Srta Jane
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 13, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 5.5



Eu diria que esse não é um drama que te pega no primeiro episódio, mas embora ele não te convença logo de cara, sugiro que você dê uma chance a ele e prossiga para os próximos episódios porque ele vai ficando mais interessante a medida a história avança.

A minha primeira impressão da protagonista não foi muito boa, porque ela me pareceu uma mulher bem mimada e cabeça dura. Além disso, seu comportamento nos primeiros momentos, sem dúvidas aparentam as de uma típica mulher que acha que é a dona da razão e tira conclusões precipitadas antes mesmo de saber de todos os fatos.

Por causa disso tiveram momentos em que cheguei a me irritar com suas atitudes, principalmente pela forma fria e indiferente como ela tratava seu avô e sequer se dignava a comer com ele mesmo morando na mesma casa que ele durante anos.

No entanto, felizmente aos poucos percebemos que ela não passava de uma "criança crescida", isto é, uma mulher que carregava certos traumas psicológicos de eventos que aconteceram em sua infância que contribuíram para que ela se tornasse assim. E depois de um tempo as mudanças em seu comportamento melhoram nossa percepção sobre ela.



Esse foi um daqueles dramas bem fáceis de assistir, já que conseguiu manter meu interesse do início ao fim sem que ficasse maçante ou desandasse no meio do caminho, o que já o coloca em um patamar acima de muitos dramas que assisti anteriormente.

Sobre o enredo eu preciso dizer que eu simplesmente amei todo o desenrolar desse Kdrama porque ele soube passear bem por vários gêneros sem perder a essência de um bom drama médico.

Temos o lado histórico e a medicina tradicional representada pelo protagonista que é um médico brilhante e bem a frente de seu tempo e o lado moderno e a medicina moderna representada por nossa protagonista, uma cirurgiã incrédula mas muito habilidosa.

O lado fantástico/ficção estava ali dando as caras a todo momento como é de praxe de todo drama que envolve viagem no tempo, e apesar de sempre ter um pé atrás com esse tipo de história por medo de se tornarem "uma verdadeira viagem" sem pé nem cabeça no meio do caminho, isso não aconteceu aqui, e felizmente as peças foram se encaixando bem na reta final.

Tivemos também vários momentos cômicos, principalmente, nos episódios iniciais quando nosso querido protagonista está "desbravando as inovações do futuro" e "conhecendo as novas técnicas médicas".

E claro pra temperar essa salada de gêneros não poderia faltar um romance daqueles para apimentar as coisas certo?

Errado, acho que a interação dos protagonistas esta mais para a comédia que para um romance propriamente dito. Então já adianto que você verá uma sombra de romance aqui e ali, mas não espere um daqueles amores avassaladores para balançar seu coração porque esse não é o foco aqui certo?



Não sei se você é uma dorameira romântica ou não, mas espero que não tenha fugido correndo depois do último parágrafo, tenha calma!

O que quero dizer é que tivemos uma leve pincelada de romance entre os protagonistas que foi bem legal, mas não posso dizer que foi o romance do século, se é que me entendem.

Até me surpreendi porquê embora eu suspeitasse que os dois iriam se envolver no início, como esse momento demorou muito, eu nem me dei ao trabalho de torcer por eles, até porque, a história já te prende independente disso.

Portanto, ficou nítido que esse encontro inesperado entre duas pessoas tão diferentes, em vários aspectos foi benéfica e contribuiu muito para que ambos pudessem superar seus traumas do passado.



Eu realmente gostei da proposta desse drama e achei esse contraste entre as duas medicinas muito interessante. E quando os dois uniram seus conhecimentos para tratar alguns pacientes então? Ui aquilo foi o ápice!

Já falei em outros blogs que amo esse gênero medico não é mesmo? Mas essa foi a primeira vez que vi a acupuntura sendo retratada e isso foi tão refrescante e novo pra mim que me deixou cada vez mais interessada pelo tema e sempre torcia para que as cenas dele curando pessoas usando suas preciosas agulhas aparecessem cada vez mais.

Foi tão envolvente acompanhar a evolução do protagonista nessa jornada para recuperar o ânimo que tinha perdido após certos infortúnios em sua vida.

Além disso, é bem interessante a sua luta para descobrir sua identidade como médico e a reafirmação de sua vocação para a profissão. O que quero dizer que foi perceptível porquê ele se tornou um dos melhores médicos de sua época e não apenas mais um no meio da multidão.



