The king felt really hopeless without Choi Young by his side, like he can't do anything !
Oh, the doctor dream was interesting, i still believe that she's Hwata, i also think that she have been in that world before.
Let's see what will happe next...
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The explosion happened , that was a good thing.
Kang To have the count and the countess by his side now, having the countess by his side was a great thing.
The most amazing turn is that Kimura Taro got discharged, that was a happy moment indeed yet even when he was discharged, he kept filling Shunji's head with suspicions about Kang To.
Shunji's suspicions kept getting deeper and deeper.
I became really bothered by Shunji's Character now, especially after he was torturing Leader Jo with cold blood, he's such a bastard !
Kang To keep putting himself in the danger line and at the end of the episode, he just revealed that he's Boon Yi's young master, that was a very stupid move, now Shunji knows and he will connect the events only to find out that Kang To is Gaksital !
Things are going to be dangerous next episode T_T
Now moving to episode 15...
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Best scene: When that high class lady said to that stupid woman ?You?re just a watch dog of an empty house? That was just awesome!
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I also liked flashbacks in this episode because they made many things come to light.
I just can't wait to see how's the storyline's developement will be like.
*Waiting for next week*
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I can't wait to see where things are headed to from now on. There was some great storyline development through this ep, i hope it will keep up.
Let's wait another week to find out...
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The joeson people starting with Mok and the freedom fighters hates Kang To but loves him with a mask (one of the freedom fighters died protecting him), it's going to be exciting when they find out the truth.
Finally, i will mention that we get a hug at the end of this episode (the most peaceful episode ending ever since i started watching Gaksital) so that declares the beginning of the romance between Mok Dan and Gaksital.
Now moving to episode 13 ...
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I have a feeling that events are going to be better from now on, let's wait and see.
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I like the relationship between Choi Yong and Eun Soo.
There was some funny scenes during this ep specially the queen's scene xD
Oh and Eun Soo went back to her old cheerful character, i like it much better that way.
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I still think that she's Hwata yet i would like that mysteries take a larger space in the plot.
Let's see what will happen next.
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Let's wait for ep 10 to find out.
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I'm glad that Kimura Taro is dead, now the Kishokai president should die too. Katsuyama's part with Rara was marvelous, i just love him.
Now the ending, is it going to be good? Is it going to be messed up? Everything lies on the last episode and the ability of writers to deliver a good ending, i don't mind some characters death as long as we get to have a brilliant ending for this smashing drama.
Now moving to the the last episode...
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K-POP - The Ultimate Audition Episode 14
8 people found this review helpful
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Mok Dan was almost putted in the nail cage to be killed in front of her father, i felt like Kang To and Shunji were on the same page, all the pain in both of their eyes and their relieved faces when Konno decided to spare her life (Konno isn't a bad person after all) but i still can't believe that she was going to die in front of them and they decided to do nothing !
Dam Sa Ri realises that Kang To isn't a bad person and told Mok Dan that he's the only person that can help her (I can see that she will start to like him as Kang To soon enough).
Again, stupid Kang To !! After all the effort that he have done to clear his name in front of Shunji, he puts himself in the danger line (in order to save Dam Sa Ri) and once again the episode ending was epic :Kang To with the freedom fighters and Shunji is pulling a gun against them : i seriously can't wait to see what will happen next !!
Now moving to episode 17 ...
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Arang and the Magistrate Episode 18
6 people found this review helpful
Oh my, only two episodes left. I am sort of anxious about the ending *praying that it won?t be messed up*
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