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I have seen some scenes from this show so often that I don't even need the subtitles anymore.Not Me has a large ost of free-use music, and it's all very good. Most of the show is instrumentals of those songs, but they also use the full versions. Several of the songs made it onto my favorites playlist. The acting is well done. In fact, I loved Sean and White so much that it really threw me for a loop to find out those actors don't usually act for those types of roles. I actually don't like them in other things I've seen since Not Me, but I love love love them in Not Me. All the actors really brought their A game, and even though the show had a low production value, it doesn't feel like it. There's so much heart and drama and depth to every episode. P'Nuchy really managed to make something wonderful.
Two gripes: 1, the twin connection should have been used more.
2, I've seen this show multiple times, and I still can't tell you exactly how it all worked out okay in the end. Like, politically and corporately, it ended too neatly.
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My favorite vigilante gang ever
Going into this knowing it was thriller/romance, I already knew I would love it. But I wasn't prepared for how powerful the social message would be. In fact, I think this turned out to be more sociopolitical, and the thriller was kind of a side dish, but as someone who loves when there are stakes for the characters outside of themselves, it was perfect to see. It made the plot seem so much bigger than I expected without ever making it feel like the main characters were over-important or had plot armor.Character-wise, I absolutely loved SeanWhite together and as individuals — it was beautiful to watch them fall in love while dealing with the looming secret identity reveal and the stress of starting a social movement. They’re definitely the best part of the show.
The side characters were really fleshed out as well: Yok, Dan, Gram, Gumpa, and even the female characters were generally good additions to the cast.
The only character I might’ve wanted to see more of would’ve been Black, who not only had such a powerful on-screen presence thanks to Gun’s amazing acting but also was probably one of the best-written characters in the show and the perfect example of how “things unsaid” can be the most heart-wrenching things ever if the writers do it well.
Black’s best scenes were with White (once again, amazing acting) and then Todd — call it toxic but but the chemistry between them was absolutely palpable. Black/Gram was absolutely something I became invested in straightaway and I’m still sad the show went in a different direction. It’s not a deal-breaker (nothing was, considering how much I still ended up loving this show) but it’s a shame the red herring turned out to be more intriguing than the truth.
I think that’s why some people having been saying the thriller part was predictable, but I personally don’t completely agree. I don’t think it was the most twisted whodunnit, but once White joined the group (basically episode 2) it became clear that there would be so much more to the story.
Overall, such a great watch. I'm so satisfied by the ending and there are definitely scenes I'll go back to. Also — the theme song is so good, I didn't skip it ONCE.
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A MUST WATCH!This BL series has unlocked a new level of fujoshi in me. When I started this series, I was a bit skeptical but after watching the first episode, I was completely hooked.
I would start with the title significance. I admire the fact that the title is relevant and expressive to the story. This was obviously cherry on top for this brilliant series for me.
This is not just a piece of fiction, not to me at least. 'Not Me' has displayed a variety of issues like illegal workings of the judicial system, how crime and capitalism go hand in hand. This series took a deep dive into youngsters' mindset - how they see the world and in what way they want to change it.
Sure, romance is a recurring theme but it's not at the centre which gives this work of fiction a fresh and inspiring look.
The acting was commendable along with the visuals, ost and storyline. Sure, there were some loose ends (according to me) like the development of Yok and Dan's relationship. Their ending was cute but a little fuzzy.
The chemistry of characters especially with the twin trope was commendable as well. There were stark differences between Black and White that surprisingly fit well with their ideologies and personas.
All in all, you haven't watched BL if Not Me isn't on your list. I would definitely re-watch it and recommend to my fellow BL enthusiasts.
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The plot itself is great. The actual script, not so great.
It's actually nice to watch a Thai BL Serie that feels more mature, and not the typical "freshmen year BL" that ends up portraying characters like high-schoolers. In fact, the strongest point of this serie is the acting (also the soundtrack), by far.The plot itself is great. However, the actual writting (script) was far from perfect. Way too many political speeches that felt forzed (not by its content but because of its lenght and reiteration). Sometimes, all you need is 2 or 3 strong sentences to get the audience's attention, instead of a whole speech/debate in every single episode. Real changes comes with "actions", not with "words". I wish we could have seen more actions.