E para completar minha análise sobre esse Kdrama tenho que apresentar um ponto negativo aqui, então vamos abrir o parenteses : "Srta Jane reclama" kkkk.

Depois de ter assistido uma certa quantidade de dramas com viagem no tempo, percebi que cada um resolve retratar isso de uma forma diferente, vamos aos exemplos:


✦Salto de trem para o futuro em: Tomorrow With You;

✦Viagem de carro pagando um pedágio com uma moedinha especial em: Familiar Wife;

✦ Ida ao passado através de portal mágico que só aparecia raramente em: Faith;

✦Salto para o futuro em meio a uma perseguição policial em: Tunnel;

✦Transmissões entre policiais de épocas diferentes usando um walkie-talkie em: Signal;

✦Ida ao passado ao cair em uma poça de água em: Splash Splash Love.


Socorro, só agora que fui perceber a quantidade de dramas com o mesmo tema que já vi kkk.

Só com esses exemplos já deu para vocês perceberem que cada drama retratou essa viagem temporal de maneira diferente. Todas muito criativas sem duvidas, mas em: Live up to your name escolheram nos entregar isso de uma forma que eu não gostei, e por quê?

Inicialmente o protagonista não sabia como ele foi parar inesperadamente 400 anos no futuro, mas depois de um tempo ele percebe uma certa coincidência entre as vezes em que essa situação ocorreu, isto é, seus saltos no tempo só ocorriam quando ele era ferido fatalmente, e é justamente nesse ponto que gostaria de chegar.

A partir daí, vemos ele se suicidando corriqueiramente sempre que quer se transportar de uma época a outra e isso foi bem desagradável de se ver, alguém pode dizer: "ah mas a morte não era de verdade então não conta" , mas em um turbilhão de ideias e formas disso ser retratado não entendo porquê escolheram essa?

O resultado foi bem ruim na minha opinião e sinceramente, não gostei dessa banalização da morte do protagonista. Por isso, esse Kdrama infelizmente não entrou para aquela seleta lista de favoritos, acabou perdendo alguns pontinhos comigo e ficou com uma nota 7,5 no final das contas.

Outra coisa que achei uma pena, foi que não contaram qual era o mistério daquela caixa de agulhas que sempre voltava para a mão dele e qual foi o motivo desta situação ter ocorrido justamente com ele.


A conclusão que chego é que esse é um Kdrama que vale a pena assistir e certamente indicarei para os meus amigos daqui pra frente, foi muito bom começar o ano assistindo ele e apesar daquele pequeno detalhe que reclamei ali em cima eu realmente curti a experiência!

Espero que tenha conseguido despertar seu interesse por Deserving of the Name com esse blog, você encontra ele disponível no catálogo da Netflix, vão lá assistir depois voltem aqui para me contar o que acharam dele!

E você já assistiu esse drama? Compartilhe sua opinião comigo ai nos comentários, amo interagir com vocês!

Até a próxima!

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 12, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0


Se você procura um drama tranquilo, divertido algo para descansar sua mente então esse drama é para você. Eu realmente me diverti assistindo esse show , confesso que o protagonista masculino foi a razão pela qual vim assistir o drama , mas não me decepcionei com o resto do elenco, os personagens eram agradáveis e simpáticos até os vilões não eram tão irritantes .

Embora nem tudo foi flores , teve momentos que achei bem arrastado e cansativo de assistir , mas teve muitas partes divertidas e fofas e a química do casal principal era ótima.

Em fim se você não tiver muitas expectativas e quer algo fresco eu recomendo sim esse drama.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
36 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 15, 2022
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 9.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Time-travel with an enchanting encounter between traditional medicine & modern medical technology

Because "Live up to your Name" chooses time travel as the starting point for the action, the KDrama is able to contrast traditional medicine as well as modern surgery and medical technology in two historical time zones. This sprinkles a lot of color over the topic and opens up a perspective that does not have to polarize. This rapprochement is rounded off by the enchanting development of the relationship between the protagonists - the modern day surgeon in modern Seoul and Heo-im from Joseon days, who get emotionally involved over the course of the story, although their personalities could not be more different.

