Chinese Variety Shows I've Watched
List of Chinese variety shows I've watched, in chronological order.
- completed = I watched it completely.
- done = I watched parts of a show, only what I wanted to watch (i.e., did not watch the whole show from beginning to end), but I'm considering the show to be done and don't intend to watch anymore.
Not listed on MDL:
- TNT Boom TV - completed 2024-08.
- Ding's Daily Work (side show to Happy Camp, with Ding Chengxin) - completed 2024-12.
- TNT Good Good - completed 2025-01.
1. Youth Periplous Season 4
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes
completed 2023-07
10/10. Loved the cast and guests. Especially Chen Zheyuan + the8 combo! Super entertaining.
2. Keep Running: Season 10
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 12 episodes
completed 2023-07
3. Actor Please Take Your Place
Chinese TV Show - 2019, 10 episodes
completed 2023-07
4. Everybody Stand By 2
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 10 episodes
completed 2023-07
(for some reason ep10 on Youtube does not include final performances but they can be found elsewhere)
5. Friend, Please Eat
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 10 episodes
done 2023-07; only watched ep1 and ep2 for Qin Xiaoxian (Victor)
6. Ace vs Ace: Season 6
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 12 episodes
completed 2023-08
7. Wang Pai Shao Nian Jia Zai Zhong
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 12 episodes
hosted by Song Yaxuan, specials and unaired scenes from Ace vs Ace s6
completed 2023-08
8. Hi! 6
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 45 episodes
completed 2023-08
9. Wo Men De Ke Zhan
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes
done 2023-09; only watched ep7, 8, and 10 for Song Yaxuan
10. Keep Running: Season 8
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 12 episodes
completed 2023-10
11. Keep Running: Yellow River
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 6 episodes
done 2023-10 - only watched ep1; dropped because wasn't very fun, no subtitles, no top guests
12. Ace vs Ace: Season 7
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 12 episodes
completed 2023-10
13. Wang Pai Shao Nian Jia Zai Zhong 2
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 12 episodes
completed 2023-10
14. Run for Time: Season 3
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes
completed 2023-10
skipping/skimming a lot because this seems like something that's more fun to play than to watch
15. Cute Thief
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 13 episodes
completed 2023-10
16. The Detectives' Adventures 2
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 13 episodes
completed 2023-10 - much more enjoyable than s1
17. Keep Running: Season 9
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 13 episodes
18. Keep Running: Yellow River 2
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 5 episodes
completed 2023-11
19. Keep Running Special Season
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 8 episodes
completed 2023-11
20. The Detectives' Adventures Season 3
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 13 episodes
done 2023-12. Don't like hosts (and also a boring season) so skipping to specific episodes.
Skimmed or watched the following episodes only (for specific people): ep3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12.
21. Hello, Saturday 2023
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 49 episodes
completed 2023-12
22. Keep Running Season 11
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes
completed 2023-12
23. Start Reasoning
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 30 episodes
dropped 2023-12. Watched pilot (ep0) and beginning of ep1. Not my type of show. Too much talking and made up scenarios.
24. Shi Dai Xia Ling Ying
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 10 episodes
completed 2023-12
25. Ben Pao Ba Sheng Tai Pian
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 7 episodes
completed 2024-01
26. Workplace Newcomers: Forensic Season
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 13 episodes
skimmed ep1 and ep2; not really my type of show
27. Ace vs Ace: Season 4
Chinese TV Show - 2019, 12 episodes
saw ep11 with Guan Hong and Riley Wang
28. Ace vs Ace Season 8
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 13 episodes
completed 2024-01
29. Produce 101 China
Chinese TV Show - 2018, 10 episodes
completed before (unsure of completion date)
30. Call Me Call My Name
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 15 episodes
watched ep3 for Qin Xiaoxian; skimmed all the others and didn't see Zhai Xiaowen at all
31. Who's the Keyman
Chinese TV Show - 2018, 13 episodes
dropped. Watched to ep3 58min; too much talking and kept putting me to sleep.
