1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 17, 2021
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Vivez de nouvelles aventures avec Wu Xie, Pang Zi & Qi Ling

La question avec cette série de drama est toujours de savoir où se situe l’histoire par rapport aux précédentes. On se perd facilement dans ce labyrinthe qu’est « Lost Tomb » car oui, il s’agit d’une série à succès avec plus d’une saison & Spin-off. Puisque le casting change à chacune des saisons, on s’y perd bien vite, nous devons donc nous accrocher aux personnages principaux & non aux acteurs afin d’espérer pouvoir s’y retrouver x’D !
Néanmoins, il s’agit d’un exercice bien souvent difficile ! Je m’y suis essayé pour cette saison et voici ma conclusion : Dans cette saison Wu Xie approche des 40ans. En sachant que dans les saisons précédentes « Lost Tomb 1 », « Lost Tomb 2 » & « Ultimate Note » il est dans la vingtaine, nous nous doutons que cette histoire se déroule bien plus tard ! Cependant, dans la série spin-off « Tomb of the Sea », Wu Xie a dans la quarantaine bien établie… J’imagine donc que cette saison doit se situer peu de temps avant celle-ci. (Après, puisqu’il s’agit d’un « Reboot » l’histoire peut également être autonome ^^’, difficulté quand tu nous tiens =D !)

Une fois cette question existentielle qu’est la place de cette série dans la saga réglée (enfin, réglée est un bien grand mot x’D) parlons du drama et de ses points importants :
• Le triangle de fer : personnages principaux de la saga « Lost Tomb »
o Wu Xie : est le petit génie de la bande. Souvent bien trop naïf pour son propre bien, il garde beaucoup pour lui notamment sa maladie. Il est atteint d’un cancer des poumons en phase terminale, cependant, il préfère retrouver son oncle disparu depuis plusieurs années plutôt que de se ménager.
o Pang Zi : est un personnage qui tape souvent sur les nerfs durant d’autres saison, cependant, je l’ai trouvé relativement calme dans celle-ci ! (Qu’est-ce que ça fait du bien x’D). Sa romance avec son amour de jeunesse m’a quelque peu dérangée. Pourquoi ? Car elle n’apporte rien à l’histoire ! Cette romance serait même plutôt néfaste puisque Pang Zi passe sont temps à se mettre dans des situations problématique afin de la protéger… (Après, vous me direz que c’est ça l’amour… Mais je trouve ça superflu dans ce type d’histoire ^^)
o Zhang Qi Ling/Xiao Ge : est un jeune homme « immortel » suite à certains évènements (les raisons n'ont jamais vraiment été précisées même dans les saisons précédentes). Doté de grandes capacités, il aide Wu Xie & Pang Zi dans leurs diverses expéditions. (Bien qu’il soit beaucoup moins présent dans cette première partie de saison, nous verrons par la suite si nous avons la chance de le voir plus x’D !)
• L’oncle San/le troisième maitre : Oncle de Wu Xie, il est doté comme son neveux d’une grande intelligence. Cependant, pour diverses raisons, il passe son temps à disparaitre dans les saisons… Le pauvre Wu Xie finit donc toujours sur ses traces afin de connaitre la raison de ses disparitions.
• Les deux aventures vécues dans ce drama :
o Tombeau sous la mer : Entre hallucination et bébêtes plus répugnantes les unes que les autres le triangle de fer vit bien des épreuves… (Je retiendrai particulièrement ces immondes crustacés qui sortent des murs… Comment dire qu’au début ne voyant que 4 pattes ignobles j’ai pensé que c’était des araignées… Vu mon amour pour ces créatures, j’ai eu une grande révulsion x’D)
o 11ème entrepôt : J’ai été plus captivée par les enquêtes dans ce 11ème entrepôt. Il est vrai que durant celles-ci, Wu Xie a réellement montré son potentiel. (D’autant plus que pour une fois, il n’avait pas le triangle de fer pour lui venir en aide.)
• Une fin en demi-teinte : Wu Xie a résolu les mystère du 11ème entrepôt mais voilà… Il doit se rendre dans une partie de l’entrepôt où seul les marchandises sont acceptées… Sa maladie ayant de plus en plus de conséquences sur son organisme cette avancée dans la recherche de l’oncle San n’annonce rien de bon…