"Live up to your name" juxtaposes modern surgery & medical technology as well as traditional Korean medicine, which is recently becoming more and more popular in the increasing medical tourism in South Korea. In this context, the audience is introduced to a luminary of traditional Korean medicine who made a considerable contribution to acupuncture in his time (16th century) - Heo-im. The KDrama guarantees an entertaining and lively excursion into some background knowledge about attitude, methods and possibilities of traditional medicine.

Just seeing Kim Nam-gil as Heo-im is worth watching this KDrama. He does an excellent job of portraying the ambivalent personality: there is the simple man from a poor background, whom he would like to escape at any price, and there is the ingenious healer with almost spiritual talent. Sometimes it's quite funny and then again heartwarming and profoundly serious with confident lightness.

In addition, there are the traditional healing methods, the virtuosity in handling the acupuncture needles and the feeling for the flow of energy... this can not only be experienced with the example of Heo-im, but also with the other representatives of traditional Korean medicine. There is also room for dealing with those for whom traditional medicine is mainly a business today - a service that can be sold very well in South Korea these days, especially with a VIP upgrade as a trendy, exotic treatment method in the context of medical tourism. There are the VENDORS of traditional Korean medicine and there are the HEALERS of traditional methods. And then there is modern medicine and the growing market of the health industry. Eventually, what makes the difference (and also offers the common ground between paradigms) are the attitude, dedication and mission when it comes to healing...

------ SIDE NOTE: --- Historical Heo-im (1570-1647)---
His reputation as an acupuncturist preceded the historical Heo-im of his time - not only in the Joseon Dynasty itself, but as far away as China and Japan. Originally he was of humble origin, but due to his incredible achievements in medicine he became the personal physician at the royal court and a government official at the age of 30. During the Japan War, he was able to further expand his reputation through his gifted achievements in acupuncture. However, the nobles rejected him as their equal and excluded him, so that he returned to his village at the age of about 50 and practiced his healing art on the common people there until he died at the age of 77. In recent years he has written a large, well-regarded work, the ChimGuGyungHumBang (book on acupuncture and moxibustion). In it he describes his methods of pain management and procedures in which acupuncture points are not (only) stimulated by needle sticks, but also by heat.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
92 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 2, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 3
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
I can't find faults with this drama. I'm sure there are some there, if you dig, but damn, I don't want them to be pointed out to me because this drama took me completely by surprise and I fell head over heels in love with it.

What was I expecting? I enjoy a good time travel, especially when it mixes modern and Joseon eras, ala Queen Inhyun's Man. And I'm a sucker for romantic comedies, so I was looking for a light romp and plenty of fish out of water fun stuff etc. Well, I got that and so much more with Live Up To Your Name. Firstly, the story... the plot itself wasn't too complex, a doctor from Joseon who practices traditional oriental medicine more out of greed than empathy, is transported through time to modern day Seoul to meet a cardiothoracic surgeon who see's her patients only as the internal organs she can repair. As they start to learn more about each other and their different methodologies, so do they also begin to learn about themselves. You see, more than anything, this story is a character story, and though it might start off as a story of things and circumstances happening to our characters and making them react, it evolves into a story about choices, self-determination, and ultimately, what it is that defines them as people. They learn and grow together in such an organic way that it is beautiful to watch in action.

What I love is how the writer had such a delicate touch when dealing with heavier topics. It could have gone the route of being preachy, but I don't believe it ever veered there, and even the characters who made wrong choices were also humanized in a way that didn't make you absolutely hate them. The romance, of course, was pure gold. Whoever cast Kim Nam Gil as Heo Im and Kim Ah Joong as Choi Ahn Kyung together as the leads deserves a medal. Not only was their chemistry off the charts, but it was so natural and realistic, that I almost felt voyeuristic in some scenes and all they had to do was look at each other. Kim Nam Gil was simply amazing start to finish and has the ability to be goofy and bumbling but also serious and intense all within the span of seconds. Kim Ah Joong took me a while to warm up to, but I think part of that was due to her character's thawing out with each episodes, and by the end, I was definitely mesmerized by her skill. I'm not seen anything else with either of them in, so I'll definitely have to look out for them both.

I can't comment too much on the OST only to say that it suited the themes, wasn't overbearing, and highlighted the poignancy of the show. I'm sure I'll pay more attention on re-watch, which I most certainly plan on doing.