32. Hello Summer 2
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 20 episodes
completed 2024-01. Qin Xiaoxian and Chang Huasen made such a great duo as commentators!
33. The Feast
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 12 episodes
dropped 2024-01. Only watched ep1 and ep2. They go around trying out restaurants and that's it. Not entertaining, not much going on.
34. Street Dance of China Season 6
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes
completed 2024-01. Very fun and enjoyable. 10/10.
35. Sheng Sheng Bu Xi: Jia Nian Hua
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes
completed 2024-02. Enjoyable show. Funny trio with Song Yaxuan, Silence, and Zhou Shen. Also liked a lot of the songs. 10/10.
36. Crazy Wardrobe: Season 1
Chinese TV Show - 2017, 10 episodes
done 2024-02. Watched ep6-10 for Lin Yi and Zhang Youhao.
37. Hit It off
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 10 episodes
completed 2024-03
38. Asia Super Young
Hong Kong TV Show - 2023, 15 episodes
completed 2024-03 (they didn't upload episodes at the end so considering it done)
39. Sports Boys
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 12 episodes
completed 2024-03
40. Teen In Times
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 12 episodes
completed 2024-03 - very entertaining
41. Super R1SE
Chinese TV Show - 2019, 14 episodes
completed 2024-03 (subtitles only available on some episodes), drw
42. Racing Youth Season 2
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 8 episodes
completed 2024-03
43. Shi Dai You Dong Xi
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 9 episodes
completed 2024-03, entertaining
44. I Want To Live Like This
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 12 episodes
done. only watched ep3,4,9,10 for Qin Xiaoxian. (May have watched other eps, too; I forget.)
45. Divas Hit The Road: Season 4 (2022)
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 12 episodes
completed 2024-04
46. First In Last Out
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 10 episodes
completed 2024-04; absolutely fantastic show all around, highly recommend. 10/10
47. Wu Xian Chao Yue Ban Season 2
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
dropped 2024-04. Super boring. Not enjoyable. A lot of it seemed chaotic - like they had no idea what they were doing. Do not recommend. 2.5/10
48. Kai Pai Ba Dian Ying
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 10 episodes
done 2024-04. watched ep on 2021-12-11 with Zhang Youhao in one of the short films. skipped around the rest of the eps.
49. Meet You in a Parallel Universe
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 10 episodes
dropped; watched beginning and skimmed some; did not enjoy, Neo and FL did not get along, etc.
50. INTO1 to The Sea
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 8 episodes
completed 2024-04
51. INTO1's Vlogumentary
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 10 episodes
done 2024-04; only watched ep1 - not interested, it's basically a documentary of the group's first days since formation
52. Shi Dai Xia Ling Ying Season 2
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes
completed 2024-04
53. Jia Wu You Deng Sheng
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 20 episodes
done 2024-04; only watched parts of ep9 and ep10 for Zhang Chenxiao
54. Run for Time Season 4
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
done 2024-05; watched ep1 for WXY, then watched only the beginnings of all other episodes because it's fun to see what games they play to release the hunters at the start
55. Chao You Qu Hua Xue Da Hui
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 10 episodes
completed 2024-05, great fun, watched on iQiyi including all VIP extra episodes. 10/10
memorable scenes: ep7 break up, 2022-03-11 part 2 (ep9) 13:35 papillon, 2022-03-18 part 2 (ep10) 13:28 love triangle
56. Who's the Murderer Season 9
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 27 episodes
done 2024-05 (extremely slow and boring, lots of talking)
saw ep0, ep6, ep8 with Zhang Youhao, ep4 with Peng Peng, ep9 with Chen Zheyuan, skimmed/skipped the rest
57. All Kinds of INTO1: To the Sky
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 8 episodes
completed 2024-05, ok, drw (no English subtitles)
58. Growing Pain
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 12 episodes
completed 2024-05; ok, later episodes were more entertaining and less formulaic than earlier ones
59. Fri Friday
Chinese TV Show - 2015, 6 episodes
done 2024-05; there are multiple seasons but only did S1 (6eps, no subs); skimmed/skipped through most of it; not very entertaining; drw
60. 100 Wan Ge Yue Ding Zhi Ning An Ru Meng
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 6 episodes
completed 2024-05, watched on iQiyi, pretty decent but drw
61. Wo Men Sa
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
done 2024-06; watched ep8 and ep9 for Qin Xiaoxian (Victor); all eps skimmed for guests; no subtitles, drw
62. This Is My Island
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 10 episodes
completed 2024-06; great, highly rewatchable, 10/10