By the end of the serie you will be feeling conflicted. You will be feeling happyness, because the two main BL couples end up together, but you will also feel like something is missing... and there will be a lot of questions, simply because the writer forgot how real life works.
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Most of BL dramas today aren't exploring the other genres and stick to romance only. But this series, not only does it explore different genres, it also exceeds those genres beyond my expectation. The story never missed out its momentum. I finished this series in one-go. This is also not your typical kind of BL drama with too much kissing scenes and I love how they only include the kissing scenes on the NECESSARY PLOTS.Aside from the note-worthy story, the characters here are on-point. Usually in some dramas, I got distracted by characters who are insignificant to the storyline. But in this drama, all characters are very well-written and have sense to the story. Plus, the character development of everyone is very commendable. I would also like to praise the casts who portrayed their roles so well. What a setlist of great actors!
One of the top BL's, I would say! A must-watch and I would totally recommend this to other watchers.
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Yethhhh phenomenal
Okay seriously I am blown away by this my only issues are the end but maybe I missed some things and feel free to clue me in.First off things I loved in this drama are: the political shit, all the suppression and info about rights and the protesting and talk about freedom of expression and and inclusion about activist things going on in the world today that was sick. Second the art especially the graffiti and using the satire was amazing. There was so much thought and expression put into this it was awesome!
I wasn’t really a fan of the music.
The chemistry and Sean and White hellllooo! So I’m very happy to get to watch something where we don’t have this over used trope where the characters feel weird about their attraction to a male and then boom out of nowhere they just forget it. In fact they never even got stuck on it. They developed feelings like normal people do and obviously are down with the modern times and aren’t all weird about it and accept their bodies natural attractions and reactions, Yeth hormones and brain chemistry.
For the most part there was few scenes where I felt like were over done like the hospital scene with the special police unit idk man if we got armed police in the hospital ain’t no one walking around and staff being all nonchalant. And I just don’t really think one man Black can take a whole unit down but okay secret assassin Black.
Did I mention I hated the music that was over played?
Okay so I understand the Todd thing but what happen to the case the fact that they all kind of got busted and might be facing legal charges and what happen to Tawai did I miss something or was that just never addressed because this was on the realistic side.
I already miss this drama and I finished it ten mins ago
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En esta reseña quiero centrarme en dos aspectos: la crítica social y la historia en si.Lo que ha hecho quedarme en la serie es la crítica social , la leve y dulce crítica social, porque podría haber sido más dura, que si que hay que pensar que es una serie que se emite en televisión en Tailandia y tendrá que pasar unos controles ejecutivos para poder emitirse en la televisión y por ende no puede ser muy transgresora, pero no sé , ya que te vas a lanzar a la piscina e ir dando lecciones y mensajes morales , no me des mensajes generales y edulcorados y con poco tranfondo. Que el espectador que ve la serie se replantee el mundo que ve. Que no te digo que hay que ser como esta panda que todo lo solucionan transgrediendo la ley, ahí me ha gustado mucho el personaje de la Nuch, que quería transformar el mundo desde la legalidad. Ojo piojo, legalidad que depende del sitio la tienes o no, porque hay en sitios donde si vives en un regimen autocratico o de dudosa transparencia por mucho que se pongan en el nombre que si popular o democrático , no cambia que sean autocraticos y probablemente estados donde se produzcan serias violaciones de derechos fundamentales. Ya lo dice el dicho aunque la mona se vista de seda mona se queda.