I also want to mention a little something about the medical aspects of this drama. Yes, it is about medicine, both modern and traditional, and yes, it does glamorize medicine in ways that aren't necessarily realistic sometimes, but I can forgive because it is a fantasy (time travel, hello?). But, if you're not into medical dramas, this might not be your thing, however, let me just say that the medicine is just a vehicle to drive the show, it's not really what this show is about. If you are a sucker for character driven stories, then give this one a try. Just close your eyes every time someone sticks a scalpel or a needle into someone else.

And lastly, the method of time travel aka the gimmick that brings Heo Im from past to future, is one of the most unique ones I've seen, and not one I would voluntarily choose. Yikes!

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
32 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 2, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
This is a great drama to watch for those of you who really likes  to laugh. Live Up To Your Name Dr. Heo is a drama about a doctor who travels through time. Dr. Heo has a special way of time-traveling. You'll just have to watch the drama to see how he does it though.  We again see the k-drama world shaking things up in terms of drama genres. This isn't just a typical time-traveling drama! It's a rom-com/time-traveling drama. This drama does not have the most complex plot out there, but it'll probably make you laugh several times throughout each episode.

Story:  [8/10]
I gave the story an 8 because this story lacks a complex plot. It's another one of those drama where the rich upper-class are the villains and our poor (very literally poor) Dr. Heo is the main protagonist.  

Dr. Heo Im meets Dr. Choi Yeon Kyung when he time-travels to the present. At first they are constantly at odds with each other. The two begins to get closer as they go on various time traveling excursions into the past. They begin to understand and fall for each other as they spend more and more time in each other's respective time period.  The writer and director then sprinkles a little bit of time travel and medicine here and there. This drama is as simple as that. Don't get me wrong though. I really really really liked the drama for its comedy, but the plot (in terms of memorable events ) just doesn't have enough impact. The comedy was also at its best at the beginning of the drama. I was excited to watch the new episode every weekend. Sadly this feeling begin to wear off in the last 4 episodes as the drama was wrapping up.

Cast: [10/10]
The writer and director makes up for the bland plot by creating a drama with very memorable character interactions! Oh man! I completely fell in love with the two main characters in this drama.  The actor that plays Dr. Heo is hilarious! I especially loved the hilarious moments at the beginning of the drama when he was trying to adjust to 2017. When the two main characters are together their actions feed off of each other creating some pretty funny moments too. The romantic moments in the shows are pretty great as well.  There seemed to be a lot of chemistry between the two. Their kissing scenes were pretty realistic. It's not like some other dramas where it seemed like one of the characters didn't want to be kissed or be there.  There were some funny naughty innuendos sprinkled throughout the drama too haha. Overall I'm glad these two were paired together because it made the drama that much greater.

Music: [8/10]
I have nothing much to say about the music and the OST.  This drama's main genre isn't music so the music anything new or overly great. Overall I liked the music. It wasn't too memorable, but at least the music didn't seem out of place.

Rewatch Value: [8/10]
This show has a middle of the pack value. It's not on my "must rewatch" list, but at the very least I plan on rewatching it in the distant future .

All in all, what the story lacks in plot, it makes up for with great character interactions. The plot was essentially driven by the two main characters. There's not really much to say about the other characters in the story because they didn't have a major affect on the story. I really enjoyed the good laugh that Live Up To Your Name Dr. Heo provided.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 5, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Heo Im (Kim Nam-Gil) is a very famous acupuncturist doctor who worked in one of Joseon's superintendents, caring for the most needy people. It turns out that at the same time, he was accumulating a lot of wealth going to treat senior officials at night.

The opportunity Heo Im so much hoped emerged: he was cast to treat the King's disease, and completing the treatment, he could finally win the position of a royal doctor.

At the beginning of the journey to palace, he was surprised by a desperate father with his very sick daughter in the lap and decided to leave them waiting, giving priority to the treatment of the king.  It occurs that before starting with acupuncture, Dr. Heo's hand began to tremble and he wasn't able to apply even the first needle. The incident was considered an insult to the King and he had to flee the palace before being imprisoned. But the officers chased him and cornered him on a bridge. After receiving an arrow, Dr. Heo fell into the river and traveled in time.


Live Up To Your Name, Dr. Heo ... I started to watch without many expectations and I was completely stunned by the script! It is simply amazing and very well written. No flaws, the story flowed very well and was a phenomenal experience. It's from another level. It isn't a simple time travel drama.