63. Funny Team
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 20 episodes
done 2024-06; don't like cast; just skimming each episode to see who guests are
watched ep4, 5, 10 with Jun, and ep7 with Ao Ziyi (drw, show is not good)
64. IQIYI 2019 Fan Fiesta
Chinese TV Show - 2019, 1 episode
completed 2024-06; has good tension and fun moments, especially archery with Chen Zheyuan and Fan Chengcheng
65. Typhoon Project
Chinese TV Show - 2019, 8 episodes
completed 2024-06; really enjoyable show; highly recommend; has a good mix of games, performances, and talking segments
66. Singer 2024
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 13 episodes
done 2024-06; watched (skimmed mostly) ep1; not really into it, dropped
67. Summer New Residence
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 6 episodes
completed 2024-07, has subtitles
68. TYT GO !
Chinese TV Show - 2019, 12 episodes
completed 2024-07; only found ep1-7 and ep12 available online (dailymotion) but consider this completed; not super enjoyable, basically just daily life on a farm; they do chores, buy/sell food, cook, and eat - that's mostly it
69. TF Family Summer Games
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 3 episodes
completed 2024-07
70. 2022 TF Family Summer Games
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 1 episode
completed (forgot date)
71. Go Fighting! Season 10
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
completed 2024-07; not very well made, skimmed a ton, not well planned or produced, way too much avoiding rules and in-fighting during games, drw, 6/10
72. Keep Running Season 12
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
completed 2024-07; ep9 was funny (especially the name tag ripping part, but earlier sections, too); ep12 had great name tag ripping at the end
73. The Treasured Voice Season 5
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
completed 2024-07; had some great performances, mostly skipped commentaries because it kept following same template and was pointless
74. Divas Hit the Road: Good Friends
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 13 episodes
done 2024-07; watched eps8-10 (including all extra episodes) for Ding Chengxin; not worth watching, too many people, not a lot of good moments, format lame - had to complete 24 projects in 3 days (tourist destinations + eating), rushed, not fun, seemed like glorified tourism promotional video
75. The Truth Season 2
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 20 episodes
completed 2024-07; middle parts of each episode were so slow with tons of talking, cases were super complicated and confusing except for one, only thing that made this bearable was the cast, 6.5/10
76. Youth on Fire
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 7 episodes
completed 2024-07; great watch, has good mix of everything - performances, slice of life, games, etc.; must watch for TNT fans, 10/10
77. Our Song 4
Chinese TV Show - 2022, 12 episodes
completed 2024-07; skimmed and skipped a lot particularly for songs that I didn't like; ok overall
78. Dimension Nova
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 10 episodes
done 2024-07; watched ep 4-7 for TNT; they had shorts clips at beginning of ep4 and very end of ep4, and only in part 1 of ep7; had some performances but overall they were just spectators and judges, not worth watching imo, and the whole virtual characters bit is weird
79. 2020 Let's Party
Chinese TV Show - 2020, 12 episodes
done 2024-08; only watched ep9 for Qin Xiaoxian; the show was so boring, not worth
80. The Irresistible 2
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 12 episodes
done 2024-08; only watched ep7 for Chen Youwei; activities seem fine but was boring due to mix of cast; also CYW had very little screentime; not worth
81. Dashing Youth: Special Project
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 11 episodes
completed 2024-08; each episode was way too short
82. Gen Wo Zou Ba
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 10 episodes
done 2024-08; only watched/skimmed parts of ep7-9 with Ao Ziyi as guest, seems like such a boring and lame show, 3/10
83. It Sounds Incredible Season 3
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes
done 2024-08; watched parts of ep7 for Jun; didn't care to watch other episodes, mainly because no English subtitles
84. Ting Shuo Hen Hao Chi
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 12 episodes
done 2024-08; watched parts of ep7 for Ao Ziyi; not interested in other episodes, also no English subtitles
85. A Delicious Guess
Chinese TV Show - 2023, 12 episodes
done 2024-08; watched ep7 for Jun; the show was SO BORING... - the cast, the way the show is structured, the things they do, do not recommend
86. The Hero
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 10 episodes
done 2024-08; skimmed through ep1, and time jumped through other episodes, only watching games or interesting bits; for the most part didn't find the show itself all that enjoyable, however, the VIP episodes (listed as The Big Winner Behind the Scenes on MDL) had super fun content at the first half of each episode.
