estou amando, claro que estou incomodado com o fato de que Zon e Saifah estão praticamente em segundo plano, mas também sei que tem uma crise de saúde mundial acontecendo... Bom, vou esperar. Por enquanto aproveitar tudo o que tenho do Tor e do P'Fight.
I always love me some honeymoon phase episodes back to back, but the only down fall of honey moon stage is that they are going to come crashing down one way or another. Okay bye!
So I already had this rated at a 10, but I wish I could rate it higher because I've been rewatching this on a different platform than where I first watched it, and I've come to realize that this episode was pretty heavily censored before. My god some of these scenes rival TharnType with how hot they were, and I didn't even know I was missing out on it. This episode deserves all the stars because Tor and Fight are just *chef's kiss*