The drama is a mix of medical, historical and romantic comedy genres with a more adult twist. The exchange of environments (Joseon / Seoul) is fantastic and very well made and occurs at the most opportune moments. They also succeeded in highlighting the change in medicine between the two centuries, focusing, for example, on equipment such as the needle, herbs, then scalpel, medicines and others.

Oh yeah, the story brings up several other historical points and characters that were important to medicine. The history pass in the time when the Japanese invaded South Korea. Let me cite an example: Dr. Heo Jun (Uhm Hyo Sup) was actually one of the best royal doctor during the King Seonjo Dynasty in Joseon and constantly appears in the drama , bringing brilliant lessons; So we still take a "bath" of historical knowledge.


It's even funny because, at the beginning of the drama, I watched two completely flawed protagonists. Dr. Heo had been torn apart by the injustices of the world and could no longer be considered a doctor, for his values had been lost in the arduous path that life was in Joseon. Choi Yeon-Kyung decided to be a doctor after losing her parents and resent her grandfather, she became apathetic (apathy - lack of passion), a little arrogant and did not sympathize with her patients.

The evolution of the characters is the big point of the plot! They with their own faults help each other, correct and grow in an impressive way. And you know what else? The story unfolds at a perfect and exciting pace.

I can say that I followed Dr. Heo's path and that today I am his great fan. That I understood your feelings, your inner conflicts, your responsibilities and your despair. And this is all merit of the brilliant performance of Kim Nam Gil.

The secondary characters are so charismatic and I've been falling in love with them little by little. Everyone has some influence on the plot and their presences have made the story even more unique.


The OST is beautiful and exciting.

Rewatch Value

Yes, this drama has a flaw: it's over. Oh really! I'm missing this drama, I didn't want it to come to an end so quickly.

And the romance? The romance is beautiful! Perfect! The protagonists have a lot of chemistry! Really! And as the Japanese samurai said there in episode 16 ... They look beautiful together!

So if I could honestly say to you guys not to miss a drama that was broadcast in 2017 I would say that's the one. I know a lot of people don't know and didn't follow and that is why I need your help so that this review reaches the hearts of our chingus!

It's a drama to get involved, get excited, have fun and that's exactly what we're looking for!

~ Sorry for my English.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 3, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.5
I wasn't really planning to watch this drama due to the historical factor, but someone thankfully persuaded me to watch this and I don't regret it at all. It's the first time I'm seeing Kim Nam Gil and Kim Ah Joong in any drama, and I'm surprised at how much I liked them here (especially Kim Nam Gil, *wink, wink*). I got pulled into the story in the first episode itself, considering that I've dropped a lot of other dramas in the first episode, but this show started and ended on a good note with me. Also I love how the show leaves you confused and wanting to continue watching.
 If you're looking for something unique, and something romantic but at the same time with a good plot and enough humor to keep you invested, you can be assured that this is the one for you. You definitely won't be disappointed with the cast, they're remarkable, and might leave you wanting more from them.
I promise you'll fall in love with Kim Nam Gil, and especially his funny expressions.
I left this drama with a lot of inspirational lines, and this show definitely changed my perspective on a lot of things.
Also, the OST is a plus. It's been a long time since I downloaded all the songs from a drama.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 25, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 4.0
Ah, I was quite torn whether to give this a 9 or a 9.5, and in the beginning that rating wasn't even an option. But the drama grew a lot on me in the second half and became better with every episode. Even though I have still one or two things I could whine a tiny bit about, the overall enjoyment won me over.

There are a lot of details I appreciated as well, for example the medical things like that stethoscope, but also how they measured the pulse. I don't know if it's a rule in only some countries or everywhere (then again medicine is its own international language), but the leads did it the same as it's done over here.

I was totally in awe with the leads. Kim Nam Gil has his own charm when playing a character, and damn, he was overwhelming in every aspect. His traits, his love for medicine and his acupuncture skills created this really interesting character who grew with every new experience.

I didn't like the female lead at first, even though some of her decisions and opinions were actually right. But she, too, grew on me. Especially her playful dance after a successful surgery.

As said before, the second half was even better than the start, most of all because of the growing of both leads and there chemistry. Whether it was their professional performance or a natural comfortable feeling with each other, it played out very well.

What I also liked was that the romance part only started to take place after most of the story was already told - and it still fit and didn't feel awkward. It was more like all the previous episodes and happenings finally paid off. That's also why their love felt more real than in those other dramas where the leads get together at episode 6.