Incompréhensions :
• Certaines actions de Wu Xie semblent irréalisables avec sa maladie… Est-il physiquement possible de jeuner ou faire du sport intensif alors qu’il nous reste 3 à 6mois à vivre ? (Ne m’y connaissant absolument pas, je ne peux réellement juger mais cela me semble étrange…)
• Lunettes noires : Mr. est censé être aveugle… Mais il peut lire des SMS ? (Étrange =D)

Mis à part ces incompréhensions, j’ai apprécié l’histoire comme pour les autres séries de cette saga. J’ai hâte de connaitre la suite des aventures de notre triangle de fer <3 !

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 12, 2021
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Very Intriguing Show

What I Liked

I liked the consistent action and thriller aspect of the tomb scenes. You never knew what was going to happen to the characters. I was also very intrigued by the storyline of listening to thunder and seeing how the tomb psychologically affected the team. While I did like the other storyline with Black Glasses and the mute girl (was her name ever said?), it didn’t quite flow with the same thriller vibe that the tomb scenes had. I did like BG and the mute girl’s relationship. It was fun and cute, and I loved the song played when they were together.

Which leads me to the music. I loved the OST. It did what it was supposed to and was very memorable to me, especially the song Unlimited by Charlie Zhou Shen. It was a very beautiful song that I listen to it all the time now. I felt the music was unique and helped to create the mood of the show every time I settled down to watch it.

Of course, I loved Zhu Yilong’s portrayal. I liked the voiceovers of his thoughts on searching for his third uncle. His relationship with Fatty was one of the best aspects of the show for me. They played off each other very well and I really liked how spontaneous and goofy Fatty was. I often went back to rewatch their scenes together because it was so well-acted and their chemistry was seamless.

I think it was decently paced as far as having the first part be about raiding the tomb, which led to the second half, which was the Warehouse investigation. Wu Xie’s declining health also served as another storyline that made me wonder how he would continue and how long he could carry the secret.

What I Didn’t Like

I didn’t feel that the deaf village worked as seamlessly with the tomb scenes as it could have. I found myself wondering when we would get back to Wu Xie, Fatty, and Xiao Ge back at the tomb. The location and comedic aspect made it feel like a different show than the tomb's dark, suspenseful atmosphere. I did like when all the cast members finally connected and came together.

Fatty’s love interest was cute for a while but then she just seemed to become weak. I felt this storyline didn’t need as much screen time as it was given because it didn’t really connect meaningfully until later. I liked their relationship and would like to see them get together later, but I felt she could have been a stronger character. It just seemed like an extra storyline to fill in the space of too many episodes.

A little more than halfway through the show I realized the voices weren’t matching up with the characters’ lips and did some research. I found that the show had been cut due to Chinese censorship as well as the new rule that Chinese dramas can’t be over a certain amount of episodes. I believe the show was originally 62 episodes but was cut down to 32 for the first season and 30 for the second season.

I’m currently halfway through the second season, which doesn’t seem to have been cut like the first. The editing in the first season chopped some important parts from the storyline, and I eventually became confused and felt I was missing something. The finale didn’t feel like a finale because not much was answered, and Wu Xie still hadn’t found his third uncle, but his search continues in season 2. I suppose it wasn’t considered a finale since it was initially meant to be 62 episodes.

Would I Rewatch it?

Yes (and I already have rewatched a bit)! I loved the thriller vibe, the suspense, and of course Zhu Yilong! I felt the storyline was unique and would love to see how everything wraps up in the end.

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Jessica Linke
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 8, 2020
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Second Season ??

As of now....with 32 episodes it is shown as complet but that can't be it.....or I realy hope it is not the case.
Zhu Yi Long was a great actor for our Main character cast and I realy loved him in it.
The Mystery factor was also realy high....but still i was prepared for 71 episodes.....even after the censorship cutted out all those things about plags...there should still be more ...but I can't find any kind of information regarding the most likly second Season...
Anybody heard somthing??
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Cristina Lewis
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 14, 2021
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Brilliant tv series production with great cinematic style and amazing actors!