En el dia a dia, hay que exigir rendición de cuentas (accountability) a nuestros gobernantes. Eso que esta tan de moda de calificar los restaurantes y que ultimamente esta ganando un peso tan importante en nuestra sociedad que da miedo que un día de estos pueda coartar nuestra libertad de movimiento debido a que no tenemos cierto status (con esto me estoy refieriendo al capitulo de Black Mirror donde segun la puntuación que tuvieras podrías acceder a ciertos lugares o podias hacer ciertas cosas.) Hay que ver las políticas publicas que estan realizando , si estas estan finalizadas , estan de camino o sin empezar , ver por donde van que cosas se estan haciendo bien y que cosas se estan haciendo mal . Hay que exigir a nuestros gobiernos el respeto de los derechos humanos, el cumplimiento de las leyes y el favorecimiento de ayudas del gobierno para poder entre todos construir una sociedad mas justa, tolerante y donde todos tengan cabida y tengan posibilidades de desarrollarse como personas. Es por ello que debemos de ser criticos con leer , moverse conocer gente, hacer barrio , ver cuales son las necesidades de la persona de al lado, cuales son sus preocupaciones y sus miedos , que no solo sea yo quien avanaza sino que la sociedad avance hacia el futuro. Exigir compromiso por parte de las instituciones y por parte de todos, que todos aportemos un granito de arena para poder realizar una gran montaña. Las grandes revoluciones comienzan de hechos pequeños no es necesario , realizar grandes actos, la teoria del domino o el efecto mariposa lo demuestran perfectamente. No hay que desear ser lideres carismaticos a veces la suma de pequeños actos puede cambiar las conciencias. Es por ello que es necesario , la educación, leer , tener espiritu critico y voluntad y deseo de cambio. Como digo en el titulo de la reseña quien no se mueve no siente las cadenas que le oprimen.
Para acabar este pequeño batiburrillo de ideas quiero dejar por escrito , si me estas leyendo que hay multiples luchas de colectivos discriminados y/o ignorados y que no deben de ser invisibilizadas en un gran saco. No es una lucha de clases del proletariado contra la burguesía, no es contra los debajo contra los de arriba como se quiere hacer ver en la serie, los poderosos contra el pueblo. Ese discurso es muy basico, hay transversalidad, Se puede ser proletario y ser racista, homofobo y machista. No es lo mismo la lucha contra el racismo, como la lucha feminista (por ejemplo en el propio feminismo hay muchas corrientes porque se pide cosas distintas en un feminismo liberal no vas a ver ni de lejos las mismas demandas que en un feminismo radical porque el primero omite ciertos colectivos del segundo que se encuentran representados). El ser humano tiene multiples identidades: puedes ser una mujer (ahí tienes una opresión que los hombres no tienen), lesbiana para entrar a tener menos privilegios y con alguna discapacidad para añadirle más al asunto pero puedes ser occidental, blanca y cis y ahí consigues unos privilegios nuestras caracterisicas nos definen como persona y hacen que luchemos por distintas cosas o que busquemos distintos intereses, es por ello que considero que es necesario no mezclar luchas, si bien hay ciertas luchas que se podrán apoyar como suele pasar con el feminismo y la lucha por los derechos de las personas LGTBIQ+ no podemos reducir el discurso a unos los de arriba contra los debajo, porque sino dentro de los de abajo , se volveran a las dinamicas de jerarquía y una ley de la selva donde aquel que sea mas fuerte es el que puede imponer su ley y su criterio.
Vuelvo a repetir antes de pasar a escribir lo que pienso de esta serie: es necesario , la educación, leer , tener espiritu critico y voluntad y deseo de cambio.QUIEN NO SE MUEVE NO SIENTE SUS CADENAS.