This also applies for other things that were only so-so in the beginning but suddenly gained a stronger impression later on.

The supporting cast was okay. Not boring or annoying, but likeable with the grandfather and the old lady with the pig as my favorites. Though my one and only gem will be Kim Nam Gil. His performance will last for a long time - especially his overly rigid laugh and the way he made my cry. Damn... when you see the tears welling up in his eyes and his painful attempt to suppress the crying? Devastating.

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 16, 2022
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10


This K-drama was the first one I’ve seen in quite a while. I decided to watch it on a whim. The acting was phenomenal, the pacing was incredible, the balance between humor and seriousness was really well done (there was a tonal shift around halfway through as the romance took precedence and things got slightly more serious, but the comedy stayed, though it was slightly less prevalent). The character development, both in terms of the mains and the side characters, was fabulous. The last episode really wrapped up all of the loose ends, which I loved! At any rate, I laughed and I cried (multiple times - there was lots of crying in the second half). I loved, loved, loved Im and Yeon-kyung together. Their relationship was incredibly well done - very, very organic and well executed, with loads of chemistry and satisfying kisses once they got together in the later episodes. The medical drama (the biggest part of the show overall) was really interesting and heart wrenching at times. God, this made me so emotional. I would 100% rewatch it though. It’s so freaking good, and also can I mention that Jae-Ha’s character was really well done, too? I ended up disliking him for a good portion of the show, then feeling bad for him, and finally liking him by the very end. Well done! Grandpa was great as well, and so were all the old ladies, and everyone’s friends. God, such a good show! I would definitely recommend it, and as I said, rewatch it. 5 stars! Great music too!

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Esta resenha foi útil para você?
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 8, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
This was a spectacular drama! Probably one of the best Korean drama series of 2017!

Even from the first glance at the storyline, I was already in love with the concept of a time traveling romance between doctors. Two stories in two completely different eras, and two doctors who are both connected by destiny and their duty to save people's lives. It really is a series that can actually heal your soul and make you appreciate the work that doctors have to put up with every single day. So the story never got boring or annoying and the plot brought something unique and was a rest stop after watching so many cliche romance dramas. The actors of Live Up To Your Name - talented, outstanding and shining. The main couple, in my opinion, had one of the best chemistries and stories in the Kdrama world. The male and female lead are quite mature both as actors and as the characters they've played: conveying various and very strong emotions in every scene, they've really perfected their roles in this drama. As I've seen before, the OST stole the hearts of many who've watched this show. And me as well - the songs were very catchy, emotional and they're still ringing in my ears.

Can't believe that it's already over, I'll need to rewatch this sometime soon! There were just so many good feels after watching this drama. (Also, that ending with Man Gae, that girl needs a whole separate drama too!)

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8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 24, 2019
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 2.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
I wanted to like this drama, and the first 7 episodes or so we're enjoyable but it all went downhill from then on.

The 1st half had great humor and I fell in love with the male lead character and his shenanigans but then he turned out of character moody in the middle (he does return back to his goofy self later) and I didn't somewhat agree with his attitude.

The romance also seemed promising in the beginning but turned cheesy with many unnecessary scenes in the 2nd half.

The plot seems rich at first but they soon run out of it and start dragging the episodes with excessive flashbacks and repeated conversations.

This drama had some annoying miscommunications between the couple in the first episodes, and cryptic information was disclosed really slowly by certain characters to us, the viewer, which was really irritating.

The ost is good, especially hyolin's "always" I always like her osts.

Kim Nam Gil is amazing and I kept watching because of him.

I can't say I recommend this drama but if you like Kim Nam Gil give it a go I guess.

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4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 12, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.5

ready to get stabbed

Story: After watching almost 200 dramas, this drama is quite refreshing. A mix of historical and medical, the acupuncture aspect is high key the best part of this drama. Also, it's humorous in a way that's similar to 1988, with goat like bleets and all. Just for this story it gets a high af rating.

Acting/Cast: I've never watched a drama with either of the leads before. I really liked the ML. The FL was just okay. Otherwise, they pulled it off great and they had good chemistry. The first kiss scene had me SCREAMING.

Music: nothing stood out to me, but it wasn't bad

Rewatch Value: High. The acupuncture scenes were low key ASMR for me

TLDR; I want to get acupuncture, the ML is great, the concept is refreshing.

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Honra Teu Nome (2017) poster



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