What a brilliant tv series production with great cinematic style and fighting action moves! The natural landscape and some of the scenes are overwhelming and spectacular! You believe are a part of this risky journey through the wilderness. Just few minutes of the episode, I already can tell the lead actor ( Zhu YiLong who play WuXie) did a superb job executing his roles, same goes with all the others. I have read the entire book series, honestly speaking, millions of readers will have millions of depictions or interpretations of this WuXie character. However, I want to express my appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Zhu Yilong for bringing Wu Xie, a book character, vividly to live. At least, Mr. Zhu Yilong 's professional actings fulfilled my imagination of Wu Xie. In this section of the book series , Wu Xie has become mature and competent, but he still is the nice and naughty little boy with integrity that he has known for. At same time, he realized that he doesn't have much time left. 10 years of resting from previous instabilities, this " Reunion" marked as a new start, but also an "ending." Wu Xie in this section of the series is designated with different emotional features. Mr. ZhuYilong successfully and precisely act it all out, his acting is full of intangible qualities: blinking of the eye, the faint hint of a smile – these series of tiny moments that could take an entire paper to describe. Something I've been finding fascinating is his acting is full of surprise, there just doesn't seem to be enough appropriate vocabularies to put into words, because it is all about feelings and experiencing. Extra granted! The words that came out of his mouth were impressively powerful, the scene where he coughed up blood was so unimaginably real, as if, I thought that he was actually vomiting blood. Zhu Yilong left no doubt in my mind that he was again fully devoted to his role and bringing WuXie alive. He was simply amazing. looking forward to zhu yilong's next characters in forseen dramas or movies!

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 18, 2020
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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Loved everything about this especially Zhu Yi Long

I absolutely loved this show and can't wait for Season 2. The only reason I gave a lower rating on the story, is because it is an incomplete story right now as we only have the first half of the series to go by. I would say my only complaint is we barely see much of what happens with the Thunder City team after Wu Xie ends up at Warehouse 11.

I am in the minority, it would seem, regarding Glasses and the Mute Girl and their hint at romance. I absolutely adored them together and hope to see more of them in season 2 and where a relationship could potentially go. The only female that seemed out of place in the entire thing was Piaopiao. Almost like she was shoehorned in at the last minute for Fatty to have something to focus on when not helping Wu Xie while he was at Warehouse 11, especially when he had Bai Hao Tian to assist him so much IN the Warehouse. Though I started to warm up to Piaopiao a bit more as the show progressed. I am just curious if it will be addressed more in season 2 after seeing the trailer.

I very much enjoyed the relationship between Wu Xie and Bai Hao Tian. I see a lot of people discussing how he doesn't see her romantically, but I personally think he does, but he's fighting it because as far as he knows, he is terminally ill so why would he put that heartache on someone. There were too many times where Zhu Yi Long played it as Wu Xie fighting an attraction towards her by claiming she was too tomboy-ish and too young for Wu Xie; ultimately I think Wu Xie's attempt to remain distant is to protect Bai Hao Tian from being hurt more when he dies if some miracle doesn't happen that saves him from his terminal illness. Personally, I think something is going to happen while heading to Thunder City when they are back on that path that will lead to a means to treat his lung cancer.

With that being said, with how prominent they seemed to show, in the beginning, the connection that Princess Mute had as a leather figuring to Wu Xie, I feel like she/Thunder City is the key to Wu Xie surviving this illness. I am curious to see if/how they expand on that in season 2.

I tried not to get too annoyed with how the plotline with Thunder City just seemed to drop off halfway through because I know they will get back to it for season 2. I think splitting the show how they did because of how they have to do "seasons" now in China makes it seem choppy, whereas if they were able to put all the episodes out at once, it would have flowed better. Either way, this is a show I will be watching again and again along with many others of Zhu Yi Long's that I've enjoyed. I might even have to do a rewatch in anticipation of season 2.