La serie no ha estado mal en sí, pero sinceramente, la conexión de gemelos esta comprobado cientificamente que no es como nos la han vendido en las peliculas y en las series, lo que haces a un gemelo no lo siente el otro , entonces esta 'conexion que tenian me ha hecho mucha gracia porque me ha parecido un poco exagerada.' Aparte que dicha conexión desaparece cuando el otro se va a Rusia, que pasa que el wifi o la conexión (jejeje que graciosa que soy) no llega bien y hasta que no vuelve a Tailandia no vuelve a sentir el vinculo con su hermano, no se Rick parece falso. Proseguimos , entiendo que por 'esa conexion' esta dispuesto a dejarlo todo y hacerse pasar por su hermano y meterse a una banda 'super chunga', SEÑORA QUE SON TRES CHAVALES DE UNIVERSIDAD y uno viejoven que parece que tiene complejo de maestro, no le va pasar nada a su hijo. Es mas , se ve que van a haber comadrerio , asi que por favor no me venga con ese plot tan simple.... Al principio el White ahi a lo Hannah Montana , viviendo su vida doble hasta que CHORPRECHA descubre la vieja confiable de muchos ricos NEPOTISMO, que te pensabas White, ¿te creiste el cuento de la meritocracia? AMIGA DATE CUENTA, no por mas esforzarte , vas a llegar mas lejos que el hijo del presidente, hay muchas veces que donde naces determina tu vida y sino mira los estudios que demuestran que si naces pobre lo mas probable es que mueras ,pobre . No me digas que te creiste a los falsos gurus de internet que te dicen que inviertas en sus empresas para que te conviertas en tu propio jefe, cuando lo que estan haciendo es estafarte. Entonces volvamos a la historia, el pavo descubre el NEPOTISMO y adios papa (ya no sabremos que le pasa los padres han sido un pegote ahí que podrían los escritores haber tirado del hilo o haber hecho algo mas creativo que lo que hicieron que para mi gusto ha sido un poco meh pero oye que no es lo peor que han hecho.Es lo voy a decir ahora). ME NIEGO CREER QUE NINGUNO DE LOS CUATRO HOMBRES DESDE EL MOMENTO UNO QUE ENTRA EL WHITE EN EL GARAJE SOSPECHEN QUE NO ES BLACK, QUE NO ES BUEN ACTOR , QUE SE LE NOTA INCOMODO , QUE SE LE NOTA QUE NO PEGA CON COLA EN ESE AMBIENTE (recuerdas la frase aunque la mona se vista de seda la mona se queda , pues ahí lo has visto). Que si que el del garaje HASTA DESPUES DE LO DEL INCENDIO NO SE DA CUENTA DE LO DE BLACK PERO NO SE BRO, yo dejo de ver un pavo tan lleno de si mismo y veo al White con su actitud y el miedo que parecía que tenía y no pienso que han tenido un cambio en tres días o un shock, pienso que pasa algo y sinceramente no le dejo de dar la tabarra hasta que me lo diga vaya es que no dejo ver mis partes mas secretas, o sea ¿hello?, ¿alguien pilotaba en ese garaje? Ya te digo yo que no.
Al principio de la serie me gustaba aunque fuese muy edulcorado que hicieran ciertas criticas pero es que en ese personaje Tiwi porque estaba involucrado en la muerte de Sean que se me hace muy triste y decepcionante. (por cierto me hace mucha gracia el momento alegato arriba los derechos LGTBIQ+ en una protesta contra el Tiwi que era un empresario monopolista, como si el pavo fuese homofobo. Vamos nunca lo dicen, el pavo podría ser super gay pero deciden hacer un alegato, porque no hay que olvidar que estas viendo un BL y pues mira que menos que apoyar los derechos LGTBIQ+ pero no se es que esa escena de la bandera fue muy patatas ). Si miras como al principio estan intentando crear ua revolución e involucrar a la gente para que luche por sus derechos que luche dentro de sus batallas, por ejemplo Yok buscando un mundo mas inclusivo para su madre. Me hubiera gustado que el hubiera ganado el juego del cocodrilo (por cierto QUE IDEAZA -ironía- vamos a dejar que un juego decida que lucha queremos hoy combatir y que probablemente debamos arriesgar nuestra vida por ella). Me gusto más la idea de Yok o al menos creo que hay mas acciones que se pueden hacer para intentar un cambio que lo que propone Graham que es cambiar el sistema juridico entero (cariño que yo soy jurista y me estoy preparando para entrar en el sistema juridico, sistema que si bien no creo en él, no soy tan ingenua de pensar que cuatro salvadores con complejo de heroe pueden cambiar las leyes , me hizo tanta gracia).
Me gusta que gracias a White descubren las redes sociales y su impacto y que CHORPRECHA no estan solos como se pensaban que hay gente que piensa como ellos, que la union hace la fuerza, y que no siempre hay que demandar un cambio haciendo algo ilegal que se puede cambiar desde dentro de los parametros, porque sino por muy mal que este lo que hacen ellos, lo tuyo tampoco se puede justificar. Pero ojo con esta idea porque es una potente arma de doble filo, y es que hay que recordar ninguna revolución ha comenzado sin utilizar violencia,porque por muy pacifistas que queramos ser , hay veces que la violencia es necesaria para salir del regimen de sumision.