87. The Big Winner Behind the Scenes
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 10 episodes
done 2024-08; the first half of each episode had activities and games that were super fun to watch (latter part of each episode had interviews, recaps, etc.); would recommend watching the first half of each of these episodes and skipping the main show itself
88. Werewolves Triple Kill
Chinese TV Show - 2017, 11 episodes
done 2024-08; only watched first game of each episode, not very interesting, they just sit and talk while playing 3 rounds of the werewolf each episode; don't recommend unless you're a fan of the werewolf game
89. Lipstick Prince: Season 2
Chinese TV Show - 2019, 5 episodes
done 2024-08; watched early episodes but started skipping around due to no subtitles and also not what I expected; some of Peng Peng's parts were funny though; other than that, didn't get much out of this
90. Produce Camp
Chinese TV Show - 2019, 10 episodes
done 2024-09; watched latter parts in groupwatch; finale episode was too wordy, long, and overly and unnecessarily dramatic
91. Wow! Nice Figure 3
Chinese TV Show - 2021, 11 episodes
completed 2024-09; what a fun cast and an enjoyable show, very light and easy to watch, activities were fun and cast was great together, highly recommend, 10/10
Youtube playlist with subs:
92. Young Island
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 50 episodes
done 2024-09; only watched ep22-24 for Ao Ziyi; basically a show about young men doing manual labor, didn't get much quality screentime due to everyone working most of the time
93. Let's Go for a Travel
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 13 episodes
completed 2024-09; good cast and overall an enjoyable show, 9/10
94. Super Nova Games Season 5
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
completed 2024-09; had some great moments; Zhang Jiayuan dead hang especially (in ep1)
95. Shinning Summer
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 9 episodes
completed 2024-09; enjoyable, loved a lot of the performances in ep4 and ep6, 8.5/10
96. Random Journey on the Way
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 10 episodes
dropped 2024-09 after ep2; such a horribly produced show, so disjointed and unorganized, people keep breaking the rules making the games not fun to watch, it feels like this is the first variety show that the production team has ever worked on; hate it, 2.5/10
97. Twinkle Love Season 4
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 20 episodes
completed 2024-09; loved a couple of the people in here, overall enjoyable show
98. Catch Me If You Can
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
completed 2024-09; such a fun show, with a great cast; so many of my favorites; wishing for season 2; highly recommend!! (also watched all extra episodes and the live concert) 10/10
99. Workplace Newcomers: Captain Season
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 24 episodes
done 2024-09; only watched ep6-8, 11 -12 for Guo Junchen (also watched all related extra/special episodes); honestly seems like a good watch if you're interested in the subject matter - show seems well made, 9/10
100. Our Song Season 6
Chinese TV Show - 2024, 12 episodes
done 2024-10; not very good, watched intros and skipped straight to the performances, all the in-between talking was boring, not a lot of good songs/performances, do not recommend