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Abandonados 22/32
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 10, 2022
22 of 32 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 6.0
História 5.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 3.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
A highly potential drama wasted. That's what I felt. The first half part was excellent over all from all aspects despite all those love stories. And then suddenly the story gets boring and slow paced from the time they part with Xiao ge, and even more after Wu Xie enter the warehouse. It's both frustrating and disappointing. I'm here for the mysteries, for the thrill, for Iron Triangle, for HeiHua and bromance. TF are you showing me?!
I really was enjoying it a lot. Came here with lots of hope after watching Ultimate Note and it really was going so well and then - Boom!
*sigh* At least hoping for season 2 to have better storyline and actual Daomu Biji feels.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 10, 2022
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Enjoyed it but also dissapointed at third part

This is my first 'Grave Robbers' drama, more like an introduction for me. After sleeping on it for a while, I finally decided to watch it, and I was pleasantly surprised by it. I have my complaints, and disappointments, but in all I loved the Iron triangle, which was the main reason for me to watch this.

I'm a huge fan of Bromance/BL so when I came across a video on youtube depicting WuXie/Zhang Qi Ling pair - I was more than excited, I started this right away.

I enjoyed two thirds of this drama. Albeit being slowpaced, and draggy, ZYL and HJJ were amazing with their performance, and I found their interactions interesting. The mystery wasn't that alluring to me, I really didn't care, but for the sake of watching the iron triangle, I tried to keep up with it. Wu Xie's character was a puppy, I loved his whumpy scenes, and Zhang QL's badass moments (though there weren't many). Fatty was hilarious, annoying but hilarious, and they made such a good pair. I really enjoyed watching their screen time together.

I didn't like the side show of Black Glasses, I didn't find his part in the drama interesting, also his love interest had no point at all. To keep the soap opera going, they kept dragging her along to the point I started skipping their scenes. This drama was doing good, until the third part. One of the main characters fell off the face of the earth - Zhang Qi Ling, and the second main - Fatty became support. They were replaced by the character of Bai- this is the part where the drama just fell apart. The amount of disappointment and sadness I felt was upsetting. I really set myself up to enjoy this drama, hoping the story and bromance would be the main focus, but at the third part, we are shoved with a lovey dovey female character who is also a damsel.

I missed the iron triangle, and I hoped they would stick together. I really enjoy these actors depicting their roles as each character, and It's disappointing how they swayed away from the friendship/bromance to shoving romance just for the sake of proving heterosexuality. I know Bai will be a main character in the second season, and am not sure how I will take it. But for the sake of the Iron Triangle, I will definitely watch.

I will not rate this drama because of the third part. I will solely rate this based on my love for the iron triangle, I give this 10/10 because people like me (who hate romance) aren't that lucky to have such good dramas to watch. I will watch the second season when I get my feelings together after finishing this. Right now, i will go watch a pure bl so I can get the taste of Bai out of my system.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 17, 2020
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


I really enjoyed the beginning of this show, the iconic trio had rejoined and were venturing within the tombs together alongside some other minor characters that I really liked. I liked all the different adventures they had, but I began to lose interest just after Wu Xie's illness was exposed to the rest of the group. The three broke up to do their own thing with the main focus being on the warehouse. On top of that Zhang Qiling kind of disappeared, maybe I missed what happened but the entire focus became on this warehouse story. I found it was a bit confusing at times but I read that could be due to changes made in editing because of TV regulations in China. Overall I did keep on watching the show till the end and I am very excited to watch season 2 with the same cast! I just hope there is more action with the entire trio and there will be more time spent in the tombs as I find those parts the most fun and interesting. I definitely recommend this to people who have enjoyed the previous lost tomb series as this cast is really good and pulls the whole thing together!

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 17, 2022
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0

Pretty good watch

1. The first half was really exciting with the tomb adventures scenes.

2. The bromance worked really well.

3. The second half is not as bad as people claim it to be. Is it as good as the first half? The answer is no, but there are still some interesting scenes in it.