No me ha gustado como han manejado las parejas excepto la principal, lo de las chicas si bien no las dejado como tontas y no me parece que han sido plots donde siempre los BL dejan a las mujeres como villanas o causadoras de traumas, mostrando los tintes de misoginia tampoco es que me hayan dicho mucho ha sido un meh.
El Todd desde la tercera quedada ,sospechas que ha sido él el que ha dejado asi Black entonces no hay un plot twist cuando descubres que fue el que le dio la paliza.
Me he quedado con las ganas de saber quien es el señor con el que se encuentra Dan cuando le secuestran , quiero pensar que es uno de los muchos magnates que hay en el mundo que mueve con su dinero para conseguir poder y tener carta blanca para poder hacer lo que quiera.
Me parecido bastante falso y apresurado como les han salvado del secuestro, me ven que esos pavos son malisimos y super peligrosos y luego los salvan unos manifestantes no me lo creo. Sino tio vete a latinoamerica donde hay tantos secuestros y pon varios manifestantes para salvar a todos los pobres secuestrados. O sea es que mas falso y apresurado no puede ser
Por ultimo porque me estoy cansando de escribir , no me ha gustado nada como han manejado la segunda pareja , es decir Dan y Yok. Me parecía interesante lo de UNAR, el artista callejero anonimo , que tenia semejanzas con Bansky y que porque el Yok se enamora y por ende se empera con este , conseguirá no solo dar con su identidad que luego ser su novio, SI HOMBRE VOY Y YO ME LO CREO. No se me parece que han dejado caer en cliches a un personaje interesante, porque claramente el debía ser el que disparo al padre de Sean y que luego es policia y que va a ser el que les traiciona por favor, NO MAS CLICHES.
Lo unico que voy a decir bueno y a favor de esta serie es SALGO ENAMORADA DEL PERSONAJE Y DEL ACTOR DE YOK, al final despues de que de la segunda mitad no hubiera mas 'criticas ' al sistema , me he quedado por ver el personaje de YOK porque su relación no me podía dar mas igual. De verdad enamoradisma del personaje y del actor.
P.D: Lo ultimo que quiero añadir es que espero que esta serie y su leve 'critica' es que haya despertado espiritus criticos no solo a sus espectadores sino tambien a los actores y productores, que no es una mera historia que hay gente que lucha, pelea y muere por una ideología. Como una cultura no es un disfraz, una lucha no debe ser una fuente de riqueza.
Con esto y un bizcocho primero de todo si te lo has leido hasta aquí, te mando un besito virtual y mucho apoyo y resistencia COMPAÑERX
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There’s an actual Plot!
This is one of the first Thai BLs I’ve watched thatActually had a meaningful story outside of the romantic relationships. Overall I tremendously enjoyed watching this and felt a lot.
The reason I can’t give this more than 8.5 is that some of the story really did not make a lot of sense at all and was incredibly frustrating for a bit towards the end, the series kind of lost me for a bit there.
However, they did manage to pick me back up and I enjoyed watching till the end.
All in all this was a really powerful series that made me feel some things. It is more on the serious side though so make sure you’re up for that.
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WOW!! Best BL!
This is the best BL I have watched so far. I pushed this BL to the side for a year. But I wish I watched it sooner. The story is so unique and interesting. I love the ending, it didn't leave me wishing there could of been more, which is hard to find in any BL. The acting was incredible, I couldn't skip one second of any of the episodes, each character was so interesting to watch. Defintley rewatching when I have time!! Plus I love the cast, watched many shows that the main cast were in, and the acting is great. I reccommend watching when you have time.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Not Me? Must See!
When I have the patience, nothing beats a good storyline that happens to have romance in it later.The twins premise is fascinating. The story and dialogue are solid. I love the characters and their flaws, and their emotions come right off the screen.
Without romance, it’s an interesting watch. With the romance, it’s even better. It happens naturally and gradually without bringing attention to it until it manifests.
That was the case in “Manner of Death” and “Tale of a Thousand Stars.” I’d say Not Me lies right in the middle of those two. Being a slower burn than MoD but quicker than ToaTS. It was just right.
If I had my own trope bingo card that checks all my favorite boxes, then this series does it, and does it well. The mistaken identity. The switching places. The pretending to be someone else. The enemies to lovers even if it’s unknowingly one-sided. Danger brings them closer. It’s all good.
