Best season ever
I'm a fan of the Divas Hit the Road series and I watched all five seasons, including the camping season, to varying degrees of completion. I don't write reviews for variety shows in general, because there's really only so much the production team can do and the rest is up to fate, but I must say that this is the best season ever.Divas Hit the Road is infamous for the second season where it was a shitshow with the cast splitting into small cliques, in-fighting, unpleasantries and whatnot. That season is now chronicled in Chinese entertainment history and has been memed to death. Background aside, the point I'm trying to drive across is that for a majority female variety show, the general consensus is that you need drama to entertain. People may talk about how the first season was most successful and the third and fourth were as civil as it gets, but I've watched all and the first was not without conflicts whereas the other two seasons were flops (deservedly too because they were extremely dull). This particular season was the first to showcase that a show with just warmth and kindness can also be a good watch.
Qin Hailu on first sight seems to be a hard-to-please senior, who sets very high expectations and voices her critiques freely. She looks like she's always assured, but it turns out that she has her insecurities as well. I could resonate with her when she talked about handling responsibilities as an adult and how true freedom is hard to achieve. She's expected to anchor everything as the "eldest sister", but everyone (including viewers) seems to take it for granted. I really appreciate how despite her insecurities, she did an excellent job. She's not a Liu Tao. She's actually a lot softer and I think a great fit for this cast.
Qin Lan is the person that all of us wants to be. She always knows what to say and she was the main source of emotional support for everyone. I've seen comments saying that she's too smooth and thus difficult to see beyond her perfect facade, but I think otherwise. The fact that her innermost self is not exposed to the audience is part of the realism. One cannot expect people to show everything they are, because we all need time to open up. It's precisely because she's been through a lot that she's mellowed and knows what's the best way to handle things. She's added that to her personality; it is part of her. Nitpicking at how good of a person she is is just nonsensical. In the wrap up session, she herself talks about how she's envious of Xin Zhilei because Xin feels comfortable to show her real self, but I think there's nothing inherently wrong with not opening up your heart to everyone - it's a form of protection. And the contrast between the cast's personalities was what made them click.
Xin Zhilei is really interesting. She's not just hilarious and happy-go-lucky. She also has a sensitive side to her. I actually can see all the times where she picked up on emotional cues from the rest of the cast. She has this curious mix of bluntness and perceptiveness that is very charismatic, and I find it unsurprising that she came out of the show being the biggest winner, because she is just very very likeable. She made a great point when she said that this is just a short trip, and nothing will stay a problem if everyone is willing to let go. It's actually very simple to stay cordial for such a short duration, and that speaks volumes of the season that went haywire.
Dilraba is clearly an introvert, and arguably the most reserved among the cast. I can imagine that she must have taken a long time to even convince herself to be part of the show. How she behaves is actually typical of a kid who has been brought up very strictly. She has very strong morals and hates doing something "wrong". She has to struggle with herself whenever she inconveniences others. When I look at her in the show, my heart aches a little because I see me in her and I know the thought process she goes through. I actually think she's not as astute when it comes to reading people's feelings, but when she finds that someone is upset, she feels compelled to help. I can see why she's so well-liked. Especially when she told everyone how "big sister (Qin Hailu) wants to be the little sister too" and when she told Qin Lan "I'm here for you" when Qin Lan had to wake up early for her tour guide leg. I think those were equally as powerful as Qin Lan's "happy new year". At the very end of the show, Xin Zhilei also gave a glimpse of the innocent and kind girl she is when she brought up how Dilraba sent messages of encouragement to her back when they were both nobodies.
Zhao Zhaoyi has the misfortune of being the least known cast member. I have to admit that I barely noticed her, because I have never heard of her before I watched the show. She also didn't not get her chance to shine because her tour guide leg was interrupted by the blizzard. However, it's clear that she has an excellent personality. She's also really funny and catches on all of the different puns. I will put her second to Hu Xianxu when it comes to witty remarks. She's also surprisingly thoughtful for someone who seems so carefree on the surface. I also think she's has a great sense of responsibility, but we only saw a smitch of that at the end when navigating the bad weather in Iceland.
For the guys, Wang Anyu is a little on the obtuse side, or perhaps he's just not as seasoned compared to the rest of the cast. But contrary to how he was portrayed, I think the sisters actually think he did a great job. He was not super comprehensive in his plans, but I think the subconscious reliance the sisters had on him later shows that they all agree that he's Mr. Fixit on the team. I don't think he's sensitive; he's probably just a bit of a perfectionist. When he was finally relieved of his role, he had a complete change of personality and turned into this goofy little brother.
I was actually a little surprised by Hu Xianxu. He is very loquacious for a child actor. He has the ability to carry on a conversation forever. He, with Qin Lan, sets the mood in the room. He also makes frequent references to puns in his speech, sort of like dad jokes. It's very interesting because he's so young yet so mature at the same time. He is also very sharp, and probably the best tour guide candidate. I especially like how he handled the fact that Wang Anyu was shouldering too much of the load at the start, and told him tactfully that he could delegate tasks to him instead. He is like a mini-Qin Lan, always knowing what to do, just not nearly as personable.
