2025 Goal

This worked well in 2024, so I'm going to be a little more ambitious this year (that and in 2024 I started doing this a few months in, now I'll be able to start from January 1st).  So in addition to my never ending race with Netflix and Tubi whenever they plan to pull something from the catalogue, my goal for 2025 is 25 dramas and 50 movies.  I've already started a list in my drama tracker notebook, and Netflix is announcing January drops too, so I'm getting hyped for 2025!

My new way of organizing my PTW has seriously helped my ADHD brain.  Seeing those numbers and percentages = so much dopamine lol.

9/50 movies complete

2/25 dramas complete

CTAS Dez 24, 2024
16 Titles Loves
0% Watched
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  • Legend of Chu and Han

    1. Legend of Chu and Han

    Chinese Drama - 2012, 80 episodes

    Drama 1

    Currently watching

  • The Qin Empire

    2. The Qin Empire

    Chinese Drama - 2009, 51 episodes

    Drama 2

    Currently watching

    Oh how I underestimated Netflix's fickleness!  Watching S1 on YouTube and S2 on Netflix.  Yet to find S3 so if you know a place to stream it that's only semi sketchy lol, please share!

  • The Qin Empire 2

    3. The Qin Empire 2

    Chinese Drama - 2012, 51 episodes

    Drama 3

    Currently watching

  • The Qin Empire 3

    4. The Qin Empire 3

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 40 episodes

    Drama 4

    Currently watching

  • The Qin Empire 4

    5. The Qin Empire 4

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 78 episodes

    Drama 5

    Currently watching

  • Garota Singular Parte 2

    6. Garota Singular Parte 2

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 12 episodes


    Drama 6

    It felt like the show forgot it was inside a game until the very end.

    Also, still can't stand the ML.  Zero chemistry.  Though perhaps my biggest gripe is that I don't recall the FL squealing "Ohmygod!" in her inner monologue at all this season.  I thought that little quirk was so adorable lol.

  • O Grito: Origens

    7. O Grito: Origens

    Japanese Drama - 2020, 6 episodes


    Drama 7

    Being a diehard fan of the originals (when Takashi Shimizu was on board) it's possible my expectations were too high.  This may have faired better as a standalone.  That said, when judged as its own piece, it's not scary but it is very unsettljng at times.  Will probably rewatch.

  • Bodyguard

    8. Bodyguard

    Korean Movie - 2020


    Movie 1

    Well...that was a rather lukewarm start to the year.

  • Miss Butcher

    9. Miss Butcher

    Korean Movie - 2017


    Movie 2

    That wasn't much better.  But the twists were kinda fun.

  • Conexões Perigosas

    10. Conexões Perigosas

    Chinese Movie - 2012


    Movie 3

    Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss.  And no one lived happily ever after.

  • Detective Dee and the Phantom of Waning Moon

    Movie 4

    This feels like a fun franchise, I'll definitely check out more of it.

  • Kingudamu

    12. Kingudamu

    Japanese Movie - 2019


    Movie 5

    Another fun franchise I'm going to explore more!

  • Fall In Love Like A Star

    13. Fall In Love Like A Star

    Chinese Movie - 2015


    Movie 6

    A simple, sweet love story.

  • The Huntresses

    14. The Huntresses

    Korean Movie - 2014


    Movie 7

    FF 10-2 could never.

  • Dinastia Jade

    15. Dinastia Jade

    Chinese Movie - 2019


    Movie 8

    Nothing we haven't seen before.  I'm sure the show is much better.

  • Era Uma Vez...

    16. Era Uma Vez...

    Chinese Movie - 2017


    Movie 9

    This would've been very hard to enjoy had I not already seen Eternal Love.  That said there were some things that I thought the movie did better than the show and the special effects budget was very well spent.  It's just such a rich story, it's hard to condense that into a movie.  It was very ambitious, that much I will say, and I think the creators made a smart move with when in the full story the movie itself begins.