And I can’t forget the side couple because they alone checked several more of my favorite boxes. Accidental savior. Intrigue at first sight. Artist bonding. Drawing each other. Secret identities. I have new respect for First because “The Eclipse” made me doubt his acting ability, but clearly it was that script. He shines in this side role.
By absolute accident, I ended up watching this right after Theory of Love. I had no idea Off and Gun were the leads in this too. But what a good change for them from that romcom. This really shows how well both of them can act, and it feels like their chemistry really evolved. I much prefer them in the realistic setting than the comedy. I have mad respect for them as actors.
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I can’t believe GMMTV can make BLs like this.Oh my goodness, this series is absolutely phenomenal! The way it fearlessly critiques the Thai government, especially with recent events in the Thai elections, is just awe-inspiring and deeply poignant!
The story of Black and White, these twins with such a powerful connection, is so captivating. Their separation after their parents' divorce, with White moving to Russia and Black staying in Thailand, adds such a heart-wrenching element. And when White returns after fifteen years and discovers Black's condition, I couldn't help but be on the edge of my seat!
The suspense of White disguising himself as Black to uncover the traitor among his friends Sean, Gram, or Yok is so intense! The dynamics between them are just so enthralling, especially when Sean starts to suspect that something isn't right.
Oh, and let's not forget Black's journey as a protester and his struggles with Todd. That breathtaking fighting scene at the pool, the same one as in KinnPorche, brings an extra touch of excitement! This hotel location has been used in many BLs since. I can't help but fantasize about a Black and Todd spin-off, but alas, it might remain a mere dream due to the OffGun shippers and GMMTV.
And Gawin's portrayal of Dan, the disillusioned cop turned graffiti artist, is nothing short of extraordinary! His slow-burn relationship with Yok, a passionate protester and devoted fan of Dan's art, is a symphony of emotions. Gawin's performance had me completely hooked and left me yearning for more of him. First come on my radar only to disappear with his pairing with Khaotung.
All the characters in this series have their own compelling reasons for becoming protesters against the government and influential figures. It's incredibly moving to see their determination and resilience in the face of adversity.
The message about gay marriage and LGBTQIA+ rights is so relevant and crucial, even if there might have been some censorship due to the Thai government. This series courageously speaks up and advocates for important issues!
Overall, I am utterly in awe of this series and all the depth and brilliance it showcases. It's a must-watch for anyone who craves powerful storytelling and meaningful themes. Bravo to the entire team behind this outstanding production!
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Wow. Just... wow.
I don't tend to give 10s out easily but I couldn't, in good conscience, give this show anything less. It was one of the best BLs I've seen to date and I'm so glad I came across it.At first, the serious tone of the show had me putting it off for a while, thinking I needed to be prepared emotionally before getting into it. However, even though it was a more serious and mature plot, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.
The story was intriguing and kept a steady pace of being interesting and exciting all the way through. I was afraid that it might get confusing when there are twins and hidden identities but it was super easy to follow and Gun did a phenomenal job at portraying the personality differences between Black and White; even when White is pretending to be Black.
In fact, the acting from the entire cast was great and I can't imagine anyone doing a better job in any role. There was a range of characters who were both good and bad in their own ways. It's nice to see a very human response from these shows where we are reminded that no one is perfect and, while we may have similar goals in mind, different people will act differently to achieve those goals.
As far as the music goes, I never really pay attention to soundtracks since it's always the same 2 songs throughout the series. This show, however, had an awesome and diverse soundtrack.. so much so that it was probably the first time I ever took notice of the music in a BL.
With a show like this where there are hidden identities and plot twists, it could either have a high rewatch value where the viewer wants to go back and see if they catch the foreshadowing or a very low rewatch value where the viewer is left feeling unsatisfied after investing all that time just to find out a cop-out ending.
Personally, I'm more the former in this situation because I feel like any and all revelations and occurrences were believable and only made the story better. That's a really hard thing to do when dealing with issues where there are so many opinions; not just among viewers but within the show itself and it's characters. Even if you don't agree with a characters method, you can still understand them and their motives. They even address that within the show by asking if the gang are vigilantes or heroes and it walks a fine line throughout. Some people might be put off by all the political talk but it is thought provoking and important, IMO.
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