I just love, love, love this cast and frankly I think it will be impossible to top this season.
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if a problem come, we face it together, life has many ways of solving the problem.
i would rate this show an infinity out of 10. everything is so good in this show and the people that you are travelling really affects the progress.this show is everything. all of them are emotionally stable and does not push blames on people. in fact, when there is a problem, they would bring it up and communicate with each other, solve the problem together. each of them are not perfect, each of them have their own strengths and weakness. however, because of that, they work best as a team. they learn and grow from each other and one thing about them is that they truthy appreciate what has been done for them. they face everything together and find the best out of the worst.
each episode just get better and you can slowly unbox the "found family" trope from them. from strangers to friends, then friends to found family. they all had the feels where they felt more like a group of good friends or family hanging out with each other rather than some superstar or people that based on seniority. from exploring themselves to height-related adventures, to watching stars together after they had their heart to heart talk, kayaking together, having steamboat together, having fun together, eating together or even chasing the northlights together. it is something called "封神" - a term that is used when something sealed the deal.
but do note that it would contain chinese propaganda which in this case is to learn what has china build that impacted the country. all seven of them are unproblematic but the ones that are problematic are the viewers. this is the best chinese variety show that i have watched.
not just that, everyone is just like a chopstick where it can be paired up randomly. as a shipper myself, i felt into that hole and my favourite cp was hu xianxu and zhao zhaoyi... our extra couple! but all of them are so good together as they also give off relaxing vibes.
qin hailu is into those alpha ml kinda stories but praises to give to her because she has all the advices needed and experience that she settles a lot of things. qin lan's mindset needed to be studied as she gave so many good advices and had such a positive mindset such as saying the right things at the right time. xin zhilei is our cooker, driver and comedian in the group. she can be straightforward but can be funny as well. i had a new outlook on reba, someone introverted but plans well for the trip. she is willing to try out something new and pampers everyone. zhao zhaoyi, i am so so glad that i was able to discover her because she is just like a golden retriever! you would feel nothing but positive energy from her. you have no idea how much i adore and love her. wang anyu... my man grew up so much! from the first country to the third country, i saw a lot of improvements from him and how he looked crappier and crappier! out of nowhere, i suddenly get wang anyu's visual especially his teary eyes! + our photographer! without you, qin hailu would cry at other's photography skills and many beautiful photos from him! lastly, hu xianxu, he might be young but his thoughts deepens around people and the world. yes, he can be funny, but he can also give you worthy emotional advices and he did became a gentleman!
with that, i would want you guys to watch the show as its available on mangotv! it is worth a shot as it gets better and better. they are funny, emotionally stable and everything you would want travelling with friends.
please comeback for the next season and it can be called "divas hit the road: we are back" btw! this show is super hot in china rn! it even reached 35 million views and won awards too!
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Healing with 5 beauties and 2 knights
Honestly, I started to watch this bcs of Reba BUT unexpectedly fell in love with the other 6 too.I felt as if each of them found a new “family” member throughout the 23 days abroad together. It’s also good to see their personal development throughout the journey.
Qin Hailu - at first she looked like someone scary and strict, but eventually you will know she is quite cute also very caring towards the younger sisters and brothers. I’m really touched on the hurricane episode, that she took the co-pilot seat when other members slept.
Qin Lan - the most positive and awesome person! From the start, she had been like emotional support to each of them. The way she always try to lift up the mood of others, always trying to make things fun. I also love her chemistry with Reba, the way they are in-sync with the surprises.
Xin Zhilei - she may look aloof but is a warm person. The thing that I noticed the most is how she almost always wake up early to make them breakfast. Her chemistry with Qin Lan is great too, but it’s also easy to say she got well with everyone.
Dilireba - she looks quiet at first but I guess it’s because she’s an introvert and only opens up with people she’s comfortable with, which is seen after the first few episodes. In fact, like Hailu said she is quite childlike - cheerful but gets serious when working. I felt happy bcs it’s like Reba found some new friends she’s comfortable with in this journey and hopefully they will still contact each other after this.
Zhao Zhaoyi - she is cute! The thing that I’m most impressed with is when her guiding day came and the way she can calmly change her schedule bcs oh god if that’s me I’ll be panicking. She handles it quite well, also is very nicely in-sync with the older sisters and brothers.
Wang Anyu - I think he matured a lot through this journey, especially when trying to understand women’s mind and feelings. From the first guide task to the last one, I definitely could tell he is doing a lot better. It’s definitely a character development. Aside of that, he always helped the sisters a lot especially about communications.
Hu Xianxu - at first guide task I was actually worried when he and Anyu’s style is different, and it really impressed me that they talk really calmly and even laugh after that. I love their brotherhood through the series. Xiao Hu throughout the journey is always like a playful brother, but a lot of time is pretty thoughtful too. He obviously understands a little bit more about women than Anyu HAHAHAH. He’s like a cool type that is really great to make friends with, and his English is also great.
