which low key sucks. He is after all very relevant to the story.

Personally, I’ve never loved a Korean romance drama this much, so I absolutely recommend it!

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Uma Noite de Primavera (2019) poster



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