4. The acting is really good (especially the one who plays Wu Xie).

5. Had a lot of heart racing moments and jump scares.

1. The romance aspects with fatty and Piao Piao were totally unnecessary. It didn't contribute anything to the storyline except Wu Xie having some realizations. I would say the same about the mute girl, but she has a much better character and romance storyline compared to Piao Piao.

2. I was uncomfortable about the show trying to add a romance line to Wu Xie (nearly 40 year old) and Bai (20), but I am glad that they weren't endgame.

3. Xiao Ge (one of the main characters) completely disappeared in the second half. What happened to my iron triangle!?

4. We don't know what happened to Wu Erbai and Xiao He's group during the search for the underwater river. It's like the director completely forgot about them in the second half.

Overall I would say that this is a pretty good watch. The first half is definitely better, so I might only rewatch the first part. I would recommend people not to skip the second half when they watch this show the first time. Many people skip a lot of it because they don't see Xiao Ge, but they're missing out on some important story details.

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Jan Pospisil
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 16, 2020
32 of 32 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

One of the best Daomu series, for what that's worth.

Eeeh? It's good-ish?

I generally care much less about the Daomu series than Candle in the Tomb, but I gotta admit this one's decent.
The story is a hot mess like always, and you don't really get any answers, as always. Gotta wait for that second season, you hope, and then it's the same thing and nothing gets answered in the next one either, probably.
This one is clearly a mystery show, and the mystery is even pretty intriguing. I do love the concept of listening to thunder for...some reason.
Not a fan of Xie constantly chasing his uncle, that's a bit old.
The plot, as usual, is broken up into randomly paced arcs. The tomb raiding is very well done for once, and we even get genuinely scary horror! Skinsuit zombies chasing the main trio through a flat cave while they're crawling was so freaky and nailbiting. Also skinsuit zombies animated by hand crabs? Very good, I approve.
There's a whole Shades arc which I couldn't give a shit about, because he's so cringey. But his gf is very cute and they have good chemistry. (so the conclusion to that is just...typical Daomu, always a disappointment)
Pacing in the first half is generally all over the place, cutting between boring south asian village militia crap and tomb raiding. It picks up in the second part and I enjoyed the whole "WuXie has adventures in Warehouse 11" bit a lot.
It's a cool concept, well done.
Onto season 2, I guess.
Random notes:
- Bai is a sweet cinnamon roll and I love her, but why is she a love interest? They even have solid chemistry with Wuxie, but he's very gay for his mute boyfriend, so we can't have none of this yucky girl-kissing. (why don't those two boys ever spend any time together though?)
- Liu Sang is also a grumpy cinnamon roll and I'd marry him. Wish he was in more of the show, as he just disappears in the second half.
- Wu Xie is kind of an asshole in this, right? Like I get it, his situation is not great, but he antagonizes absolutely everyone all the time. He's mean to Bai, he pisses off random people he meets. Including the villain.
He's usually cheeky, but also a nice guy? Even his older version in Tomb of the Sea was more brooding and pragmatic, rather than just a pissy bitch.
Mixed feelings about this version.
- Fatty is traditionally good, but I couldn't care less about his story arc, with his honestly pretty dumb girlfriend.
- I did like that Fatty and Xie had a genuine looking relationship, they had banter and seemed like real characters. (which reminded me, unsurprisingly of Hu Bayi and Fatty from the other shows, very similar) Their third boyband member is barely in the show tbh, not my fav version of him.
- A part of why I dislike Daomu over CitT is that the main characters are rich mobsters. Anything at any moment can be solved by throwing money at it. I appreciated that they wrote in conflict with uncle ErBai this time, so Wuxie was a bit less rich. But then he quickly reversed that by getting rich again.
(also - the whole PiaoPiao subplot could've been solved by a single phonecall to uncle. They're fucking rich as hell. Heck, they know miracle doctors who just a few episodes previously healed a mute friend of theirs. One of many examples of idiot-plotting in this series.)

It's ok. Cool even. I really enjoyed some bits. Two people in it are very hot and cute.

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