All in all, I’m very happy with all the casts here. I love their chemistry together and how they overcame each obstacle that they had together and calmly without a drama. Travelling is never without a hiccup, even more when you are together with people that you barely know their personalities. Throughout the journey together, they seem to build a beautiful bond and it’s just very heartwarming to see. Hopefully, they will still meet in the future, and hopefully they will always be happy and successful too!
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A Wholesome Trip of Emotional Growth
Travelling is really a test of patience when it comes to any relationship. Now putting together seven strangers in unfamiliar conditions in foreign countries and having them live and experience every single day together for 20+ days? That sounds chaotic. But let me tell you, the DHTR crew have gone through literal rain, hail, snow, and storms to bring to life a genuinely heart-warming show following the days of the 'Big Dipper Seven'.Besides the mesmerising views of both nature's and man-made beauty from each of Saudi Arabia, Croatia, and Iceland, the travel is made a thousand times more meaningful by the masterfully cast actors. I have never seen a group of people so harmonious, each of them with visible personal growth by the end of the show. You will find yourself comparing their chemistry to not just friendship, but to how a family should be. And not only is every person in the cast simply a joy, the editing, directing, music,.. are all too perfect. Anyone can tell how hard it must have been for the production crew to get such an incredible, meaningful result. It's only a variety show, but i dont think anything has ever so powerfully spoken to me like it did, being not just a fun ride of people who get along, but an eye-opening story of learning to be understanding of others and truthfully being yourself.
Anyone who chooses to watch this show of sunshine will truly be making one of the best choices they could make, coming from someone who usually doesn't watch other variety shows due to their scripted humor, but ended up loving the natural enjoyment from watching almost a 100 videos of content related to DHTR and would watch a life-long show following the cast. 10000/10
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First C-Reality TV show I’ve watched and it’s a good one
What I loved most was the chemistry of the cast. Everyone’s unique personality made the different trips interesting. Everyone pulled their weight and did their tour day well. Also, you can see how everyone got closer to each other towards the end which was heartwarming to witness. Prior to watching, I only knew Dilraba and Wang Anyu. Ended of being a fan of everyone, especially HXX!The interactions between the cast and foreigners were also cool to watch. Head over to watch Season 6 Ep0-1 for their finale as a cast.
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Hoa Dữ Thiếu Niên, nice to meet you. 再见!
Lời tạm biệt của Bắc Đẩu Thất Hành dành cho chuyến du lịch Hoa Thiếu mùa 5...Tần Hải Lộ: "Khi gặp lại mọi người sau này, tôi sẽ hỏi 'Bạn vẫn khỏe chứ?', 'Có nhớ đến tôi không?'"
Tần Lam: "Tôi cảm thấy Hoa Thiếu sẽ là chuyến hành trình luôn tiếp diễn. Kết thúc cũng chính là một khởi đầu mới."
Tân Chỉ Lôi: "Hoa Dữ Thiếu Niên, tôi... tạm biệt, không tạm biệt!"
Địch Lệ Nhiệt Ba: "Nhiều lúc tôi nghĩ mình đã đem đến phiền phức cho mọi người rồi, nhưng mọi người đều rất bao dung, quan tâm đến tôi. Chỉ muốn nói...tôi thật lòng cảm ơn mỗi một người vô cùng. Chỉ thế thôi."
Triệu Chiêu Nghi: "Mọi người nói 20 ngày có tính là ngắn không? Cũng không ngắn. Nhưng nói dài cũng không phải. Vì vậy, đối với khoảng thời gian này, thực ra tôi hy vọng nó có thể kéo dài hơn nữa."
Vương An Vũ: "Tôi hy vọng chúng ta vẫn sẽ có dịp ngồi cùng nhau giống thế này, uống chút rượu, xem TV, nói chuyện với nhau... That's it."
Hồ Tiên Hú: "Núi non không dời, nước xanh còn mãi. Sau này, chúng ta gặp lại!"
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Love it!!
All I know is I NEED a sister or BFF comedy starring Dilraba and QLan after this show. Their chemistry is wonderful and I love their developing friendship. Anyu is adorable, too, and I also really like Hailu. The way they have all become a family as they’ve spent more time together and learned to understand each other is so sweet. The initial panic over guide duties is hilarious, but everyone does a really good job when it’s their turn. This is a fantastic series! I’m going to be sad when it ends.Esta resenha foi útil para você?

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uncomplicated, unmasked, and simple happiness.
The scene of these 7 people getting together is just so sweet. You don't have to be perfect, you can make mistakes and no one will blame that on you. They encourage each other like a real family. You can see them unleashing together and becoming better versions of themselves by the end of the journey. Sunsets on the hilltop, chasing sunrises and auroras, making wishes under shooting stars when misunderstandings are dispelled ...... , everything was so romantic. I'll always remember the scene where they were dancing on the Jeep in the middle of the desert. The directing crew was great too. The words of the executive choreographer touched me deeply when the large group of over a hundred people escaped from the storm in the ice field at night and finally saw the sunrise. "We have finally escaped the darkness of the storm and now reach out to the horizon where the golden sunrise lies."Esta resenha foi útil para você?