Comforting but a little disjointed
This was pretty cliche but that didn't prevent it from being a really fun and comforting watch; this was one of those school-setting films that I absolutely love for its nostalgic factor. The romance was very innocent and heart-warming, combined with the coming-of-age element it was just a really feel-good watch.I do think there are some cuts that are confusing — it's as if important scenes where characters communicated were cut out and I had to fill in the blanks on my own (which is surprising considering that this movie has quite a hefty runtime for its genre).
The acting is a little stiff sometimes and in those moments this really feels like an idol movie (a movie where it feels like the primary reason for its making is to show off a singer's vocals instead of telling an actual story), but with that being said, the OST 100% holds up and the songs and vocals are impeccable.
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